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Rising Yttrium Phosphides with Tetrahedron Phosphorus as well as Superconductivity under High Difficulties.
Prognosis of advanced heart failure (HF) patients, often elderly, frail and with multiple comorbidities, has significantly improved due to recent advancements in interventional cardiology. A multidisciplinary approach is essential in order to better identify patients that could benefit from invasive procedures, avoiding futility. For patients with HF, the Multidimensional Prognostic Index could help the clinician in predicting not only the prognosis but also future quality of life. For cardiac surgical candidates, predictive scores should combine traditional mortality scores with geriatric parameters including nutritional status, screening of delirium, disabilities and comorbidities, in order to help the Heart Team in taking the right approach (i.e. conservative vs invasive strategies). Similarly, the indication to the implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator or to ablative procedures should consider both the complication rates and the real impact on the quality of life considering the expected net clinical benefit.In the terminal stages of HF the therapeutic target should be oriented to a palliative care approach. In this perspective, the figure of the palliativist plays a role of growing interest and should be integrated into the HF multidisciplinary team.Early palliative care (PC) integration in advanced and end-stage heart failure has shown to improve quality of life and spiritual well-being and to reduce physical symptoms. Barriers to implementation exist perception that PC is opposite to "life-prolonging" therapies or is involved only in cancer disease and in end of life, prognostic difficulties in advanced heart failure, comorbidities, discrepancy between patient-reported symptom burden and objective measures of disease severity. This is why it is necessary to focus on patient and caregivers "needs" instead of exclusively numerical-objective measures, in order to emphasize clinical but also psychological, assistential and spiritual elements contributing to quality of life. The most appropriate instruments are "patient-reported outcome measures" (PROMs) or, better, "patient-centered outcome measures" (PCOMs), such as the Needs Assessment Tool Progressive Disease-Heart Failure (NAT PD-HF), Integrated Palliative Outcome Scale (IPOS), NECPAL and Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT). Finally, it is important to recognize triggers to initiate a PC approach (important changes in disease trajectory, difficult or refractory symptoms, frequent defibrillator shocks or transplant/mechanical support prevision, functional capacity decline, severe comorbidities, communication needs also for advanced care planning).1Department of Anatomical, Histological, Forensic and Orthopaedic Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome.Euthanasia and medical assistance in dying entail daunting ethical and moral challenges, in addition to a host of medical and clinical issues, which are further complicated in cases of patients whose decision-making skills have been negatively affected or even impaired by psychiatric disorders. The authors closely focus on clinical depression and relevant European laws that have over the years set firm standards in such a complex field. Pertaining to the mental health realm specifically, patients are required to undergo a mental competence assessment in order to request aid in dying. The way psychiatrists deal and interact with decisionally capable patients who have decided to end their own lives, on account of sufferings which they find to be unbearable, may be influenced by subjective elements such as ethical and cultural biases on the part of the doctors involved. Moreover, critics of medical aid in dying claim that acceptance of such practices might gradually lead to the acceptance or practice of involuntary euthanasia for those deemed to be nothing more than a burden to society, a concept currently unacceptable to the vast majority of observers. Ultimately, the authors conclude, the key role of clinicians should be to provide alternatives to those who feel so hopeless as to request assistance in dying, through palliative care and effective social and health care policies for the weakest among patients lonely, depressed or ill-advised people.Forgotten Baby Syndrome (FBS) defines the phenomenon of forgetting a child in a parked vehicle. FBS is in constant growth with significant repercussions for the parent, the family and society. Scientific research on the topic is very limited. Literature referring to FBS focuses mostly on the clinical conditions that cause the death of the children involved. However, the circumstances in which such episodes occur are very rarely analyzed. One of the major limit of research in this field is related to the sources of information, which are limited to media in most cases and, therefore, are scarcely reliable. Monitoring the phenomenon in the United States showed that out of a total of 171 cases, 73% concerned children who had been left in the car by an adult. Half of the adults were unaware, or had forgotten the child. In most cases, these episodes involve adults who have perfectly intact both psychic and cognitive functions. Selleck DS-8201 Therefore, the dynamics underling the occurrence of such episodes seem to be incomprehensible. At the end of the analysis carried out it can be considered that the cases of death of minors following abandonment in vehicles, are to be considered connected to the normal functioning of the Working Memory (WM) functionality. The link between WM deficits and frankly psychopathological conditions remains residual and it still requires careful differential screening. Finally, the hypothesis of the occurrence of transient and/or acute circumstances of exogenous origin, which may affect WM's performance, remains to be considered. Considering these deaths as events that, in most cases, are of criminal relevance they may require the intervention of psychologists and psychiatrists during the process. In this prospective the assumption of a broader point of view can have a significant impact on the descriptive capacity in clinical-forensic field.AIMS Longitudinal description of a clinical case of a woman with Chromosome 22 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS), mild intellectual disability (ID) and associated psychiatric disorders, treated at "Adolescent Outpatient Service", at the ASST Monza DSMD from 2011 to 2017. METHODS Assessment Test Tools. T0 (2011) WAIS-R; SCID-I; Vineland Scale; SPAIDD-G; SPAIDD-Follow-up. T1 (2013) SPAIDD-Follow-up. T2 (2015) SPAIDD-Follow-up. T3 (2017) SCID-I; Vineland Scale; SPAIDD-Follow up. Pharmacological psychiatric treatment Shift from haloperidol 1 mg, sertraline 100 mg to aripiprazole 15 mg, venlafaxine 150 mg. Psychoeducational psychological treatment 1 session every 15 days; support to family. RESULTS (2011) WAIS-R slight ID (total IQ 67, verbal IQ 73, performance IQ 67); SCID-I subthreshold psychotic symptomatology, panic attack disorder with agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) with trichotillomania; Vineland Scale Communication 256/266, Daily Skills 267/402, Socialization 202/268, Motor skills 111/144; SPAIDD-G OCD; SPAIDD-Follow up aggression, psychomotor agitation, somatic complaints, impulsivity, oppositional behaviour, stereotypes, depressed mood, compulsions. (2017) SCID-I OCD with trichotillomania; Vineland Scale Communication 248/266, Daily Skills 312/402, Socialization 226/268, Motor skills 136/144; SPAIDD-Follow-up stereotypes and compulsions persist. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS There was no transition to psychosis in the follow-up; OCD and trichotillomania persists, probably related to neurodevelopmental alterations, that are difficult to be modified. link2 In 22q11.2DS patients, standard non-pharmacological treatment strategies (CBT) are difficult to apply, but in the present case the combination of pharmacological and psychoeducational psychological treatment was effective, both for the reduction of symptoms and for the acceptance of ID by patient and family.BACKGROUND Although cognitive deficit in persons with schizophrenia is well documented, the assessment of the patient's perception of its own cognitive functioning is a relevant issue not adequately studied. Several evaluation tools have been elaborated, however none has been validated in Italian. The aim of the study is the validation of the Subjective Scale to Investigate Cognition in Schizophrenia (SSTICS), a rating scale designed to measure subjective cognitive deficits complaints in persons with schizophrenia. Method. 146 persons meeting the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia have been recruited. The SSTICS was translated in Italian in accordance with international standard methods. link3 Subjects were also evaluated using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Subjective Well-being under Neuroleptic scale (SWN). Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess internal consistency. Constructs were examined using exploratory factor analysis (principal component with varimax rotation). The factorial model was then tested via confirmatory factor analysis. RESULTS The factorial analysis revealed a 4-factor structure, which is more parsimonious than those obtained in previous studies. Correlations between STICSS and the other rating scales were significant for several domains. CONCLUSIONS The Italian version of the SSTICS showed good psychometric properties and is suitable to measure the patients' subjective perception of cognitive impairment. Subjective evaluation can integrate objective measures of cognitive performances, supporting a multidimensional model of functional impairment in schizophrenia.INTRODUCTION Eating disorders are one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and have become a growing problem nowadays. Research shows that eating disorders are mostly widespread in industrialized societies where beauty is associated with thinness. This study investigates the relationships between eating attitudes, body image and depression among Turkish university students aged 18 to 25. MATERIALS AND METHODS The sample comprised of 221 female and 80 male university students from four different universities located in Istanbul and Ankara. Demographic Information Form, Body Image Scale, Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40) and Beck Depression Inventory were used to collect data. Height and weight of the participants were also collected to measure Body Mass Index (BMI) of the individuals. RESULTS This study found that 55 (18.3%) students had abnormal eating attitudes, 115 (38.2%) students had negative body image and 102 (33.9%) students showed moderate and severe levels of depression. Body image was negatively correlated with eating attitude and depression in underweight individuals when grouped according to their BMI. Being underweight was significantly higher in females. Females also had more negative body image and higher depression levels. Individuals with abnormal eating attitudes had higher depression levels. BMI and gender did not lead to any significant difference in the eating attitudes of the students. CONCLUSION This study has contributed to the literature on the relationships between eating attitudes, body image and depression among Turkish university students between the ages of 18 and 25. It has further drawn attention to the importance of eating disorders in Turkey and being aware of the relationships among eating attitudes, body image, depression, and BMI. Results of the study are discussed in detail and in consideration of cultural context.
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