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Using high-throughput multi-omics info to research structural equilibrium throughout fundamental gene regulating network elements.
Higher education should expand supporting student veterans by having a VRC to help them successfully transition to college life; this would ultimately improve retention and graduation rates.
To explore the associations between the consumption of three categories of ultra-processed food (sugary beverages, sweet, and salty snacks) and body mass index (BMI) among Chilean university students.

We conducted a multi-center, descriptive study among 2,039 students from 6 Chilean universities. Food consumption was surveyed using a validate food survey. That height and body weight were objectively measured to calculate BMI for determining weight status, and also, tobacco use and physical activity were measured.

An intake equal to or higher than 1 serving of sugary beverage a day was associated with greater odds of obesity in university students (OR1.32 [95% CI 1.00, 1.74]), 2 servings/day (OR 1.30 [95% CI 1.04, 1.50]), and 3 servings/day (OR 1.39 [95% CI 1.05, 1.80]). Neither consumption of sweet nor salty snacks (≥1 servings/day) related to differential odds of obesity (OR 0.83 [95% CI 0.42, 1.64]) and (OR 1.79 [95% CI 0.93, 3.41]), respectively.

In a sample of Chilean university students, consumption of sugary beverages, and not consumption of sweet or salty snacks, was associated with obesity.
In a sample of Chilean university students, consumption of sugary beverages, and not consumption of sweet or salty snacks, was associated with obesity.
A racially diverse sample of 350 undergraduate students was utilized.

Participants completed online, self-report questionnaires on lifetime traumatic experiences, suicidal behaviors, and perceived social support.

The experience of IPT was significantly associated with suicidal behavior (
 < .001), and social support significantly moderated this relationship,
(3, 343) = 36.85,
 < .001,

= .02,
 = .008. IPT survivors with greater levels of perceived social support reported less suicidal behavior compared to IPT survivors with low levels of perceived social support.

Suicide prevention efforts may be improved through the development of trauma-focused interventions devised to enhance perceptions of social support among college students experiencing IPT.
Suicide prevention efforts may be improved through the development of trauma-focused interventions devised to enhance perceptions of social support among college students experiencing IPT.
Compare different strategies for measuring perceived peer alcohol use within network research.

College students (N = 309).

Collected demographic, personal alcohol use, and egocentric network data. Hierarchical linear regression analyses predicted egos' drinking behavior (AUDIT-C scores).

Egos' perceptions of nominated peers' binge-drinking frequency explained a significant portion of variance in egos' AUDIT-C scores, over and above perceptions of nominated peers' frequency/typical quantity of alcohol consumption and important demographic covariates. Using more than three items to assess perceived peer alcohol use did not offer statistically significant improvements and may add unnecessary response burden.

Utilizing the three-item approach (i.e., frequency, quantity, binge-drinking frequency) to assess perceived peer drinking explained more variance in egos' AUDIT-C scores, as opposed to one- and two-item assessments. Implementing this three-item assessment in egocentric network research can enhance programming efforts targeting reductions in binge drinking among college students within social contexts.
Utilizing the three-item approach (i.e., frequency, quantity, binge-drinking frequency) to assess perceived peer drinking explained more variance in egos' AUDIT-C scores, as opposed to one- and two-item assessments. Implementing this three-item assessment in egocentric network research can enhance programming efforts targeting reductions in binge drinking among college students within social contexts.Objective Emotional eating is prevalent among college women. Deficits in interoceptive awareness, or the ability to perceive and identify internal sensations, are associated with emotional eating. Separately examining the specific components of interoceptive awareness, appetite and emotional awareness, in relation to emotional eating may improve prevention and treatment of emotional eating in college women.Participants 143 women at an urban Northeastern university.Methods This was a cross-sectional study using self-report measures of interoceptive awareness, appetite and emotional awareness, emotional eating, and depression. Simultaneous regression analyses examined the independent association of appetite and emotional awareness with emotional eating, controlling for depression.Results Consistent with hypotheses, lower interoceptive awareness was associated with higher emotional eating. Appetite and emotional awareness, were each uniquely associated with emotional eating independent of depression, even when entered simultaneously.Conclusions Future prevention and treatment of emotional eating in college women should target improvements in appetite and emotional awareness.Risk attitudes are of interest to researchers in many fields as they play a crucial role in our day-to-day decision-making. In this paper we develop a measure of risk attitudes-the Multi-Domain Risk Tolerance (MDRT) scale-that addresses some key shortcomings of popular self-report scales, such as the Domain-Specific Risk-Taking (DOSPERT) scale. We do this by clearly aligning the risk in the items with the particular domain of risk, reducing item ambiguity, and reducing the impact of prior knowledge. We developed the MDRT using an Exploratory Graph Analysis (EGA) and Item Response Theory (IRT) approach with a community sample (N = 921). We examined its construct and convergent validity (N = 493) and construct generalizability (N = 487). We found that the MDRT had excellent internal consistency, dimensionality and latent factor structure. The MDRT also demonstrated significant convergent validity with related scales used in the literature. The MDRT is shown to be a promising alternative measure of risk attitudes.Down Syndrome (DS) is one of the most prevalent chromosomal abnormalities world-wide, affecting 1 in 700 live births. Although multiple organ systems are affected by the chromosomal defects, respiratory failure and lung disease are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality observed in DS. Manifestations of DS in the respiratory system encompass the entire lung starting from the nasopharynx, trachea/upper airways to the lower airways and alveolar spaces, as well as vascular and lymphatic defects. Most of our knowledge on respiratory illness in persons with DS arises from pediatric studies, however many of these disorders present early in infancy supporting developmental mechanisms. In this review we will focus on the different lung phenotypes in DS, as well as the genetic and molecular pathways that may be contributing to these complications during development.Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was explored as a method of monitoring oxygen (O) concentration in electrolytic reduction salt of pyroprocessing. Simulated salt samples were fabricated, and each sample was put in a transparent and sealed vial filled with argon gas. An NdYAG laser pulse was applied to the sample through the vial surface, and the optical emission spectrum was measured. O(I) 777.2 nm lines were clearly identified in the spectrum of a sample containing Li2O, and the intensity of the O peak and the intensity ratio of O and lithium (Li) peaks, in which Li was used as the normalization, increased linearly as the O concentration in the salt sample was increased. The limit of detection and root mean square error were calculated for the cases of O peak area, O peak height, peak area ratio of O-Li, and the peak height ratio of O-Li, and all the cases could indicate that the O concentration in the electrolytic reduction salt was out of normal range. Our result shows that LIBS has the possibility to be used as a method for monitoring of O in electrolytic reduction salt.Pre-existing immune responses towards adenoviral vector limit the use of a vector based on particular serotypes and its clinical applicability for gene therapy and/or vaccination. Therefore, there is a significant interest to vectorize novel adenoviral types that have low seroprevalence in the human population. find more Here, we describe the discovery and vectorization of a chimeric human adenovirus, which we call HAdV-20-42-42. Full genome sequencing revealed that this virus is closely related to human serotype 42, except for the penton-base which is derived from serotype 20. The HAdV-20-42-42 vector could be propagated stably to high titers on existing E1-complementing packaging cell lines. Receptor binding studies revealed that the vector utilized both CAR and CD46 as receptors for cell entry. Furthermore, the HAdV-20-42-42 vector was potent in transducing human and murine cardiovascular cells and tissues, irrespective of the presence of blood coagulation factor X. In vivo characterizations demonstrate that when de vectorized a novel adenovirus type candidate with low seroprevalence. The cell transduction data and antigen-specific immune responses induced in vivo demonstrate that this vector is highly promising for the development of gene therapy and vaccine products.H5N1, an avian influenza virus, is known to circulate in many Asian countries like Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. The current FDA-approved H5N1 vaccine has a moderate level of efficacy. A safe and effective vaccine is needed to prevent the outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in humans. Non-segmented negative-sense single-stranded viruses (NNSVs) are widely used as a vector to develop vaccines for humans, animals, and poultry. NNSVs stably express foreign genes without integrating with the host genome. J Paramyxovirus (JPV) is a non-segmented negative-strand RNA virus and a member of the proposed genus Jeilongvirus in the family Paramyxoviridae. JPV-specific antibodies have been detected in rodents, bats, humans, and pigs, but the virus is not associated with disease in any species other than mice. JPV replicates in the respiratory tract of mice and efficiently expresses the virus-vectored foreign genes in tissue culture cells. In this work, we explored JPV as a vector for developing an H5N1 vaccine using intranasal delivery. We incorporated hemagglutinin (HA) of H5N1 into the JPV genome by replacing the small hydrophobic (SH) gene to generate a recombinant JPV expressing HA (rJPV-ΔSH-H5). A single intranasal administration of rJPV-ΔSH-H5 protected mice from a lethal HPAI H5N1 challenge. Intranasal vaccination of rJPV-ΔSH-H5 in rhesus macaques elicited antigen-specific humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. This work demonstrates that JPV is a promising vaccine vector. IMPORTANCE HPAI H5N1 outbreak in Southeast Asia destroyed millions of birds. Transmission of H5N1 into humans resulted in deaths in many countries. In this work, we developed a novel H5N1 vaccine candidate using JPV as a vector and demonstrated that JPV is an efficacious vaccine vector in animals. NNSVs stably express foreign genes without integrating into the host genome. JPV, an NNSV, replicates efficiently in the respiratory tract and induces robust immune responses.
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