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Modern radiotherapy indications in the COVID-19 pandemic plus upcoming intricate logistic adjustments: your NORMALITY product.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection can cause various cancers and can be prevented through vaccination. The American Cancer Society (ACS) has set an HPV vaccination completion target in 13-year-old children to 80% by 2026. While HPV vaccine coverage (proportion ever vaccinated) estimates are available, annual uptakes (proportion initiating vaccine in a year) in the United States (U.S.) are not well-known.

We analyzed MarketScan® claims database to assess HPV vaccination uptakes in the U.S. among the 9- to 26-year-olds in 2006-2016. The annual uptake was the ratio of the number of enrollees who had a first record of an HPV vaccine during the year, and the number of enrollees of similar age and sex that year.

Uptake was below 1% among children turning 9 and 10 years old during the year. Since 2009 among female and since 2013 among males, the annual uptake has been the highest in those turning 13 years old (19.7% among females and 17.6% among males in 2016). Catch-up vaccination among older adolescents and young adults increased after Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations, but eventually slowed down as more younger persons were vaccinated. Most young adolescents were vaccinated by pediatricians, whereas young adult women were predominantly vaccinated by obstetricians/gynecologists and young adult males by family physicians. While only about half of the adolescents had well-check visits, the majority of those who initiated HPV vaccination had one the same year.

Continued increase in uptake is needed to reach the ACS 2026 goals.
Continued increase in uptake is needed to reach the ACS 2026 goals.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are a public health problem, especially for reproductive-age women. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and trend of STIs during 11 years in Tunisia (2007-17).

We conducted a descriptive study including all women with curable STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis) diagnosed with the syndromic approach in all basic health care centers of the Governorate of Monastir (Tunisia) from 2007 to 2017. Syndromes included, Pelvic Pain (PP), Vaginal Discharge (VD) and Genital Ulceration (GU).

We analyzed 40,388 episodes of curable STIs with a crude incidence rate and age standardized incidence rate of 1393 (95% Confidence Interval (CI); 1348-1438) / 100,000 Person Year (PY) and 1328 (95%CI; 1284-1372) /100,000 PY respectively. The incidence rate showed a positive trend over 11 years for all age groups and syndromes. VD was the most common syndrome with a crude incidence rate of 1170/100,000 PY. For all syndromes, women aged 20 to 39 were the most affected age group (p < 0.001).

In conclusion, the incidence rate of STIs episodes among women diagnosed with the syndromic approach was high, consistent with the global evidence. Focusing on reviewing STIs surveillance system in low and middle-income countries could allow the achievement of the ending of STIs epidemics by 2030.
In conclusion, the incidence rate of STIs episodes among women diagnosed with the syndromic approach was high, consistent with the global evidence. Focusing on reviewing STIs surveillance system in low and middle-income countries could allow the achievement of the ending of STIs epidemics by 2030.
Acromial anatomy has been found to be correlated with degenerative full-thickness rotator cuff tears in current studies. However, research on the relationship between acromial anatomy and articular-sided partial thickness of rotator cuff tears (PTRCTs) is still lacking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether these imaging graphic parameters exhibit any association between acromial anatomy and degenerative articular-sided PTRCTs.

Between January 2016 and December 2018, a total of 91 patients without a history of trauma underwent arthroscopy as an articular-sided PTRCT group. In the control group, with age- and sex-matched patients, we selected 91 consecutive outpatient patients who underwent shoulder magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) because of shoulder pain and an MRI diagnosis of only synovial hyperplasia and effusion. MRI was used to measure the acromial type, acromiohumeral distance (AHD), lateral acromial angle (LAA), acromion index (AI), and critical shoulder angle (CSA) by 2 independent observers.

The acromion type, AHD and LAA showed no difference between degenerative articular-sided PTRCTs and controls (P = 0.532, 0.277, and 0.108, respectively). AI and CSA were significantly higher in degenerative articular-sided PTRCTs (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively). A good correlation was found between AI and CSA to measurement(Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.631).

Our study revealed that higher AI and CSA were found in degenerative articular-sided PTRCTs. Acromial anatomy with a large acromial extension was associated with the occurrence of degenerative articular-sided PTRCTs.
Our study revealed that higher AI and CSA were found in degenerative articular-sided PTRCTs. Acromial anatomy with a large acromial extension was associated with the occurrence of degenerative articular-sided PTRCTs.
The evaluation of treatment outcomes is important for service providers to assess if there is improvement or not. The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) was developed for thisuse in child and adolescent mental health services. Outcome measurement in routine mental health services is limited. This paper evaluates the psychometric properties of the self and clinician rated versions of the HoNOSCA for routine use in child and adolescent mental health services in Kenya.

Using a prospective design, the clinician- and self-rated versions of the HoNOSCA and the Paediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) were administered at the Youth Centre at the Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi. AZD8186 Initial ratings were obtained from adolescents 12-17 years (n = 201). A sample of 98 paired ratings with 2 follow-ups were examined for measurement of change over time.

Our findings showed good reliability with the self-rated version of the HoNOSCA score, correlating well with the self-reported version of the PSC (r = .74, p < .001). Both versions correlated well at follow-up and were sensitive to change. Using factor analysis, the maximum likelihood factoring and Promax rotation resulted in a four-factor structure, which with a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy of 0.8 explained 54.74% of total variance.

The HoNOSCA appears to be of value, and easy to use in routine settings. Our findings suggest further investigation with a larger sample.
The HoNOSCA appears to be of value, and easy to use in routine settings. Our findings suggest further investigation with a larger sample.
In people with intellectual disability (ID) and challenging behaviour, antipsychotics (AP) are often used off-label and for a long period. Despite a lack of evidence for efficacy for challenging behaviour and concerns about common and clinically relevant side effects, complete withdrawal often fails. We postulate three possible hypotheses for withdrawal failure 1. Influence of subjective interpretation of behavioural symptoms by caregivers and family; 2. Beneficial effects from AP treatment on undiagnosed psychiatric illness, through improvement in sleep or a direct effect on behaviour; and 3. Misinterpretation of withdrawal symptoms as a recurrence of challenging behaviour.

To investigate our hypotheses, we have designed a multicentre double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial in which AP (pipamperone or risperidone) are withdrawn. In the withdrawal group, the AP dose is reduced by 25% every 4 weeks and in the control group the dose remains unaltered. Behaviour, sleep, psychiatric disorders, withdrnational policy drive to reduce prescription of AP in people with ID and challenging behaviour on the other hand.

This trial is registered in the Netherlands Trial Register (NTR 7232) on October 6, 2018 ( ).
This trial is registered in the Netherlands Trial Register (NTR 7232) on October 6, 2018 ( ).
To evaluate global burden of refraction disorders by year, age, region, gender, socioeconomic status and other national characteristics in terms of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) and prevalence from Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study 2019 and World Bank Open Data2019.

Global, regional, and national DALY numbers, crude DALY rates, age-standardized DALY and prevalence rates of refraction disorders were acquired from the GBD study 2019. Mobile cellular subscriptions, urban population, GDP per capita, access to electricity and total fertility rate were obtained from the World Bank to explore the factors that influenced the health burden of refraction disorders. Kruskal-Wallis test, linear regression and multiple linear regression were performed to evaluate the associations between the health burden with socioeconomic levels and other national characteristics. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was used to investigate the gender disparity.

Globally, age-standardized DALY rates of refraction disorders decreainue to alleviate in the next three decades. Older ages, females and lower socioeconomic status were associated with higher refraction disorders health burden.
To Explore the perioperative application of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and negative-pressure wound therapy in the elderly patients with colorectal cancer.

A retrospective clinical data were studied in the patients with colorectal cancer in Department of General Surgery in Shanghai Fourth People,s Hospital (from March, 2017 to March, 2019), One hundred and fifty patients with undergoing radical surgery for colorectal cancer were divided into two groups ERAS group (n = 76 cases, accepting ERAS management) and Conventional treatment(CT) group (n = 74 cases, accepting traditional treatment), Bleeding in operation, the time of postoperative anal flatus, number of wound dressing changing, time of wound healing, the length of postoperative hospital stay, readmission rate, postoperative complication, were compared between the two groups.

ERAS was associated with less bleeding in operation, less Wound fat liquefaction, less wound dressing changing, less time of wound healing, less time of postoperative anal flatus compare to CT group (P < 0.05); anastomotic fistula, readmission rate is similar in two groups (P > 0.05).

The modified ERAS can be safely applied to the perioperative period of elderly colorectal cancer patients and promote recovery; negative-pressure wound therapy is helpful for wound healing and promoting rehabilitation.
The modified ERAS can be safely applied to the perioperative period of elderly colorectal cancer patients and promote recovery; negative-pressure wound therapy is helpful for wound healing and promoting rehabilitation.
Sustaining an effective evidence-based health intervention will maximize its impact on public health. Political and governmental reforms impacted on immunization program sustainability both positively and negatively. This study aims to explore the sustainability of polio immunization in a decentralized health system taking lessons learned from a polio eradication initiative in Indonesia.

We collected qualitative data through in-depth interviews with 27 key informants from various backgrounds at district, provincial, and national levels, consisting of frontline workers, managers, and Non-government Organizations (NGOs). We conducted thematic analysis and triangulated using document reviews. We also conducted member checking and peer debriefing to ensure trustworthiness.

Competing priority was identified as the significant challenge to sustain government commitment for polio immunization and AFP surveillance during the transition toward a decentralized health system. Variation of local government capacities has also affected immunization delivery and commitment at the sub-national level government.
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