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Personal Life
Born Albert Arnold Gore Jr. in 1948
Al Sr. was a TN congressman from 1938-1953 and a senator from ‘53-71.
Graduated highschool in 1965 and attended Harvard.
Good reputation at school. Still helped his father with politics.
Graduated w/ bachelor’s in gov’t
Despite his opposition to Vietnam and his father’s political stance on the matter, Gore enlisted in ‘69.
Returned to US in ‘71. While he still opposed the war “He called his military service… ‘[an important] growth experience.’
Worked as a reporter for The Tennessean.
After reporting on a bribery case, AG wanted to learn more about the legal system. Went to Vanderbilt Law.
Congressional Career
Announced candidacy for TN representative seat in ‘76. Ran against 7 other candidates.
AG “vowed to raise taxes for [the wealthy], create more job opportunities and cut defense spending.”
Was elected for 4 terms (‘77-’83)
Took office at age 29.
Became involved in environmental issues.
Organized hearings about toxic waste.
Also researched and reported on nuclear issues.
Praised for ability to connect with constituents
“Instead of telling people what to do, we should listen and learn how to give them the tools to do what they want.”
Won ‘84 senate election. (age 36)
Again wanted to focus on environmental issues
Part of the team that investigated the Challenger disaster and exposed issues at nasa.
Anti-tobacco due to his sister’s death from lung-cancer.
Espoused benefits of “an information superhighway” pushed for more technology.
Was being considered as a democratic presidential candidate.
Based his platform are protecting the environment and controlling nuclear arms.
Faced image problems. While in his personal life he was known as “sly and witty,” he was often seen by the public as stiff or cocky.
Other problems included a crowded field, reports of an affair, little public recognition and his wife’s crusade against explicit music.
AG called himself “a raging moderate.” He was “liberal on domestic issues and conservative on foreign ones.
Messed up when he aligned himself with Ed Koch who made some controversial remarks about Jesse Jackson
Dropped out of the race and the nomination went to Dukakis. George Bush and Dan Quayle were elected instead.
After Al III’s accident, he reevaluated. He regretted losing touch with his family and not campaigning as strongly on his environmental issues.
As a result AG published the bestseller Earth in the Balance.
The Clinton-Gore Campaign Trail
Gore had run for president in ‘88 but dropped out in the primaries
AG was taking a break due to his son’s near fatal car accident. Wanted “to put family first”
The idea of AG as a VP had been floated in ‘88, as many saw him as too young to be president (he was 40 at the time) but he said he wasn’t interested
Still wanted to remain in politics, was reelected to the senate in ‘90.
Clinton was becoming a front runner despite some controversies (i didn’t inhale).
Clinton based his platform on the economy. Got the nomination
He asked AG if he was interested. “I reframed the question to take the personal ambition part out of it...When I said yes, the question to which I answered yes was, 'Were you willing to give your country a better chance to change?' -- not 'Do you want to run for Vice President?' "
Clinton himself delivered the news. They didn’t know each other well. Clinton chose AG because he was “smart, funny [and had] a strong sense of loyalty to family and country]
A top Clinton aide said that Bill felt a level of “personal and political comfort” with AG and that he would always come away from conversations praising AG’s intelligence.
Clinton was also new in politics and AG was very experienced.
Promised him roles in tech, environment and security, and that his position wouldn’t just be symbolic
AG continued to focus on the environment
Was ridiculed by Bush and Quayle
AG’s nomination seemed to bolster the campaign, especially when contrasted with Dan Quayle.
Clinton wins the presidency with 43% of the popular vote.
Gore made VP more than just a title.
“Based on everything I’ve been able to read or learn from others [Gore] has a larger role...and more influence than any other [VP]. Ever.”
Made sure he was communicating with Clinton.
Wasn’t afraid to critique, but made sure he was respectful
Gore started ReGo, a plan to reformat the gov’t. Gave individual agencies the power to hire and fire based on their own needs and eliminated jobs to save money. Gave gov’t agencies incentives to train workers.
Accomplishments as VP:
Part of successful negotiations with UKR to surrender nukes
Helped TV networks establish ratings systems
Sponsored the Telecomm. Act
Helped Clinton secure NAFTA
Set up parts of the WH website
Headed anti-tobacco campaigns
Despite AG’s accomplishments the Clinton admin received mixed reviews.
Criticized for health care reform plan
Whitewater investigation
Paula Jones harassment suit
Clinton wants to run for reelection (against Dole).
If Clinton won, Gore would likely be the DNC’s pick for the next election
Got in some trouble for making campaign calls from inside the WH and having fundraisers in tax-exempt buildings.
Received word from a group of environmentalists who said they would not support him unless he tightened his stances.
Some guilt by association w/ Lewinsky scandal.
Presidential Run
Declares his presidential run in 1999
Focused his campaign on economy, healthcare, education and the environment
“Easily won” the DNC nomination and nominate Joe Lieberman to be his VP.
Although his stiff style sometimes impeded him, AG gave fiery speeches that helped his polls
Gore won the popular vote but lost to Bush in the electoral college
The Election remained unresolved for several weeks, with AG wanted recounts
Eventually conceded. “while I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it.”
Post-Political Career
Went on a speaking tour that became the basis of his 2006 film, An Inconvenient Truth, which won an Oscar for best documentary.
Many of his critics and opponents described it as alarmist or exaggerated.
Sequel released in 2017
Published several books
The Assault on Reason criticized the Bush admin. And The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change analyzes the impacts of social, technological and environmental factors on human development
AG shared the 2007 Nobel Peace prize with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”
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