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Eingriffe in den WNT-Signalweg können die Reifung und Polarisation des RPE in vitro manipuliert werden, sodass dessen Ausdifferenzierung gewährleistet und schlussendlich möglicherweise transplantierfähiges Gewebe hergestellt werden kann. Außerdem kann die Applikation von Substanzen, die in den Signalweg eingreifen, in vivo die Differenzierung des RPE verbessern und zu einer Verbesserung des Phänotyps führen, was die retinale Degeneration aufhalten kann. Diese Literaturrecherche soll die Wichtigkeit des retinalen Pigmentepithels und die Relevanz des Zusammenspiels mit dem WNT-Signalweg für die Entwicklung des Auges deutlich machen und einen Überblick über den derzeitigen Forschungsstand English, German Das Bardet-Biedl-Syndrom (BBS) ist eine seltene, erblich bedingte Ziliopathie, bei der neben einer Netzhautdystrophie, meist in Form einer Stäbchen-Zapfen-Dystrophie (Retinitis pigmentosa, RP), zahlreiche weitere Symptome bestehen, vor allem Stammfettsucht, Polydaktylie, Nierenveränderungen und Lernbehinderung bzw. Intelligenzminderung. Mindestens 25 ursächliche Gene, die für Proteine mit wichtiger Rolle bei Entwicklung und Funktion primärer Zilien kodieren, sind bisher bekannt. Die Störung der mit zahlreichen Entwicklungssignalwegen assoziierten Zilien erklärt die in unterschiedlichen Organen auftretenden Symptome. Aufgrund der ursächlichen Beteiligung so vieler Gene ist das BBS eine Erkrankung, bei der Ärzte in besonderem Maße von neuen Methoden der molekulargenetischen Diagnostik profitieren Durch Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) können alle krankheitsrelevanten Gene im Rahmen einer sogenannten „Panelanalyse“ parallel untersucht werden. Signifikante Genotyp-Phänotyp-Korrelationen hinsichtlich der Art der Netzhautbeteiligung bestehen nicht. Neben der klassischen autosomal-rezessiven Vererbung wurden oligogene oder triallelische Vererbungsformen, bei denen die Erkrankung aus einem kombinierten Effekt verschiedener Allele in mehreren Genen resultiert, beschrieben. Nach heutigem Kenntnisstand, der zunehmend aus großen NGS-Studien gespeist wird, spielen Letztere aber keine (wesentliche) Rolle. Mangels kausaler Therapieansätze beschränkt sich die augenärztliche Behandlung auf eine umfassende Rehabilitation mit vergrößernden Sehhilfen sowie die Versorgung mit Langstock und dem Training von lebenspraktischen Fähigkeiten.The importance of hops (the flowers of Humulus lupulus) as food and an herbal remedy is reflected by a large number of analytical methods published. learn more However, supercritical fluid chromatography, a highly efficient, rapid, and "green" separation technique, has not been considered for hops samples so far. This prompted us to establish the first supercritical fluid chromatography-based protocol for the separation, identification, and quantitation of five prenylated constituents of hops. Hulupinic acid (1 ), a prominent oxidation product of hop acids, three flavanones, i.e., 8-prenylnaringenin (2 ), 6-prenylnaringenin (3 ), and isoxanthohumol (4 ), as well as the chalcone xanthohumol (5 ) could be baseline separated in less than 5 minutes using a Viridis BEH 2-EP column (3.0 × 100 mm; 1.7 µm particle size) and a mobile phase consisting of CO2 and isopropanol. Good results regarding selectivity, accuracy (recovery rates 85.0 - 113.1%), precision (intra-day ≤ 2.1%, inter-day ≤ 3.5%), and linearity (R2 ≥ 0.99) were obtained for both photodiode array and mass detection. The lowest detection limit at 220 nm was at 0.1 µg/mL (1, 3 , and 4 ), with mass detection even at 0.001 µg/mL (4 ). As an application example of the validated method, the five hops constituents were quantified in three dietary supplements, one herbal medicinal product, and two batches of hop flowers (Lupuli flos). In most samples analyzed, the major component was 5 (0.01 - 1.02%), whereas the major component in Lupuli flos samples was compound 1 (0.12 - 0.21%). This protocol offers a fast and environmentally friendly alternative to liquid chromatography for the quality control of hops. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.Most mammalian neurons have a narrow axon, which constrains the passage of large cargoes such as autophagosomes that can be larger than the axon diameter. Radial axonal expansion must therefore occur to ensure efficient axonal trafficking. In this study, we reveal that the speed of various large cargoes undergoing axonal transport is significantly slower than that of small ones and that the transit of diverse-sized cargoes causes an acute, albeit transient, axonal radial expansion, which is immediately restored by constitutive axonal contractility. Using live super-resolution microscopy, we demonstrate that actomyosin-II controls axonal radial contractility and local expansion, and that NM-II filaments associate with periodic F-actin rings via their head domains. Pharmacological inhibition of NM-II activity significantly increases axon diameter by detaching the NM-II from F-actin and impacts the trafficking speed, directionality, and overall efficiency of long-range retrograde trafficking. Consequently, prolonged NM-II inactivation leads to disruption of periodic actin rings and formation of focal axonal swellings, a hallmark of axonal degeneration. © 2020 Wang et al.A single particle cryo-EM reconstruction of an ∼160-kD N-terminal fragment of the lipid transport protein VPS13 reveals an ∼160-Å long channel lined with hydrophobic residues suitable for solubilizing multiple lipid fatty acid moieties. The structure suggests that VPS13 and related proteins, like the autophagy protein ATG2, can act as bridges between organelle membranes to allow bulk lipid flow between organelles. © 2020 Li et al.We present a novel virtual reality (VR) system to measure soccer players' read-the-game ability. Read-the-game is a term that encompasses a conglomerate of visual exploratory behavioral patterns and cognitive elements required to make accurate in-game decisions. Our technological approach in the Sports Science domain focuses on the visuomotor component of targeted skill development in a VR simulation because VR is a powerful perception-action coupling training solution for visuomotor coordination due to its high sense of immersion and its psychological byproduct presence. Additionally, we analyze two critical aspects psychological (i.e., sense of presence) and the human-computer interaction (HCI) domain (i.e., suitable input device for full-body immersion). link2 To measure head movements related to visual explorations, the system tracks the user's head excursions. Specifically, the engaged visual exploratory activity (VEA) during a VR simulation is measured frame-by-frame at runtime to study the behavior of players making passing decisions while experiencing pressure from rivals during in-game situations recreated with computer graphics (CG). Additionally, the sense of presence elicited by our system is measured via the Igroup Presence Questionnaire applied to beginner and amateur soccer players (n = 24). Regarding the HCI aspect, a comparison of input options reveals that a high presence can be achieved when using full body interactions that integrate head and body motions via a combination of an HMD and kinetic body tracking. During our system verification, a difference in the VEA performance is observed between beginner and amateur players. Moreover, we demonstrate the capacity of the system to measure the VEA while evoking immersive soccer in-match experiences with a portable VR setup.INTRODUCTION The role of tea consumption on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been studied in recent years, but no clear conclusion has been drawn as a result of small sample size of the studies or the fact that only in vitro studies have been performed. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to explore the possible association of tea consumption with RA through a large-scale, real-world study. link3 METHODS A total of 733 RA patients were investigated from June to December, 2016. The disease activity of RA was assessed according to disease activity score 28-erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The amount and types of tea consumption were recorded by on-site self-administered questionnaires. Logistic regression models were applied to analyze the correlation between tea consumption and disease activity, adjusting for demographics, clinical and laboratory factors. RESULTS There was an inverse association between tea consumption and disease activity in RA patients (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.46-0.94). Compared with non-tea drinkers, a higher-intake of tea (>750 mL/day) was associated with lower disease activity of RA (OR 0.39, 95% CI 0.19-0.79), but not low-intake (≤750 mL/day; OR 0.83, 95% CI 0.42-1.63). A significant dose-response association was found between the amount of tea consumption and disease activity (p for trend less then 0.01). Further hierarchical regression analysis showed that such inverse associations were mainly present in female patients (p = 0.004), non-smokers (p = 0.01) or elders (≥60 years; p = 0.01). CONCLUSION Tea consumption is associated with decreased disease activity of RA, suggesting the potential beneficial effect of tea in the disease. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.Resting-state and event-related frontal alpha asymmetry have been suggested as potential neurobiological biomarkers for depression and other psychiatric conditions. To be used as such, sufficient test-retest reliability needs to be demonstrated. However, test-retest reliability is underinvestigated for event-related alpha asymmetry. The objective of this study was to examine both short-term within-session and long-term between-session reliability of stimulus-related medial and lateral frontal as well as parietal alpha EEG asymmetry in healthy subjects during a simple emotional face processing task. Twenty-three healthy adults participated in two sessions with a test-retest interval of about 1 week. Reliability was estimated with Pearson's correlation coefficient and paired t test. Results revealed moderate to high within-session reliability of stimulus-related alpha asymmetry for all electrode sites and both conditions. Alpha asymmetry mean values did not change significantly within sessions. Between-session reliability was fair for frontomedial and moderate for frontolateral stimulus-related asymmetry. Exploratory exclusion of subjects with unstable between-session self-rating scores of emotional state and empathy toward stimuli resulted in some higher reliability values. Our results indicate that stimulus-related alpha asymmetry may serve as a useful electrophysiological tool given its adequate within-session reliability. However, long-term stability of stimulus-related frontal alpha asymmetry over 1 week was comparatively low and varied depending on electrode position. Influencing state factors during EEG recording, such as current mood or stimulus engagement, should be considered in future study designs and analyses. Further, we recommend to analyze alpha asymmetry from both frontomedial and frontolateral sites. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel.AIMS This study aimed to investigate the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene and additional gene-environment interaction with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) risk. METHODS PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism was performed to detect SNPs. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and allele frequencies in cases and controls were calculated using SNPStats (http// Generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction (GMDR) was used to screen the best interaction combination among 4 SNPs, smoking, and alcohol drinking. Logistic regression was performed to investigate the association between 4 SNPs within VEGF gene, additional gene-smoking interaction, and RCC risk. RESULTS RCC risk was significantly higher in carriers with the T allele of rs833061 within VEGF gene than those with CC genotype (CT+TT vs. CC) adjusted odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval [CI]) = 1.71 (1.17-2.32), p = 0.002 and higher in carriers with the A allele of rs699947 within VEGF gene than those with GG genotype (GA+AA vs.
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