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Helping Group Reflexivity During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Any Qualitative Examine associated with Multi-Vision Teams In-person and Online.
9%; 95% CI 47.6-63.8), this group included 20 patients (13.8%) diagnosed with cancer. There was a small positive correlation between focal FDG-uptake and the finding of ACRN at the same colonic segment at colonoscopy, which was statistically significant, rho = 0.2565,
 = .002. The findings changed patient management in 67 (46.2%) cases.

Incidental focal colorectal FDG uptake on PET/CT is associated with a high risk of ACRN and is affecting subsequent patient management. Further evaluation with colonoscopy is recommended when the patient is considered suitable for further treatment.
Incidental focal colorectal FDG uptake on PET/CT is associated with a high risk of ACRN and is affecting subsequent patient management. Further evaluation with colonoscopy is recommended when the patient is considered suitable for further treatment.Purpose This study aimed to compare the effects of combined training (CT) and multicomponent training (MT) on different health parameters in physically active women aged between 50 and 75 years. Method The participants were randomly divided into two training groups (CT and MT), lasting 180 min per week, for 14 consecutive weeks of training with the level of physical activity, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, strength, cardiorespiratory skills, coordination, flexibility, agility, and quality of life. Results Participants who underwent CT and MT training showed positive responses regarding the assessment of body mass, waist circumference, lower limb resistance and strength, upper limb strength, and mental domain related to the quality of life. However, only participants undergoing CT were able to increase agility and cardiorespiratory capacities. Conclusion 14 weeks of CT were more efficient to improve physical capacities in physically active women aged between 50 and 75 years when compared to MT.Context Measurements of the concentric hamstrings-quadriceps strength ratio (HcQc) are almost exclusively recorded in the upright, seated position (hip flexion 80-100°) on an isokinetic dynamometer at angular velocities ranging from 30°/s to 360°/s. Further, there is a scarcity of data examining HcQc ratio in females. Objective To compare the effects of hip-flexion position (0°, 45°, and 90°) and isokinetic velocity (60°/s, 180°/s, and 300°/s) on knee-extension and knee-flexion torques and the HcQc ratio of females. Design Single-session, repeated measures. Setting Biomechanics laboratory. Participants Twenty-seven healthy young female adults. Intervention Participants completed five repetitions of isokinetic, concentric knee-flexion and knee-extension at hip flexions of 0° (supine), 45° (midrange), and 90° (traditional), at 60°/s, 180°/s, and 300°/s. Main Outcome Measures Knee extension and flexion average peak torque (PT) and resultant HcQc ratios. Results Knee-extension average PT was significantly influenced by isokinetic velocity but hip-flexion position was not. Compared to 90°, knee-flexion average PT was significantly greater in the 45° and 0° hip positions, coupled with greater average PT decreases between 60°/s and 180°/s than between 180°/s and 300°/s. HcQc ratios in the 0° position were significantly greater than in the other positions and increased significantly as testing velocity increased. Conclusions Exclusively using a seated, upright position during knee isokinetic testing on females may misrepresent knee strength at more-functional hip positions. We recommend evaluating isokinetic knee strength using a supine position to better reflect hip positions during daily and sporting activities, throughout movement specific velocities.Objective This descriptive feasibility study aimed to assess dietary intake, sports nutrition knowledge, and nutrition information source in collegiate athletes. Participants Fourteen indoor volleyball female collegiate athletes from a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I university. Methods Participants completed a Nutrition for Sports Knowledge Questionnaire (NSKQ) once and dietary and body composition assessments over four time points. Results Pre-season mean energy and carbohydrate intake were lower than the American College of Sports Medicine Recommendations (25 ± 6.4 vs 37-41 kcal/kg BW/day and 3 ± 0.9 vs 6-10 g/kg BW/day; respectively). Off-season carbohydrate intake followed similar trends. The average score on the NSKQ was 45 ± 9.6% out of 100. Athletic trainers were identified as a top nutrition source followed by strength and conditioning coaches and nutritionists. Conclusion Female volleyball athletes have inadequate dietary intake and sports nutrition knowledge and may benefit from nutrition education and counseling by trained sports nutrition experts.Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at https// highly miniaturized planar monopole antenna is presented for biomedical applications. The proposed antenna utilizes polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with dielectric constant 2.7 and loss tangent 0.0314 with thickness 0.3 mm as substrate and with thickness 0.2 mm as superstrate. A copper foil of 0.03 mm thickness is used for radiating elements. The proposed structure contains a unique structure, made of loop-based structure with three rectangular-shaped stubs are added to tune the operating frequency to 5.8 GHz and to improve the reflection coefficient. The incorporation of stubs achieved the intended frequency of operation, utilization of the loop-based structure for designing the antenna achieved high miniaturization. The proposed antenna is analyzed under various conditions like under skin, muscle, stomach, small intestine,, colon etc., and comparative analysis is presented with the help of reflection coefficient, radiation patterns and specific absorption rate (SAR). SAR is evaluated over a volume of 1 g tissue as per the standards of Federal Communications Commission (FCC). SAR value of the antenna is below 1.6 W/kg for input power 1.9 mW. The simulated analysis showed that the designed antenna is suitable for both implantable and endoscopic applications. Moreover the simulated and measured analysis for reflection coefficient of the proposed antenna showed good agreement.Introductory anatomy and physiology courses are either taught as discipline-specific courses (human anatomy and human physiology) or integrated (combined human anatomy and physiology, A&P I and A&P II). This variation suggests there is no agreed upon pedagogical standard for teaching introductory anatomy and physiology. We surveyed undergraduate students enrolled in human anatomy, human physiology, A&P I, and A&P II to determine their course approach preference, either discipline-specific or an integrated A&P sequence, and the underlying reasons for their preference. The literature suggests that understanding students preferred learning environment influences learner satisfaction, level of achievement, and socioemotional adjustment in the classroom. Our qualitative analysis revealed students prefer an integrated A&P course approach to a discipline-specific sequence with "building on prior knowledge", "easier", and "increased understanding" emerging as the top reasons for their preferences. Our findings have implications for course design and curricular reform.The physiology of respiration is a challenging subject for many medical students. To assist students, we have developed an active learning game that physically places students within a model outlining the respiratory control pathway. Participants were provided with a vodcast describing the physiology of respiratory control and instructed to view this prior to the activity. Once in the classroom, groups of students sat at tables marked to represent components of the respiratory control pathway (e.g. apneustic center, diaphragm etc.). Tables were connected with green and red ropes indicating excitatory or inhibitory effects, respectively. Students were presented with various scenarios (e.g. diabetic ketoacidosis) and asked to predict and illustrate the scenario's effect on subsequent steps in the respiratory pathway by waving the appropriate connecting rope. The next table would continue the pattern in order to simulate the collective physiological adaptation of the respiratory pathway. 30 first-year medical students participated in this study. Following the activity, 25 out of the 30 participants completed an optional survey. The survey aimed to assess the benefits of adding this activity to our first-year medical curriculum in order to build a foundational understanding of the physiology of respiration. Responses were overwhelmingly favorable, and participants reported that playing the game significantly improved their perceived understanding of the physiology of respiratory control. All but one of the participants recommended using the activity in future classes. Because the small size of the study group may limit generalizability, future larger scale studies are planned.
Use of protective behavioral strategies (PBS) has been associated with reduced alcohol-related harms among college students. However, most of this research has been conducted among U.S. samples. The present study examines the use of PBS in an international context.

Participants (

1512) were recruited from universities in Spain (

298), Argentina (

439), and the U.S. (

775) to determine if there are differences in PBS use across countries and/or across sex. Further, we examined whether the association between PBS use and negative consequences differ across country and sex.

We found that U.S. students reported the most frequent use of Stopping/Limiting Drinking PBS (

3.32, SD
1.23) compared to Argentine (

2.89, SD
0.97) and Spanish (

2.83, SD
0.94) students. Argentine students reported the least frequent use of Serious Harm Reduction PBS (

4.57, SD
0.99) compared to U.S. (

5.09, SD
0.98) and Spanish (

5.03, SD
0.78) studentfferences we found, these findings have implications for the most promising PBS to target for college students in each country.2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) nanofiber films have high surface-to-volume ratio and show high dissolution rate of hydrophobic drugs. However, the solubility-enhancement effect of HPβCD films may not be enough to include an effective dose in a sublingually administrable film. Moreover, unmodified HPβCD films are very brittle and difficultly transported and/or handled. So, the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a plasticizer was suggested to improve their ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and solubilization of hydrophobic drugs. Accordingly, six nanofiber films were developed and characterized, using three molecular weights of PEG (400, 1500 and 6000 Da) with two concentrations each (1100 and 2100 PEGHPβCD), in addition to the unmodified HPβCD nanofibrous film. The results revealed that adding 1100 of PEG 400 increases the UTS (∼2-fold) and the average fiber diameter (AFD) (∼3-fold). Moreover, the addition of PEG 400 significantly increased the solubility of two hydrophobic model drugs; coumarin (up to 7.7-fold of the original solubility) and 2-nitroimidazole (up to 1.6-fold of the original solubility). However, with higher PEG concentration/molecular weight, both AFD and UTS of the films decreased. Linsitinib On the other hand, it was noted that the solubility of the two model drugs decreased upon using 1500-Da PEG, and then increased with 6000-Da PEG.
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