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To start off. I obviously support gay and transgender rights and support the legalisation of gay marriage. I still believe gender dysphoria is a mental illness and services that decline workers or contributors that are mentally ill are justified.

I support equality for ethnicities and gender but not the current movements aligned with them (BLM and third wave feminism) as they can create hatred and havoc.

I believe stringy in freedom of speech, expression and religion as long as physical threat and violence are excluded.

I support the concept of welfare for people who are severely disabled and can't work, those who are actively seeking jobs until they find one and pensions.

I believe in free healthcare for working and disabled citizens as we need to keep our workers alive or our progress will become slower. Equality of opportunity for everyone however strictly against equality of outcome. Your effort and efficiency should determine your results. Since most disabled people can't put that extra effort in that healthy people can, I believe they should be entitled to free healthcare.

Education should be paid for separate to tax so that people who are sending children to certain schools are paying for what that school offers, and not a fixed value for better or worse.

Obviously prefer capitalism but also having some government assistance is also helpful. Obviously for all of these, allow private health facilities and education to be an option for people who'd prefer such. As well people who have worked hard to become rich have deserved it, but if they pay higher taxes than the poor its still not an issue as they are rich enough to spare a few per cent extra of their earnings. You shouldn't deserve to die for being lazy and not hard working, but you also don't deserve the luxuries of those who are.

Generally prefer less government control and knowledge of private citizens but still enough to regulate to countrys population and data base. And as I've previously demonstrating

I'm on the fence and still unsure of two issues. These being gun control and abortion.

My current belief on gun control is that they need to have far stricter background checks and that only fully licensed dealers who report back to a government data base can be allowed to sell them. This does conflict with my idea of low government control so I'm still trying to understand the situation a bit better. Coming from Australia and growing up without ever seeing a gun in person I don't believe my stance on this is very valid.

I dislike the morality of abortion however also dislike government control there for I'm a bit stuck.

I haven't looked too far into foreign affairs yet but I do believe in doing what's best for your own country. That includes immigration of clearly hard working and willing individuals. Having one party in charge of the globe could just be horribly dangerous. When it comes to conflict, I believe in alliance's between countries and retaliating when you are threatened.

The main reason I wouldn't mind involving myself with a page like this is that I want to broaden my knowledge as far as possible and to consider all stand points before concluding.

What I can offer is a viewpoint from these ideas and further expansion for an audience to discuss. As I am at school Monday to Friday and working Saturday and extra shifts I may be delayed in response time, which I though would be a good idea to give to balance consideration

If there's anything I've missed I'd be happy to answer, but off the top of my head that's what I can give.
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