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Cancer of the breast Risk along with Testing inside Transgender People: A Call pertaining to Included Care.
ies were deemed satisfactory when considering the locally advanced sarcoma disease status at primary diagnosis. Trial registration This study was registered at Identifier NCT00790244 and with European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials No. EUDRACT 2007-001152-39.
Preoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy were associated with temporary wound-healing problems. Survival outcomes, local control and toxicities were deemed satisfactory when considering the locally advanced sarcoma disease status at primary diagnosis. Trial registration This study was registered at Identifier NCT00790244 and with European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials No. EUDRACT 2007-001152-39.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
Despite evidence that thinness and muscularity are part of the female body ideal, there is not yet a reliable figure rating scale measuring the body image of women which includes both of these dimensions. To overcome this shortcoming, the Body Image Matrix of Thinness and Muscularity - Female Bodies (BIMTM-FB) was developed.

The objective of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of this measure. N = 607 non-clinical women and N = 32 women with eating disorders answered the BIMTM-FB as well as instruments assessing eating disorder symptoms and body image disturbance in order to test the convergent validity of the BIMTM-FB. To assess test-retest reliability, a two-week interval was determined.

The results indicated that the body-fat dimension of the BIMTM-FB correlates significantly with the Contour Drawing Rating-Scale, the Drive for Leanness Scale (DLS) and the Body Appreciation Scale, while the muscularity dimension of the BIMTM-FB was significantly associated with the DLS and the Drive for Muscularity Scale, proving the convergent validity of the BIMTM-FB. High coefficients of test-retest reliability were found. Moreover, the BIMTM-FB differentiated between the clinical sample and the non-clinical controls.

The BIMTM-FB is a figure rating scale assessing both thinness and muscularity as part of the female body ideal. Due to its high reliability and validity, the BIMTM-FB can be recommended in research and practice.
The BIMTM-FB is a figure rating scale assessing both thinness and muscularity as part of the female body ideal. Due to its high reliability and validity, the BIMTM-FB can be recommended in research and practice.
The Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) recently developed general principles and clinical practice standards recommended for mental health clinicians and dietitians providing treatment for people with eating disorders. Separate mental health practice and training standards were then devised as a foundation for strengthening the workforce and providing guidance to professional training programs and service providers on the minimal standards required for practice in the eating disorder field.

The present recommendations for mental health professionals providing eating disorder treatment describe the following practice and training standards eating disorder treatment foundations (including co-ordination of services, establishing a positive therapeutic alliance, professional responsibility and knowledge of levels of care), assessment, diagnosis, intervention (including evidence-based intervention, managing psychiatric risk and managing co-morbid mental health problems), and monitoring and evaluation.

Further work is required to disseminate these standards to clinicians providing services across Australia to people with eating disorders, and to support adherence in the clinic room where they can translate to improved outcomes for clients. Pathways to supporting adherence include expert supervision of practice, incorporation in training and supervised practice in university settings, and support with checklists that can be used by consumers and referring professionals.
Further work is required to disseminate these standards to clinicians providing services across Australia to people with eating disorders, and to support adherence in the clinic room where they can translate to improved outcomes for clients. Pathways to supporting adherence include expert supervision of practice, incorporation in training and supervised practice in university settings, and support with checklists that can be used by consumers and referring professionals.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
A drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a severe T cell mediated hypersensitivity reaction. Relapses of symptoms in the recovery phase are frequent and linked to the reduction of the corticosteroid treatment, to viral reactivations or to the exposure to new drugs. Here, we analyzed, how often the exposure to new drugs leads to new sensitization or drug-related relapses without detectable sensitization.

46 patients with DRESS treated in the allergy division of the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, were retrospectively assessed. Drug-related relapses were analyzed in terms of frequency and whether a possible sensitization evaluated by skin tests and/or lymphocyte transformation tests (LTT) to the new drugs was detectable. Furthermore, drug tolerance was evaluated in a subset of patients.

56 relapses were observed in 27 of 46 patients with DRESS (58.7%). 33 (58.9%) of these relapses were associated with the use of new drugs, 30 drug-related relapses were evaluated by patch tt sensitized, drugs involved in drug related relapses could be reintroduced, if needed. Here, we propose a procedure for drug testing and future management of drug-related relapses in DRESS.
Lockdown implemented to prevent the COVID-19 spread resulted in marked changes in the lifestyle. learn more The objective of the current study was to assess the impact of lockdown measures on a cohort of eating disorder (ED) patients being followed as part of an ongoing naturalistic treatment study.

Ninety-nine patients aged 18 or older, currently or previously, in treatment at a Portuguese specialized hospital unit were contacted by phone and invited to participate in the current survey. Fifty-nine agreed to be interviewed by phone, and 43 agreed to respond to a set of self-report measures of ED symptoms, emotion regulation difficulties, clinical impairment, negative urgency, and COVID-19 impact, during the week after the end of the lockdown period.

Data showed that of the 26 patients currently in treatment 8 remained unchanged (31%), 7 deteriorated (27%), and 11 reliably improved (42%). Of the 17 participants not currently in treatment 3 deteriorated (18%), 9 remained unchanged (53%), and 5 (29%) improved after nce worsening of their condition, especially if associated with difficulties in emotion regulation, and these difficulties might be exacerbated in the context of a stressful crisis and lockdown measures, highlighting the need for intervention strategies to mitigate its negative impact.
The presence of soluble lignin, furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in industrial pre-hydrolysis liquor (PHL) from the pulping process can inhibit its bioconversion into bioethanol and other biochemicals. Although various technologies have been developed to remove these inhibitors, certain amounts of sugars are also inevitably removed during the treatment process. Hence, polystyrene divinylbenzene (PS-DVB) resin was used as an adsorptive material to simultaneously remove fermentation inhibitors while retaining sugars with high yields to improve the fermentability of PHL after acid hydrolysis by enriching its xylose concentration. The fermentability of acid-hydrolyzed PHL (A-PHL) was evaluated by the bioconversion into ethanol and xylosic acid (XA) after treatment with PS-DVB resin.

The results showed that the highest xylose concentration (101.1g/L) in PHL could be obtained by acid hydrolysis at 100°C for 80min with 4% acid, while the concentration of fermentation inhibitors (furfural, HMF and lignin)s liquor, which is regarded as the waste stream in the pulping process.
Ads depicting models promoting calorie-dense foods and beverages are ubiquitous and no known research has examined their effects on consumers. Drawing from social comparison theory, we hypothesized that participants who viewed ads with models (versus without models) would be more likely to rate models and less likely to rate themselves as able to consume the calorie-dense foods regularly and still maintain their weight/shape. We also hypothesized that participants who viewed ads with models (versus without models) would report more body dissatisfaction and, consistent with consumer research, a greater intention to purchase the product.

Participants (N = 168) were randomly assigned to view food or beverage ads with models or without models and completed self-report measures.

Participants who viewed ads without models were more likely to rate themselves and most people as able to consume calorie-dense foods regularly and maintain their weight/shape and reported a greater intention to purchase the product. Consistent with our hypotheses, participants who viewed ads with models reported increased body dissatisfaction.

Results indicate that consumers' perceptions of their own and others' abilities to regularly consume calorie-dense foods and maintain their weight/shape change based on whether (or not) the calorie-dense foods are promoted by a model. Our findings reveal the nuanced negative effects of calorie-dense food ads with and without models and give insight into the psychological and potential physical health consequences that food ads can have on consumers.
Results indicate that consumers' perceptions of their own and others' abilities to regularly consume calorie-dense foods and maintain their weight/shape change based on whether (or not) the calorie-dense foods are promoted by a model. Our findings reveal the nuanced negative effects of calorie-dense food ads with and without models and give insight into the psychological and potential physical health consequences that food ads can have on consumers.
The COVID-19 mortality rate in Belgium has been ranked among the highest in the world. To assess the appropriateness of the country's COVID-19 mortality surveillance, that includes long-term care facilities deaths and deaths in possible cases, the number of COVID-19 deaths was compared with the number of deaths from all-cause mortality. Mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic was also compared with historical mortality rates from the last century including those of the Spanish influenza pandemic.

Excess mortality predictions and COVID-19 mortality data were analysed for the period March 10th to June 21st 2020. The number of COVID-19 deaths and the COVID-19 mortality rate per million were calculated for hospitals, nursing homes and other places of death, according to diagnostic status (confirmed/possible infection). To evaluate historical mortality, monthly mortality rates were calculated from January 1900 to June 2020.

Nine thousand five hundred ninety-one COVID-19 deaths and 39,076 deaths from all-causes were recorded, with a correlation of 94% (Spearman's rho, p < 0,01).
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