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Year:Dark Millennium 656 Ki'reil's Reign
The sky back as a moonless night.The winds flowing at a speed that can cut the flesh at ease.There stood three hooded men with a sword each on their back.Stained with blood and cracked at the edges.The men were muttering among them.The surrounding had a dark atmosphere.Severely cold and immense solitude.There was silence among every being.After a long time the man incanted "The oozing crest of corruption.The arrogant mad vessel of despair.Call of the undead.Blood of the caves.Rocks stained with blood.Way of Destruction #56 Black Void of Destruction".After he incanted ,a black sphere appeared mixed with spirit pressure with a small radius was formed.
"Da Hell are you waiting for"?another man growled.
"This world shall reign by death.Destroy and obliterate".As the man released it the sphere enlarged into a humongous one.Crashing down and creating a fissure and destroying the city below. The wind blowing everything around,blasting severely.The town was in bits.
"Very Well" said the man
"There will no need for sympathy in this world anymore,as i reckon the world should be cleansed and enriched with chaos"
The speed of the wind increased drastically,the pressure dropped to a very low one creating a funnel of intense vacuum- a Void.The debris was sucked up inside the void and there was nothing,the town vanished as though it was teleported.There was a voice heard behind around 200 paces.Voices rasped and shrieked.
"What happened"?
"No way"
"How could this be"?
The hooded were totally annoyed of the voices.
"Clean the debris"
"Aye sir"
The man vanished like syncing with the atmospehre with no trace.The next instant he was near the villagers.The people were astonished about the flash.
"Who are you?..Dammit,What happened"?
"Is that even required ,considering your situation"?,the man said at a medium voice.
"What do you mean by that?..Anyway answer my ques-"
The hooded unsheathed his sword and sliced the people up ,The attack was very fast.Can not be seen.
"God-damn you people! Begone! Perish!"He continuously slicing them.
Then a voice came up "Stop!Our job is done,let us return to our right full place.We have a job of Dethroning a person,have you forgotten it"?
"No Sir,Give me a rest,i'am very tired totally restless"
"Very well,take your time...You too"he said the other man who was totally silent.

Year:Dark Millennium 657 Ki'reil's Reign

He saw the surroundings around him.He was so freaked out that he could not understand what was infront of him.The streets were destroyed,but he could not see it.Everything blurred and wrath was filled with his body creating a dark mind,a evil one.He saw two woman striding down the broken street.

Year:Dark Millennium 657 Ki'reil's Reign

He saw the surroundings around him.He was so freaked out that he could not understand what was in front of him.The streets were destroyed,but he could not see it.Everything blurred and wrath was filled with his body creating a dark mind,a evil one.He saw two woman striding down the broken street.
His anger was dripping in furiously,slithering through his veins.He unsheathed his knife and went towards them.The distance between them were at least 300 paces.He started to run without stopping and having his knife in front of him ,ready to slit their fair throat into bits.
The women were fashionably dressed but in a good manner.They were talking with each other.
"Simply beautiful isn't it,the park.Very apt for our surrounding"said a women.
"Yeah,It was stunning"
As they heard a noise thudding towards them they turned back and looked , they saw a very dirty middle aged man running with an uncontrollable speed.
"What..Who is he"?
"I don't know"
He ran and came closer.
The man studiously ran and grabbed her by her throat,took his sharp but short knife and drived through her throat.The blood gushed out at an intermediate speed.She fell down with no balance.
The other women was shouting in cursing fear.The man turned back to face her.He stared at her for a long time.The wind took over the atmosphere creating a dim world.He took his knife out of her throat and spindled towards her.The women started running, screaming in despair.Portion of her life was filled with pandemonium.The vines had smudged her life into dust ,crawling in her life destroying her fortune.Her life was bankrupted.The man wordlessly butchered her body.After all the dark world had just formed.



Year:Dark Millennium 660 Ki'reil's Reign

The Sinothori gate's stone factored layed scattered around the walls of Destiny Walls.The pleasure of viewing was not quite good.But some men were looking it in a very timid way.Foi'lk suspected something had happened.He strided to the group.His instinct told him that there was something wrong there.He ran as fast as possible.Glancing everywhere, finding the right time to go through the gaps and break stones and simply distorted.He heard people murmuring and tweaking around.
"Who do you think did this"? said a man.
"Simple answer - I don't know"
Foi'lk reached to the man and saw what it was.His face changed into a pale one , goosebumps forming and shocked.There was a corpse laying around.His clothes frazzled.His arms were torn and left separately.Flys buzzing around.The smell was obnoxious.
"What the hell is this"?Foi'lk said faintly said.
Foi'lk was a teen-mid boy, maybe around 19 years.His eyes were sharp and eyebrows thick.His fair white skin glowed.His hair was long and thin and fabric.His hips were the normal level , hands and legs were slightly muscled.Sherock interrupted and hit Foi'lk.He told him secretly.
"I know who did --"
A group of legions striding in horses came towards them making the people scatter away.All were amoured and fierce looking . They looked people who loved venturing and guarding the city.
"People move away,this is a critical case.You may leave this to us"one of the man said politely and decent manner.
"No, we are not gonna move a inch from here.People keep dying and you say this all the time and dont care anything about it"said a man voluntarily.
"Oh! Certainly we are looking care.Please step aside"
The legion got angry and punched his face with his armour coated hand.The man cried in pain ,razzling around.
"Ahhh , It hurts , why did you do this to me"?
"Dont Fuck with us , Take that guy out"
"Whoa!..Something is very wrong here"said Foi'lk said in a suspectfull tone.He saw the legions bundling the corpse in a jute bang and taking the man away.The background turned to a very dim atmosphere.All the people were silent.Dead silent.After a long time a women said "I don't know what is going one"?
"Same here" said a group of people.
Foi'lk and Sherock walked away from the group.They started to stimulate their minds and reprogress what was going on.Carrying away their minds from the world to a world of emptiness.
Sherock said "Give it up,Let's go"
A legion came in a horse from the opposite direction and he unsheathed his sword.Foi'lk and Sherock started to growel and started to tremble in fear.He came to so close to cut them up , but suddenly the sword stopped.Foi'lk and Sherock opened their eyes and were totally amazed and absolutely shocked.
A man with a hood and a mask covering his face blocked his sword attack with his hands.He was wearing a back pant and a black shirt and a covering his body.
"What the fuck"?said the legion , totally astonished.
"You are not worthy of living your life as legion.You shally face your own demise"said the man.
With his bare hands he snapped his hands into his body.His hand was inside his shallow body.Blood flowed out as the man cried in despair.The man took his hands out and kicked him.He went flying and crashed into a sand bag.
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