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COVID-19 Related Wake-Up Stroke Given DWI/FLAIR Mismatch Guided Medication Alteplase: A Case Report.
Finally, we conduct some experiments on various real-world datasets to demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve the state-of-the-art classification performance among similarity-based learning methods. In addition, we further verify the effectiveness of our method in concept discovery on the MNIST dataset.This article mainly focuses on the problem of synchronization in finite and fixed time for fully complex-variable delayed neural networks involving discontinuous activations and time-varying delays without dividing the original complex-variable neural networks into two subsystems in the real domain. To avoid the separation method, a complex-valued sign function is proposed and its properties are established. By means of the introduced sign function, two discontinuous control strategies are developed under the quadratic norm and a new norm based on absolute values of real and imaginary parts. By applying nonsmooth analysis and some novel inequality techniques in the complex field, several synchronization criteria and the estimates of the settling time are derived. In particular, under the new norm framework, a unified control strategy is designed and it is revealed that a parameter value in the controller completely decides the networks are synchronized whether in finite time or in fixed time. Finally, some numerical results for an example are provided to support the established theoretical results.This article is concerned with a distributed state estimation problem over sensor networks. The communication links of the sensor networks are subject to bounded time-varying transmission delays. A distributed Kalman filtering algorithm is designed to estimate the state based on a Kalman consensus filtering algorithm. Moreover, sufficient conditions are derived for convergence on estimation errors and the boundedness of error covariances, respectively. Finally, the effectiveness of the designed algorithm is validated by a simulation example.Non-negative Tucker decomposition (NTD) is one of the most popular techniques for tensor data representation. To enhance the representation ability of NTD by multiple intrinsic cues, that is, manifold structure and supervisory information, in this article, we propose a generalized graph regularized NTD (GNTD) framework for tensor data representation. We first develop the unsupervised GNTD (UGNTD) method by constructing the nearest neighbor graph to maintain the intrinsic manifold structure of tensor data. Then, when limited must-link and cannot-link constraints are given, unlike most existing semisupervised learning methods that only use the pregiven supervisory information, we propagate the constraints through the entire dataset and then build a semisupervised graph weight matrix by which we can formulate the semisupervised GNTD (SGNTD). Moreover, we develop a fast and efficient alternating proximal gradient-based algorithm to solve the optimization problem and show its convergence and correctness. The experimental results on unsupervised and semisupervised clustering tasks using four image datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and high efficiency of the proposed methods.Recent image-generation methods have demonstrated that realistic images can be produced from captions. Despite the promising results achieved, existing caption-based generation methods confront a dilemma. On the one hand, the image generator should be provided with sufficient details for realistic hallucination, meaning that longer sentences with rich content are preferred, but on the other hand, the generator is meanwhile fragile to long sentences due to their complex semantics and syntax like long-range dependencies and the combinatorial explosion of object visual features. Toward alleviating this dilemma, a novel approach is proposed in this article to hallucinate images from attribute pairs, which can be extracted from natural language processing (NLP) toolsets in the presence of complex semantics and syntax. Attribute pairs, therefore, enable our image generator to tackle long sentences handily and alleviate the combinatorial explosion, and at the same time, allow us to enlarge the training dataset and to produce hallucinations from randomly combined attribute pairs at ease. Experiments on widely used datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach yields results superior to the state of the art.How to transform a mixed flow of sensory and motor information into memory state of self-location and to build map representations of the environment are central questions in the navigation research. Studies in neuroscience have shown that place cells in the hippocampus of the rodent brains form dynamic cognitive representations of locations in the environment. selleck inhibitor We propose a neural-network model called sensory-motor integration network model (SeMINet) to learn cognitive map representations by integrating sensory and motor information while an agent is exploring a virtual environment. This biologically inspired model consists of a deep neural network representing visual features of the environment, a recurrent network of place units encoding spatial information by sensorimotor integration, and a secondary network to decode the locations of the agent from spatial representations. The recurrent connections between the place units sustain an activity bump in the network without the need of sensory inputs, and the asymmetry in the connections propagates the activity bump in the network, forming a dynamic memory state which matches the motion of the agent. A competitive learning process establishes the association between the sensory representations and the memory state of the place units, and is able to correct the cumulative path-integration errors. The simulation results demonstrate that the network forms neural codes that convey location information of the agent independent of its head direction. The decoding network reliably predicts the location even when the movement is subject to noise. The proposed SeMINet thus provides a brain-inspired neural-network model for
obreak cognitive map updated by both self-motion cues and visual cues.This article investigates a robust guaranteed cost finite-time control for coupled neural networks with parametric uncertainties. The parameter uncertainties are assumed to be time-varying norm bounded, which appears on the system state and input matrices. The robust guaranteed cost control laws presented in this article include both continuous feedback controllers and intermittent feedback controllers, which were rarely found in the literature. The proposed guaranteed cost finite-time control is designed in terms of a set of linear-matrix inequalities (LMIs) to steer the coupled neural networks to achieve finite-time synchronization with an upper bound of a guaranteed cost function. Furthermore, open-loop optimization problems are formulated to minimize the upper bound of the quadratic cost function and convergence time, it can obtain the optimal guaranteed cost periodically intermittent and continuous feedback control parameters. Finally, the proposed guaranteed cost periodically intermittent and continuous feedback control schemes are verified by simulations.Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) aims to apply the best available evidence gained from scientific methods to clinical decision making. A generally accepted criterion to formulate evidence is to use the PICO framework, where PICO stands for Problem/Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome. Automatic extraction of PICO-related sentences from medical literature is crucial to the success of many EBM applications. In this work, we present our Aceso system, which automatically generates PICO-based evidence summaries from medical literature. In Aceso 1, we adopt an active learning paradigm, which helps to minimize the cost of manual labeling and to optimize the quality of summarization with limited labeled data. An UMLS2Vec model is proposed to learn a vector representation of medical concepts in UMLS 2, and we fuse the embedding of medical knowledge with textual features in summarization. The evaluation shows that our approach is better on identifying PICO sentences against state-of-the-art studies and outperforms baseline methods on producing high-quality evidence summaries.The material attribute of an object's surface is critical to enable robots to perform dexterous manipulations or actively interact with their surrounding objects. Tactile sensing has shown great advantages in capturing material properties of an object's surface. However, the conventional classification method based on tactile information may not be suitable to estimate or infer material properties, particularly during interacting with unfamiliar objects in unstructured environments. Moreover, it is difficult to intuitively obtain material properties from tactile data as the tactile signals about material properties are typically dynamic time sequences. In this article, a visual-tactile cross-modal learning framework is proposed for robotic material perception. In particular, we address visual-tactile cross-modal learning in the lifelong learning setting, which is beneficial to incrementally improve the ability of robotic cross-modal material perception. To this end, we proposed a novel lifelong cross-modal learning model. Experimental results on the three publicly available data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Modeling image sets or videos as linear subspaces is quite popular for classification problems in machine learning. However, affine subspace modeling has not been explored much. In this article, we address the image sets classification problem by modeling them as affine subspaces. Affine subspaces are linear subspaces shifted from origin by an offset. The collection of the same dimensional affine subspaces of RD is known as affine Grassmann manifold (AGM) or affine Grassmannian that is a smooth and noncompact manifold. The non-Euclidean geometry of AGM and the nonunique representation of an affine subspace in AGM make the classification task in AGM difficult. In this article, we propose a novel affine subspace-based kernel that maps the points in AGM to a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. For this, we embed the AGM in a higher dimensional Grassmann manifold (GM) by embedding the offset vector in the Stiefel coordinates. The projection distance between two points in AGM is the measure of similarity obtained by the kernel function. The obtained kernel-gram matrix is further diagonalized to generate low-dimensional features in the Euclidean space corresponding to the points in AGM. Distance-preserving constraint along with sparsity constraint is used for minimum residual error classification by keeping the locally Euclidean structure of AGM in mind. Experimentation performed over four data sets for gait, object, hand, and body gesture recognition shows promising results compared with state-of-the-art techniques.Ensemble classifiers using clustering have significantly improved classification and prediction accuracies of many systems. These types of ensemble approaches create multiple clusters to train the base classifiers. However, the problem with this is that each class might have many clusters and each cluster might have different number of samples, so an ensemble decision based on large number of clusters and different number of samples per class within a cluster produces biased and inaccurate results. Therefore, in this article, we propose a novel methodology to create an appropriate number of strong data clusters for each class and then balance them. Furthermore, an ensemble framework is proposed with base classifiers trained on strong and balanced data clusters. The proposed approach is implemented and evaluated on 24 benchmark data sets from the University of California Irvine (UCI) machine learning repository. An analysis of results using the proposed approach and the existing state-of-the-art ensemble classifier approaches is conducted and presented.
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