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OBJECTIVES Comparison of outcomes, device deployment time (DT), and total time (TT) using a single tapered Coons dilator versus sequential serial dilation for implantation of the Micra leadless pacemaker. BACKGROUND Micra leadless pacemaker placement requires a 23 French Micra introducer sheath (MIS) for percutaneous delivery. We sought to evaluate outcomes with use of a single tapered Coons dilator (CD) versus sequential serial dilatation (SD) method to facilitate insertion of the Micra introducer sheath. METHODS 35 patients were included in the SD arm and 49 in the CD arm. DT and TT were recorded in minutes and cost in dollars. Analysis was performed using independent t-test between two groups and one-way ANOVA to evaluate inter-operator variability in the CD arm. RESULTS Both DT and TT were significantly lower for the CD arm (15.1 ± 5.1 vs 23.5 ± 9.3, p less then 0.0005 and 29.9 ± 14 vs 39.3 ± 13.5 min, p = 0.000374; respectively). The cost was also significantly lower using a CD versus SD. There was no inter-operator variability in the CD arm between 6 operators (p = 0.177 for DT and p = 0.304 for TT). No complications occurred in the SD arm. There were 3 vascular access site complications in the CD arm, all of which occurred early in the operator's experience. CONCLUSION Coons dilator is an efficient and cost-effective method for vascular dilatation to facilitate Micra leadless pacemaker insertion. Rate of complications is low and expected to improve with greater experience. Pesticides are widely-used chemicals commonly applied in agriculture for the protection of crops from pests. Depending on the class of pesticides, the specific substances may have a specific set of adverse effects on humans, especially in cases of acute poisoning. find more In past years, evidence regarding sequelae of chronic, low-level exposure has been accumulating. Cognitive impairment and dementia heavily affect a person's quality of life and scientific data has been hinting towards an association between them and antecedent chronic pesticide exposure. Here, we reviewed animal and human studies exploring the association between pesticide exposure, cognition and dementia. Additionally, we present potential mechanisms through which pesticides may act neurotoxically and lead to neurodegeneration. Study designs rarely presented homogeneity and the estimation of the exposure to pesticides has been most frequently performed without measuring the synergic effects and the possible interactions between the toxicants within mixtures, and also overlooking low exposures to environmental toxicants. It is possible that a Real-Life Risk Simulation approach would represent a robust alternative for future studies, so that the safe exposure limits and the net risk that pesticides confer to impaired cognitive function can be examined. Previous studies that evaluated the effect of low dose chronic exposure to mixtures of pesticides and other chemicals intending to simulate real life exposure scenarios showed that hormetic neurobehavioral effects can appear after mixture exposure at doses considered safe for individual compounds and these effects can be exacerbated by a coexistence with specific conditions such as vitamin deficiency. However, there is an overall indication, derived from both epidemiologic and laboratory evidence, supporting an association between exposure to neurotoxic pesticides and cognitive dysfunction, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Ethylene oxide (EO), a carcinogenic chemical used as an industrial intermediate and sterilant, forms covalent adducts with DNA and proteins. The adduct with N-terminal valine [N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-valine, HEV] in blood protein globin has been employed as a principal biomarker of cumulative exposures to EO. However, as sampling of blood is inconvenient in routine occupational health practice, a non-invasive alternative to globin analysis has been investigated. Following identification of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-valyl-l-leucine (HEVL) as ultimate cleavage product of EO-adducted globin excreted in the rat urine, here we report for the first time on the presence of HEVL in the urine of humans. In 18 sterilization workers, urinary HEVL ranged from 0.67 to 11.98 μg/g creatinine (mean ± SD 5.04 ± 3.14 μg/g creat) and correlated with HEV HEVL (μg/g creat) = 0.833 HEV (nmol/g globin) + 1.19 (R2 = 0.45). As unexpectedly high levels of urinary HEVL were found also in controls (mean ± SD 0.97 ± 0.37 μg/g creat, n = 32), HEVL is not proposed for the accurate assessment of sub-ppm exposures to EO. On the other hand, non-invasive sampling and facile work-up procedure predetermine HEVL for screening purposes to identify subjects approaching to or exceeding occupational exposure limit for EO (1.8 mg/m3) to be re-examined by the more sensitive reference analysis for HEV. Infantile hemangioma is one of the most common vascular tumors, which might result in morbidity and mortality without timely intervention. Propranolol is currently the first-line therapy for hemangiomas, but its potential side effects and high frequency of administration make it urgent to develop a suitable drug delivery system for propranolol. In the present study, we formulated a propranolol delivery system based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles (PRN@MSN) and investigated the interplay between autophagic activities mediated by nanoparticles and improved therapeutic efficacy of PRN@MSN. The results showed that PRN@MSN nanoparticles exhibited higher cytotoxicity compared with free propranolol in vitro and in vivo, which could induce excessive autophagosome accumulation through increased autophagosome formation and impaired autophagic degradation. Inhibition of autophagy in the early stage could attenuate the cytotoxicity of PRN@MSN. ROS generation was essential for nanoparticle-mediated autophagy and cytotoxicity, and PRN@MSN-induced autophagy dysfunction could enhance endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in hemangioma stem cells. Our study revealed a promising PRN delivery system based on a mesoporous silica nanoplatform that could induce autophagy dysfunction with excessive autophagosome accumulation to promote the therapeutic efficacy of PRN therapy. PRN@MSN drug delivery system combined with autophagy modulation may act as a promising treatment pattern in the treatment of hemangiomas. The incorporation of the RGD peptide (arginine-glycine-aspartate) into biomaterials has been proposed to promote cell adhesion to the matrix, which can influence and control cell behaviour and function. While many studies have utilised RGD modified biomaterials for cell delivery, few have examined its effect under the condition of reduced oxygen and nutrients, as found at ischaemic injury sites. Here, we systematically examine the effect of RGD on hMSCs in hyaluronic acid (HA) hydrogel under standard and ischaemic culture conditions, to elucidate under what conditions RGD has beneficial effects over unmodified HA and its effectiveness in improving cell viability. Results demonstrate that under standard culture conditions, RGD significantly increased hMSC spreading and the release of vascular endothelial factor-1 (VEGF) and monocyte chemoattractant factor-1 (MCP-1), compared to unmodified HA hydrogel. As adhesion is known to influence cell survival, we hypothesised that cells in RGD hydrogels would exhibit inc showed significantly greater cell spreading and protein secretion compared to cells in the unmodified HA hydrogel. A pre-culture period allowing strong adhesion of the cells to the modified hydrogel was shown to improve cell survival under conditions that mimic the myocardium post-MI. This finding may have a significant impact on the use and timelines of modifications to improve stem cell survival in harsh environments like the injured heart. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are frequently involved in implant-associated infections (IAIs), making the treatment of these infections even more challenging. Therefore, multifunctional implant surfaces that simultaneously possess antibacterial activity and induce osseointegration are highly desired in order to prevent IAIs. The incorporation of multiple inorganic antibacterial agents onto the implant surface may aid in generating synergistic antibacterial behavior against a wide microbial spectrum while reducing the occurrence of bacterial resistance. In this study, porous titanium implants synthesized by selective laser melting (SLM) were biofunctionalized with plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) using electrolytes based on Ca/P species as well as silver and zinc nanoparticles in ratios from 0 to 100% that were tightly embedded into the growing titanium oxide layer. After the surface bio-functionalization process, silver and zinc ions were released from the implant surfaces for at least 28 days resulting inultifunctional surfaces on orthopedic implants and the prevention of IAIs caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Implant-associated infections are becoming increasingly challenging to treat due to growing antibiotic resistance against antibiotics. Here, we propose an alternative approach where silver and zinc nanoparticles are simultaneously used for the biofunctionalization of rationally designed additively manufactured porous titanium. This combination of porous design and tailored surface treatment allows us to reduce the amount of required silver nanoparticles by two orders of magnitude, fully eradicate antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and enhance the osteogenic behavior of pre-osteoblasts. We demonstrate that the resulting implants display antibacterial activity in vitro and ex vivo against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Chemokine receptors form a major sub-family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and they are involved in a number of cellular and physiological processes related to our immune response and regulation. A better structural understanding of ligand-binding, activation, signaling and regulation of chemokine receptors is very important to design potentially therapeutic interventions for human disorders arising from aberrant chemokine signaling. One of the key limitations in probing the structural details of chemokine receptors is the availability of large amounts of purified, homogenous and fully functional chemokine ligands, and the commercially available products, are not affordable for in-depth structural studies. Moreover, production of uniformly isotope-labeled chemokines, for example, suitable for NMR-based structural investigation, also remains challenging. Here, we have designed a streamlined approach to express and purify the human chemokine CCL7 as well as its 15N-, 15N/13C-, 2H/15N/13C- isotope-labeled derivatives, at milligram levels using E. coli expression system. Purified CCL7 not only maintains a well-folded three-dimensional structure as analyzed using circular dichroism and 1H/15N NMR but it also induces coupling of heterotrimeric G-proteins and β-arrestins for selected chemokine receptors in cellular system. We compared cAMP response induced by histidine tagged CCL7 and native CCL7 and found that modification of the N-terminus of CCL7 compromises its functionality. Our strategy presented here may be applicable to other chemokines and therefore, provide a potentially generic and cost-effective approach to produce chemokines in large amounts for functional and structural studies.
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