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Attention Grabber (Body cam footage)
Relate to audience/yourself (I have always wanted to be a police officer and it is very frustrating to see how police have a bad reputation and get little respect. Being a police officer is a hard job and many people do not understand the stress officers go through on a daily basis. These body cams help show just how hard the job is along with protecting the officer and citizens.)
Specific Purpose (Today we’ll talk about police body cams and the advantages that come along with them)
Central idea/thesis (Police officers who use body cameras see a decrease in complaints, find it easier to collect evidence, and feel as if the relationship with the community is strengthened. These body camera not only help the officer, but they help the community as a whole as well.)
Transition into main point 1: According to the Huffington Post, departments who require officers to wear body cameras saw a 65% decrease in civilian complaints against officers, and a 90% decrease in complaints nationwide.
Main Point 1 (Fewer Complaints)
65% decrease in civilian complaints against officers in Florida alone, 90% decrease in complaints nationwide.
With body cams, officers and citizens change the way they react to situations therefore it results in there being less of a chance for an officer to act out resulting in fewer complaints.
Officers change the way they react and behave since everything is being recorded. They tend to talk more and try to deescalate the situation before letting it turn physical therefore reducing the amount of excessive force used.
Transition into main point 2: With body cameras recording every move an officer or civilian makes, it allows for evidence collection to be done quicker and more accurate.
Main Point 2 (Evidence Collection)
Recollect events and fill reports better since the information is on video and the officer can always go back and review the tapes again.
Helps Internal Affairs with investigating officers who have been accused of doing something wrong.
Helps prove officers acted correctly when questioned and helps clear them of false complaints filed against them.

Transition into main point 3: Body cameras help with the relationship police have with the community since it holds them accountable for their actions giving the community more trust and respect for them as they can also see their daily routine as an officer.
Main Point 3 (Increases police reputation with community)
Allows there to be more credibility among officers resulting in less false arrests and traffic stops. With a decrease in false arrests and traffic stops, the community has a better outlook on police officers since it seems like they are no longer “out to get them.”
Body cameras will allow officers and departments to go over situations encountered on the street and strategize ways to handle similar situations better in the future.
Allowing the community to see what officers go through on a daily basis by showing some footage from body cams may give the community a better understanding of the job and may give officers more respect.
Restate thesis (The advantages of police officers using body cameras and its positive impact in the community.)
Leave Audience with a BANG! (Another video or crazy statistic)
“Body Cameras Provide Instant Replay Of Citizen Complaints.” CBS Denver, 28 Sept. 2017,
Gayle, Damien. “Police with body cameras receive 93% fewer complaints – study.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 29 Sept. 2016,
Hermann, Peter. “Police officers with body cameras are as likely to use force as those who don't have them.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 20 Oct. 2017,
Wing, Nick. “Study Shows Less Violence, Fewer Complaints When Cops Wear Body Cameras.” HuffingtonPost, 19 Dec. 2016,

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