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Weather manipulation is real, actually. IT was a serious tactic used in the Vietnam war where they would just dump rain on the enemy to try and drown them out of their camps. Also, you can check the patent for the HAARP ray, and you can see that part of it's patent is the ability to manipulate weather. (And this may just be coincidence, but remember all of those crazy storms and hurricanes we were having last year? Well there was a HAARP ray tower in Puerto Rico that may or may not have been causing the storms. But anyway, one of those storms happened to actually hit Puerto Rico, and shortly after that the hurricanes died and stopped. We also saw Hurricanes take unusual patterns before that (such as the one that was heading for New York suddenly curve away), and if you check weather pressure maps, you can see odd patterns in those areas. I'm not saying if it's true or not, but I am saying there's too much coincidence there to not at least entertain the idea that weather weaponization is possible.) Anyway, no, I don't really see how his specific comments were anti-Semitic (unless I misunderstand what that means), and I think out of all conspiracy theories, that's probably the least concerning one to entertain. Edit: And just so you know, Phil, I'm not saying you have to believe in weather modificationweaponization (although you should definitely open your mind to the possibility and do your own honest research into it and draw your own conclusion), but you shouldn't just write it off as crazy it impossible just because it's been labeled a 'conspiracy theory'. Everything deserves scrutiny and research, and nothing should be trusted at face value and based on what someone else has told you to believe. I think that's what I'm most disappointed about Phil, how you immediately brushed it off despite how often you say to try to see the world from all sides and do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
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