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Write a note in this area. It's realone of the companions who has a story
that is particularly relevant to our day
and age and it's relevant because we
live in a time of affluence we live in a
time no matter what financial difficulty
we may or may not encounter on a micro
level at a macro level on a wide level
all of us experience and hamdulillah the
benefit of living in a society that has
lots of privilege that we expect that
when we plug our phone charger into a
wall socket that there will be
electricity that we expect that when we
turn the faucet here at the is BCC that
there will be water these are privileges
not rights and these are things that we
take for granted sometimes and we forget
that not every human being on earth has
these same privileges and so Musab in
O'Mara or the Aloha is a story of a
young man who grew up with this
affluence if I could make an analogy
that does not have any other connection
besides their wealth
Musab you know Mara was like the
Kardashian boy of the time literally
there is no other connection to them
besides their wealth
I guarantee you that Mousavi no matter
of the law han was somebody who McClure
Aish the jahaly flourish the people who
were trying to hurt the prophet mohammed
salah salem
they loved Mesaba no mayor for a few
number one was because he was extremely
handsome he was somebody that had just
this this confidence in his physical
image that when he walked in the street
they would say that sometimes women
would line up along his daily route just
to see him right I know some of you guys
in here thinking that happens to you -
no it doesn't right Mosab the no
marriage special he had that Messiah Ben
O'Mara he had a fragrance subhanAllah
that they said that you could smell him
from blocks away he smelled so good
he was so wealthy his family was so
wealthy her husband Malik was his wife's
name pudding that's bentham addict there
is not his wife's are his mother she was
so wealthy and so powerful that he got
all of his clothes tailored
he got all of his clothes custom-made
you know it's one thing to be able to
shop for expensive clothing to buy nice
clothing that's one thing right a lot of
us don't even have that ability where we
can go and buy like brand-name you know
random undershirts and things like that
no we have to you know cut our cause
make our budget its life I'm done in LA
but some people they're able to afford
very expensive brand names off they can
go to very expensive stores but there's
another level beyond that of opulence of
wealth where there is no brand name on
the clothes there is nothing on the
clothes just a number that the tailor
had stitched because having a someone's
clothes custom-made is a sign of extreme
wealth that you get everything fit to
your body exactly and this was Mesabi
Nomar and one note that they write in
the book subhanAllah Thaddius of history
is that he used to have his shoes not
you know some people say okay get your
clothes custom-made but just buy your
shoes right be a normal person buy some
shoes no even his shoes were custom made
and they were sent from Yemen all the
way from Yemen which at the time was a
sign of extreme wealth so miss Abu Saud
bin omar in summary had a lot going on
and he was somebody that if you met him
today if you met his circumstance today
you might consider somebody with his
circumstances to be spoiled to be
somebody who wouldn't take life
seriously because their dad bought them
a Mercedes or a BMW and they don't have
to care about anything they're just
going to school for the sake of it and
whatnot but most Advan Amer had a very
unique personality trait and that was
that he didn't let his wealth he didn't
let it take over his heart he didn't let
it blind him you know subhanAllah the
dunya has this amazingly tricky
capability that the more that you chase
it the more it makes you want it and the
Prophet Muhammad Allah sometime said in
the hadith that nothing will satisfy the
children of Adam the sons and daughters
of Adam ie human beings nothing will
satisfy them except for dirt
i'il of the grave because we will keep
chasing and chasing and chasing and you
may see this in your own life that you
say to yourself okay after this raise
I'm gonna stop focusing on work so much
I'm gonna start coming home on time
spending time with my family after I buy
this car no more new cars we're gonna
drive them until they until they break
down after this house there's no need
we're gonna settle we're gonna pay it
off after this after this but the
reality is that in San also shares the
same root as the word Michigan human
beings share the same root as the word
forgetful and so we are forgetful people
we forget that we make these promises
and we keep chasing dunya dunya dunya
and our hearts become absorbed in it
Mosab you know mara didn't have that
issue so most I've been O'Mara's
surrounded by this wealth this opulence
this lavishness and he was extremely
smart he was privileged he was able to
take part in the meetings of Quraysh and
he hears about this group of people in
his city in Mecca and their meeting at a
house the house of Auto Club daughter of
Club and he says that you know he's told
or he hears these whispers that they're
listening to this new religion that
their their colleague there you know
neighbor Muhammad bin Abdullah a nice
little sedan that he's bringing to them
and this is the first lesson that we
take from Mossad bin oh man
that when he hears this and he hears
that people's lives are changing and he
hears that they are becoming different
they're transforming into something
better he takes the initiative and he
goes and he meets with the Prophet
Muhammad SAW sunland and the Companions
in daughter outcome you know sometimes
we like to think that we will do
something later right procrastinators
unite tomorrow that's what they say but
the reality is that if you don't take
initiative to capitalize on something
the heart is something that easily flips
and so if your heart is presented with
the opportunity to come closer to allah
sawas oughta jump on it
don't let it sit don't say that when I
get older I'll do this when I have my
friends with me we'll go together
if you feel in your heart an inspiration
to do something that's gonna bring you
closer to allah sawas allah then don't
wait don't let it die don't let that
candle burn out capitalize on that
moment that's what most middle mare did
he didn't say well let me enjoy my life
first I'm so rich and young I have so
many years ahead of me let me go ahead
and take advantage he didn't say I don't
want to go alone it's weird going alone
let me get some friends first make sure
the place is safe no he said you know
what this message sounds good I want to
go hear about it see one of the things
we talk about with people getting active
what you forget is that it's rare for
someone who eats too much sleeps too
much plays too many games to suddenly
wake up one day and say I'm missing
something it's not going to happen you
have to begin to deprive yourself of
some things in life to be able to see
what is the need that I can fulfill and
he turns around and he finds out wow
there's this group getting together the
young and the old the weak among them
and they're being moved by this message
that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon
him is giving and suddenly you start to
realize that he is the one that takes
the initiative one of the days in the
night he decided to go tiptoeing to the
house of Allah come even a bill arkum
robbed the Allah one and he knocked on
the door a soft knock was heard on the
door when they opened the door they
found Musa Habib no male this teenager
one of the wealthiest in Makkah the
children of one of the wealthiest in
Mecca and the Sahaba of the allahu anhum
they were so delighted rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was happy
they welcomed him in he sat down
muhammed sallalahu Salim did not cut his
speech he continued talking on that Eve
he was talking about the fire and
Jahannam and life after death and how
people will either go into heaven or
depending on the deeds that they have
done in their lifetime and Musa beeping
our mayor heard all this and he heard
several verses of the Quran being
recited it touched his heart and he knew
that what my people are doing is
absolutely wrong
they fight with each other they are
killing each other they are worshipping
stones and sticks and they have a lot of
superstitious beliefs so moosa' be our
mayor declared his faith to muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the house
of allah come inaudible arcum which is
also another notable characteristic that
sometimes we hear things that we know
are good for us we know our right but
our nafs fights it often we don't want
to accept it because we might think of
some other temporary benefit that we can
have by ignoring the deen but well live
others and sisters anything that the
Deen says to do is good for you protects
you and I from harm protects us from
poison and anything that our Neffs
commands us to if it goes against the
Dina it's gonna hurt us it's gonna hurt
us in the long run so most I've been
over here is this message his heart is
inclined towards and he capitalizes on
it right away
ash hadu an LA ilaha illallah wa ashhadu
anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh he
accepts Islam and young people when they
become very passionate about something
they want to tell the world right they
want to tell everybody and must I've
been home err he's in a very interesting
situation where his mother is one of the
most powerful women of Quraysh and if
she finds out that he's Muslim there's
gonna be some bad news for Mossad and so
he talks about it with the Prophet
Mohammed salsalin he makes shoot up and
they discover and they decide together
that maybe it's best to keep your faith
hidden for now maybe it's best not to
announce to everybody because you don't
want to rock the boat too much and this
teaches us that it's good to have wisdom
when we deal with people you know
sometimes we think brother this is the
hawk we have to tell everybody tell them
right to their face don't be shy no
heightened knowledge look at why the
Prophet Muhammad SAW sudden told him be
quiet about it for now
yeah-hoo Lam Oh young man be quiet about
it for now why you don't want to shake
things up too much because one of the
predominant characteristics of the
believers is hikmah its wisdom is
knowing how to talk to people in what
way and in what amount
that's hikmah and so what's out there no
mere he keeps it quiet every night just
like the others he used to tiptoe out of
his home and he used to go to the house
of a lark amoeba novel our camaraderie
allaha and where they used to meet with
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
learned the Quran and learn revelation
and learn about the belief in allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala and what happened he
learned so much he became known as a
person who knew more of the Quran than
others in his age group what a powerful
youngster may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala
make us and our youth from those who are
keen on learning and from those who
fight laziness today one of the biggest
hobbies that a lot of the youth have is
to sleep may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala
safeguard us may Allah grant us ease and
goodness every moment we waste to Allah
whom we have thrown it aside may Allah
make us from amongst those who realize
and understand that while sleep is
important too much of it is actually not
only detrimental to our health but even
to our spirituality and our link with
Allah and our preparation for the day
that we meet with Allah Subhanahu WA
Ta'ala now when he starts coming to the
house regularly secretly he doesn't want
people to find out because to find out
in Makkah would be a big problem
especially with his mother for Nesmith
manic his mother was a very powerful
woman she added she's a very controlling
personality he wasn't afraid of anybody
else except his mother didn't want to
mess with his mom like many of us you
could take on anybody can get on mom's
bad side so he's sneaking in and one of
them one of the co father they saw he
saw him and word spread and finally got
to his mother so they called a town
meeting from his tribe they pulled him
in they said is this true you become a
Muslim somebody seen you pray like
Muhammad praise and we saw you going to
Donilon what's going on said yes I
become Muslim what can I say he accepted
he acknowledged his mother his first
reaction was to try to spear him she was
that mad then to hit him but she
couldn't do it she loved him too much so
what she decided to do was she tied him
up and she put him in the corner of the
house with guards watching him the whole
day for days many many days he stayed in
his house just not even being able to
scratch himself just tied up because he
had accepted Islam
weeks pass on by and finally whisperings
about a migration happen that the
Muslims are gonna escape all this
torture all this harassment they're
gonna get away Somu sabe no mer he waits
for a moment that is right he waits
until the guard that is watching him
falls asleep takes a break take some
rest and he gets his wrists out of the
handcuffs he takes his hands out of the
rope and he runs and he migrates to
Abyssinia with the rest of the believers
that wins while he was there there was
rumor that Mecca was now friendly to the
Muslims so he came back but that rumor
ended up being false and he meets with
his mother at this time this is months
years later and his mother says Mossad
my son come back to our way come back to
your family come back to the the way of
your forefathers your grandparents don't
embarrass us and he says my mother I
cannot he says my relationship with
Allah it means more to me than anything
that you can give me and she says if
this is the case she says then these
clothes that you're wearing this money
that you have this wealth that you're
benefiting from kiss it goodbye it's
done you're not going to take it anymore
now I want you to imagine something I
want you to imagine somebody that has
grown up nearly 20 years never knowing
anything but being rich never having any
experiences but that every single thing
in their life was paid for you know when
he used to walk in the streets of Mecca
they said that his clothes would drag
behind him by several feet why if you
and I did that you would say brother
clean up pick up your cloth you don't
want to you don't want to ruin the
garment well he didn't care about
ruining his garments because he would
just buy another one that's how wealthy
he was I want you to imagine that at the
height of this moment the climax his
mother is telling him that this life
that you're benefiting from you're
enjoying it's gone if you don't give up
this message of light Allah any of us in
that moment subhanAllah we may not give
up lie ahead a lot inshallah we would
stay firm but we might try to make a
like can I get the credit card on
Mondays and Wednesdays and then you take
it back on Tuesdays and Thursdays we
come on
can you just lower my allowance by 50%
all right can we just agree we because
the attachment to wealth is so addictive
but must I be no mayor those shackles
have been broken
why because he had committed full-time
and if you look at the life of the
companions you find that what made them
great the reason why we name our kids
after them the reason why we study them
in Sunday school is because they were
people of sacrifice and when you look at
the life of mob you know mayor you see
that he is about to make one of the
biggest sacrifices in his life because
you know what great things only happen
when sacrifices involved if you want to
live a life of mediocrity then go ahead
and don't sacrifice anything but if you
and your community want to make great
strides and changes and transformations
in the world as we know it then
sacrifice is demanded that is the cost
and so most optinal marry he knows this
and if you look at the honor the Prophet
SAW seldom gives him at the end of his
life in the middle in the end of his
life you'll see that this sacrifice he
saw that coming so he tells his mother
yeah on me I will not give it up take
all your wealth and she says I'm gonna
lock you up again because you know
sometimes when when people are trying to
scare you and nothing ends up working
they start threatening physical
punishment again I'm gonna lock you up
he says I swear to God if you lock me up
the guy that you pick we're gonna be
praying janaza on him tomorrow
whatever guard you want to guard me he's
not gonna live longer than 24 hours and
she's taken aback she didn't expect this
from her son
because the believer has Center is that
at the same time they have jicama they
have honor they don't get stepped on
but they also don't fight back
ruthlessly they're in between they have
wisdom with honor he says don't lock me
listen I'm not hurting you you don't
hurt me let's call it fair she says fine
go he's leaving his house his uncle
stops and he says you know these clothes
you're wearing right now they're from
your uncle they're from your father
your late father so they don't belong to
you either take them off if you want to
stay with the son he the man who
everybody looked him for passion
standards the guy who was like you know
this most handsome men most respected
young man in the society had to leave
his house covering his shame with his
hands he had to leave his house naked
this is the state of what something to
make well the Aloha
comes to us with Allah get some you know
some garb to wear and now he starts you
know and totally commits himself to the
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