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39, 95% CI 0.23-0.64) for developing VAP, but sequential values of diversity were not associated with VAP. Similar findings were observed from the matched analysis and unsupervised clustering. The most common dominant VAP pathogens included Prevotella species (19%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (14%) and Streptococcus mitis/pneumoniae (10%). Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma were also identified as dominant organisms in several subjects.In mechanically ventilated children, changes over time in microbial factors were marginally associated with VAP risk, although these changes were not suitable for predicting VAP in individual patients. These findings suggest that focusing exclusively on pathogen burden may not adequately inform VAP diagnosis.This phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of lebrikizumab, an interleukin (IL)-13 monoclonal antibody, alone or with background pirfenidone therapy, in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).Patients with IPF aged ≥40 years with forced vital capacity (FVC) of 40%-100% predicted and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide of 25%-90% predicted and who were treatment-naïve (cohort A) or receiving pirfenidone (2403 mg·day-1; cohort B) were randomised 11 to receive lebrikizumab 250 mg or placebo subcutaneously every 4 weeks. The primary endpoint was annualised rate of FVC % predicted decline over 52 weeks.In cohort A, 154 patients were randomised to receive lebrikizumab (n=78) or placebo (n=76). In cohort B, 351 patients receiving pirfenidone were randomised to receive lebrikizumab (n=174) or placebo (n=177). Baseline demographics were balanced across treatment arms in both cohorts. The primary endpoint (annualised rate of FVC % predicted decline) was not met in cohort A (lebrikizumab versus placebo, -5.2% versus -6.2%; p=0.456) or cohort B (lebrikizumab versus placebo, -5.5% versus -6.0%; p=0.557). In cohort B, a non-statistically significant imbalance in mortality favouring combination therapy was observed (hazard ratio 0.42 (95% CI 0.17-1.04)). Pharmacodynamic biomarkers indicated lebrikizumab activity. #link# The safety profile was consistent with that in previous studies of lebrikizumab and pirfenidone as monotherapies.Lebrikizumab alone or with pirfenidone was not associated with reduced FVC % predicted decline over 52 weeks despite evidence of pharmacodynamic activity. Lebrikizumab was well tolerated with a favourable safety profile. These findings suggest that blocking IL-13 may not be sufficient to achieve a lung function benefit in patients with IPF.Add-on azithromycin (AZM) results in a significant reduction in exacerbations among adults with persistent uncontrolled asthma. The aim of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of add-on AZM in terms of healthcare and societal costs.The AMAZES trial randomly assigned 420 participants to AZM or placebo. Healthcare use and asthma exacerbations were measured during the treatment period. Healthcare use included all prescribed medicine and healthcare contacts. Costs of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) were estimated based on overall consumption and published estimates of costs. link2 The value of an avoided exacerbation was based on published references. Differences in cost between the two groups were related to differences in exacerbations in a series of net monetary benefit estimates. Societal costs included lost productivity, over the counter medicines, steroid induced morbidity and AMR costs.Add-on AZM resulted in a reduction in healthcare costs (mean (95% CI)) including nights in hospital (AUD 433.70 (AUD 48.59-818.81) or EUR 260.22 (EUR 29.15-491.29)), unplanned healthcare visits (AUD 20.25 (AUD 5.23-35.27) or EUR 12.15 (EUR 3.14-21.16)), antibiotic costs (AUD 14.88 (AUD 7.55-22.21) or EUR 8.93 (EUR 4.53-13.33)) and oral corticosteroid costs (AUD 4.73 (AUD 0.82-8.64) or EUR 2.84 (EUR 0.49-5.18)); all p less then 0.05. Overall healthcare and societal costs were lower (AUD 77.30 (EUR 46.38) and AUD 256.22 (EUR 153.73) respectively) albeit not statistically significant. The net monetary benefit of add-on AZM was estimated to be AUD 2072.30 (95% CI AUD 1348.55-2805.23) or (EUR 1243.38 (EUR 809.13-1683.14) assuming a willingness to pay per exacerbation avoided of AUD 2651 (EUR 1590.60). Irrespective of the sensitivity analysis applied, the net monetary benefit for total, moderate and severe exacerbations remained positive and significant.Add-on AZM therapy in poorly controlled asthma was a cost-effective therapy. Costs associated with AMR did not influence estimated cost-effectiveness.The world's first total-body PET scanner with an axial field-of-view (AFOV) of 194 cm is now in clinical and research use at our institution. The uEXPLORER PET/CT scanner, developed through a collaboration between the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) and United Imaging Healthcare (UIH), is the first commercially available total-body PET scanner. Here we present a detailed physical characterization of the uEXPLORER PET scanner based on NEMA NU-2-2018 along with a new set of measurements devised to appropriately characterize the total-body scanner. Methods Sensitivity, count-rate performance, time-of-flight resolution, spatial resolution, and image quality were evaluated following the NEMA NU-2-2018 protocol. Additional measurements of sensitivity and count-rate capabilities more representative of total-body imaging were performed using extended geometry phantoms based on the world average human height (~165 cm). Lastly, image quality throughout the long AFOV was assessed with the NEMA image quality (, count-rate - activity relationships, and NECR limits imposed by differences in deadtime and randoms fraction between the NEMA NU-2 70 cm phantoms and the more representative total-body imaging phantoms. Overall, the total-body uEXPLORER PET system provides ultra-high sensitivity that supports excellent spatial resolution and image quality throughout the FOV in both phantom and human imaging.Knowledge of the intrinsic variability of radiomic features is essential to the proper interpretation of changes in these features over time. The primary aim of this study was to assess the test-retest repeatability of radiomic features extracted from 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) images of cervical tumors. link3 The impact of different image pre-processing methods was also explored. Methods Patients with cervical cancer underwent baseline and repeat FDG PET/CT imaging within 7 days. PET images were reconstructed using 2 methods ordered subset expectation maximization (PETOSEM) or OSEM with point-spread function (PETPSF). Tumors were segmented to produce whole-tumor volumes of interest (VOIWT) and 40% isocontours (VOI40). Voxels were either left at the default size or resampled to 3 mm isotropic voxels. SUV was discretized to a fixed number of bins (32, 64, or 128). Radiomic features were extracted from both VOIs and repeatability was then assessed using Lin's concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). Results Eleven patients were enrolled and completed the test-retest PET/CT imaging protocol. Shape, neighborhood gray-level difference matrix (NGLDM), and gray-level cooccurence matrix (GLCM) features were repeatable with mean CCC values of 0.81. Radiomic features extracted from PETOSEM images showed significantly better repeatability than features extracted from PETPSF images (P 0.96) when extracted from VOI40. Conclusion Shape, GLCM, and NGLDM radiomic features were consistently repeatable while gray-level run length matrix (GLRLM) and gray-level zone length matrix (GLZLM) features were highly variable. Radiomic features extracted from 40% isocontours were more repeatable than features extracted from whole-tumor contours. Changes in voxel size or SUV discretization parameters typically resulted in relatively small differences in feature value, though several features were highly sensitive to these changes.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of 16α-[18F]-fluoro-17β-estradiol (18F-FES) PET to predict prognosis in patients with endometrial cancer (EC). Methods A total of 67 patients with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage I-IV endometrial cancer underwent 18F-FES and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) before treatment. Ceritinib standardized uptake value (SUV) of the primary tumor was compared with the clinical characteristics, and the relationships between SUV and progression-free survival (PFS) or overall survival (OS) were analyzed. Results18F-FES SUV significantly associated with stage, histology, lymphovascular space involvement (LVSI), and lymph node metastasis; and 18F-FDG SUV significantly associated with stage, myometrial invasion, tumor size, and lymph node metastasis. Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that 18F-FES SUV could significantly detect tumor progression and surfactor for PFS in patients with EC. These data suggest that pretreatment 18F-FES PET might be useful in determining the appropriate treatment for patients with EC.Benign thyroid disorders, especially hyper- and hypothyroidism, are the most prevalent endocrine disorders. The most common etiologies of hyperthyroidism are autoimmune hyperthyroidism (Graves disease, GD), toxic multinodular goiter (TMNG), and toxic thyroid adenoma (TA). Less common etiologies include destructive thyroiditis (e.g., amiodarone-induced thyroid dysfunction) and factitious hyperthyroidism. GD is caused by autoantibodies against the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor. TMNG and TA are caused by a somatic activating gain-of-function mutation. Typical laboratory findings in patients with hyperthyroidism are low TSH, elevated free-thyroxine and free-triiodothyronine levels, and TSH-receptor autoantibodies in patients with GD. Ultrasound imaging is used to determine the size and vascularity of the thyroid gland and the location, size, number, and characteristics of thyroid nodules. Combined with lab tests, these features constitute the first-line diagnostic approach to distinguishing differentimetric estimates based on the thyroid volume to be treated and on radioiodine uptake should guide selection of the 131I-activity to be administered. Early side effects of radioiodine therapy (typically mild pain in the thyroid) can be handled by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Delayed side effects after radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism are hypothyroidism and a minimal risk of radiation-induced malignancies.Background Treatment of advanced metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) after failure of approved therapy options remains challenging. Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) targeting β- and α-emitters have been introduced with promising response rates. Here, we present the first clinical data for PSMA targeted α-therapy (TAT) using 225Ac-PSMA-I&T. Methods 18 patients receiving 225Ac-PSMA-I&T have been included in this retrospective analysis. 15/18 had prior second line antiandrogen treatment with abiraterone and/or enzalutamide, 15/18 prior chemotherapy and 13/18 prior 177Lu-PSMA treatment. Patients were treated at bi-monthly intervals until progression or intolerable side effects. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was measured for response assessment. Hematological and non-hematological side effects were recorded according to CTCAE v5.0 criteria. Results 38 cycles of 225Ac-PSMA-I&T were applied (median dose 7.8 MBq, range 6.0 - 8.5) with 1 cycle in 7/18, 2 cycles in 7/18, 4 cycles in 3/18 and 5 cycles in 1 patient.
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