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Total well being along with individual pleasure using outpatient proper care right after coronary heart hair transplant in grown-up and also pediatric individuals * area for development?
ANCA-associated vasculitides refer to systemic small-vessel vasculitides. The paper shows the role of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in the development of immune inflammation of blood vessels and tissues. It considers the pathogenesis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis and presents the clinical and morphological manifestations of the diseases.The novel molecular subtype of breast cancer (BC), named "claudin-low", was described in 2007. It was characterized by the consistently low expression of genes involved in the formation of epithelial tight junctions in combination with the high activation of genes associated with the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, as well as tumor stem cell markers. The similar claudin- low subtype was later identified at the transcriptional level in bladder cancer, gastric cancer, and serous ovarian cancer. However, only in relation to BC, attempts were made to create a surrogate panel for immunohistochemical identification of this subtype in a manner like the intrinsic molecular BC subtypes identified using three main markers, such as ER, PR, and HER-2. At the same time, the ambiguity in the expression of claudins among the subtypes of BC, which is defined by various authors at the immunohistochemical level, as well as the absence of both the confirmed set of immunohistochemical criteria and a unified approach to their assessment, complicate these efforts. The purpose of the review is to show that the immunohistochemical identification of claudin-low subtype of BC is a separate problem that has significant limitations, needs standardization and has not yet reached diagnostic value.Congenital and acquired vascular abnormalities of the uterus are quite rarely, but they are given much attention in the scientific literature due to the risk of life-threatening bleeding. In the uterus, as in any other organs, malformations can involve vessels of any caliber and type. The review summarizes the materials by clinical characteristics, pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, morphological features and management tactics of patients with uterine arteriovenous malformations. Enhanced myometrial vascularity in the puerperium due to retained placental tissue are also considered. The issues of terminology and differential diagnosis of these conditions are discussed, which is important in connection with significantly different approaches to treatment.Postmortem studies are of great importance in evaluating the effectiveness of clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures aimed at combating a social disease, such as dyscirculatory encephalopathy, the leading causes of which are hypertension and atherosclerosis. The complexity of these studies is largely determined by a variety of brain changes with the frequent concurrence of hypertension and severe cerebral atherosclerosis and, at the same time, the similarity of some changes, for example, the localization and size of hypertensive and atherosclerotic lacunar infarcts. The paper describes a case of dyscirculatory encephalopathy with multiple small focal cerebral ischemic changes caused by both hypertension and athero-stenosis of several arteries in both the brain carotid systems and the vertebrobasilar system, namely tandem stenoses. It has been established that small infarcts in tandem stenosis can result from adaptive processes in the intracranial arteries. These infarcts have some features of localization, such as the areas of adjacent blood supply to the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum, as well as the deep regions of the brainstem. BMS-754807 molecular weight It is shown that arterial pathological changes in the ischemic zones permit one to make a differential diagnosis of hypertensive lacunar infarcts and the same infarcts arising in tandem stenoses. In addition, among the typological signs of hypertensive lacunar infarcts, there are enlarged perivascular spaces in the peri-infarct region and ischemic destruction of myelin in the periventricular regions of the brain.Primary melanocytic tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) are extremely rare and account for only 1% of all melanomas and 0.05% of primary brain tumors. In case of diffusely invasive lesions of the pia mater with a tumor of melanocytic origin (without signs of extracranial metastases), the tumors are classified as primary diffuse meningeal melanomatosis (PDMM). The latter is an extremely rare subtype of CNS malignant tumor with an incidence rate of 1 in 20 million people. Despite the development of neuroimaging techniques, today a morphological examination remains the main and most accurate method for verifying CNS melanocytic tumors. The paper describes a fatal case of PMMD manifested as epileptic syndrome, with a rapidly progressive course.Fabry disease is an X-linked progressive lysosomal disease caused by a mutation in the gene that encodes the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A and leads to the intracellular accumulation of globotriazylceramide (GL-3). Kidney damage manifested itself as microproteinuria and microalbuminuria, followed by renal failure, is fatal to a patient.
Fabry disease was diagnosed in 5 out of 600 cases of various kidney diseases, by using the 2014-2018 material. Light-optical, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopy methods were used to examine kidney biopsy specimens in Fabry disease.

The glomeruli clearly exhibited intralysosomal inclusions, myelin bodies, and fatty vacuoles in the cytoplasm of podocytes, the small processes of which were predominantly reduced. The mesangial space was expanded; the mesangiocytes were in the proliferation state; there were fatty vacuoles in the cytoplasm; the deposits of immune complexes located intramembranously and paramesangially were also found in all cases. An immunohistochemicalat immune mechanisms are involved in the development of this disease cannot be denied.
To retrospectively analyze the results of histological examination of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) biopsy specimens versus the diagnostic value of drugs manufactured by different procedures.

The investigators selected and analyzed the results of biopsy studies with the simultaneous production of two different types of tissue specimens (squashed native specimens, sections from the paraffin blocks) from the abdominal SAT biopsy specimens obtained from 118 patients. In each case, the tissue specimens were stained with Congo red and examined in polarized light, concurrently using the positive control. The criterion for amyloid was the ability of congophilic deposits to birefringence with a characteristic luminescence spectrum when examined in polarized light.

Compared to the sections from the paraffin blocks, the native specimens were shown to be of high diagnostic value. The advantages of different types of tissue samples made from SAT biopsy specimens were formulated.

The SAT biopsy specimens are characterized by the minimal risk to a patient and by the easy way of sampling and are a frequent subject for screening biopsies. In addition to the type of amyloid, the volume, quality, and method of processing the biopsy specimen are responsible for the diagnostic value of SAT examination. The study of squashed native specimens stained with Congo red is most informative when using polarized light.
The SAT biopsy specimens are characterized by the minimal risk to a patient and by the easy way of sampling and are a frequent subject for screening biopsies. In addition to the type of amyloid, the volume, quality, and method of processing the biopsy specimen are responsible for the diagnostic value of SAT examination. The study of squashed native specimens stained with Congo red is most informative when using polarized light.Despite the widespread occurrence of ischemic diseases of the lower extremities, including atherosclerosis and diseases with an autoimmune component of their pathogenesis, the pathohistological signs of damage and concomitant chronic ischemia, compensatory tissue responses as intracellular and cellular regeneration remain out of the field of vision in researchers.
To assess the signs of damage (the extent of necrosis and apoptosis, capillary density (CD)) and regeneration (the cross-sectional muscle fiber area (CSMFA), the proportion of centrinucleated muscle fibers (CNMFs), and that of connective tissue), by using the gastrocnemius medial head biopsy specimens obtained from patients with heterogeneous forms of chronic lower limb obliterating diseases (CLLODs).

The investigation included the biopsy specimens obtained from 44 men under 65 years of age (their mean age was 54±9.8 years) with Stage IIB-IV chronic limb ischemia (according to the A.V. Pokrovsky-Fontaine classification) with its history of at leamay suggest the universal mechanism for damage to striated muscle tissue because of circulatory hypoxia, regardless of its etiology and the common character of tissue compensatory-adaptive responses (regeneration).
Hypothyroidism is a very common disease that requires life-long treatment. In our study, we analyze the quality of the YouTube videos concerning hypothyroidism as a "source of health information" for the patients, and the (possible) correlation between video quality and video popularity.

We included 96 YouTube videos obtained by using the following search terms "hypothyroidism", "Hashimoto's disease", "thyroid insufficiency", and "low thyroid hormone". We evaluated video quality by using the DISCERN criteria, and video popularity by using the Video Power Index.

The mean DISCERN score for both raters was 1.995, indicating poor YouTube videos' quality. Sixty-eight videos achieved a high score in the video power index (VPI). The mean popularity score for videos with misleading information was higher than the mean score for all evaluated videos.

The overall quality of YouTube videos regarding hypothyroidism was poor. Videos frequently lack the source of information presented. Besides, content is often incomplete, and sometimes includes misleading statements. Physicians dealing with hypothyroid patients should be aware of the possibility that information and instruction they give to patients could be "modulated" by the availability of both low quality and popular alternative "sources of medical knowledge".
The overall quality of YouTube videos regarding hypothyroidism was poor. Videos frequently lack the source of information presented. Besides, content is often incomplete, and sometimes includes misleading statements. Physicians dealing with hypothyroid patients should be aware of the possibility that information and instruction they give to patients could be "modulated" by the availability of both low quality and popular alternative "sources of medical knowledge".Infertility is an important health problem affecting about 16% of couples worldwide and male infertility is responsible for about 50% of the cases. Among the causes, sexually transmittable infections (STI) are widely accepted by researchers as etiological factors of male infertility and their incidence is growing. In detail, several reports documented the presence of HPV in semen from infertile patients. In these cases, HPV DNA was bound to the sperm surface and played a role in the infertility by affecting many sperm parameters. Despite a safe and highly effective vaccine is currently available to prevent HPV infection, there are still no effective treatments to completely clear the virus. However, recent studies highlighted that HPV vaccination can be an effective tool to counteract HPV seminal infection even in already infected patients. In fact, it seems able to reduce the viral time to clearance and the relapse of infection in males with persistence of HPV in semen. In this review, we aimed to explore, in a narrative way, currently available literature about HPV infection of male genital tract and the mechanisms by which HPV virions may alter sperm parameters and, therefore, male fertility, both natural and assisted.
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