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Basic LoL Guide For New Player

1. Pick a lane / playstyle

Top - 1v1 Lane, Mostly Melee, uses teleport, tanks&fighters, splitpusher
Mid - melee assassins or Mages who use ability power, 1v1 lane
ADC - Ranged attack damage, mostly ppl who use guns/bows, true carry for the team. squishy, 2v2 lane
SUPPORT - protects and peels for the ADC , 2v2 lane
JUNGLE - Ganker, PvE farmer, objective securer, intiator

2. Make sure to be running the right runes (especially keystone)

3. Preselect a build from probuilds so you arent doing it on the fly in game and waste time

4. If laning start game by CS'ing(last hitting) and Poking enemy

5. Only All in if you see the enemy low on HP and far from turret. All in if your jungler comes to gank.
capitilize on missed skillshots and time cooldowns of opponent in your heads, summoners as well.

6. Winning lane = Taking Tower no matter how many times you kill or die to opponent

7. Dragons,Barons,Inhibs, and Towers wins game, kills do matter but they just help open up the map.

8. Game is split into 3 parts,
EARLY GAME (laning phase) 1-20mins
MID GAME 20min-35min 3 items
LATE GAME 35min+ (full item, full build, max level). inhib taking,elder dragon, baron, one team fights can win it all
with 60sec + death timers

9. Learn what champions counter others and what items counter what champions.

10. Dragon - there are 5, fire dragon(adds a damage boost to team)water dragon(mana boost)
air dragon(movement speed) earth dragon(turret damage) and lastly elder dragon 35min+ burn damage

11. Rift Herald - Spawns in baron pit, 5-30mins, half healths towers for you. Early/Mid game Tower lead.

12. Baron - spawns 30 mins, gives team a huge stat boost + empowers minions when near. Late game objective when enemy is turtling.

13. Inhibs - When you kill them they spawn bigger minions. Its very hard to recover from 1 inhib, let alone 3.

14. Red buff and blue buff, Red buff(adc/jungler) gives health regen and a burn, ad blue buff(mid) gives mana reduction, ap and cdr.

15. Make sure to group up when you have a lead.

16. wards give vision, they help you not get ganked, ward bushes to make sure u can see enemy jungler incoming.

17. first minute and a half of the game, make sure to read over your 4 abilities and passive.

18. Dont overextend past the half line if you dont have vision or arent grouped or fed as fuck.

19. you are invisible in bushes that arent warded. use that 2 get the jump on people.

20. Kill the nexus, win. Positioning and being comfortable with controlling your champion is key.
*there are 2 major offensive stats, AD(attack damage) and AP(ability Power)*
*try to not feed when you die 2 much, hug the tower and play defensively, 2 deaths is more recoverable than 10*
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