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Lecture 1: (Introduction)
- GIS is for managing, analyzing and presenting info about people places and things
- GIS software links the location data and the attribute data
- GIS Data types -Vector (Polygon etc.) -Raster (Images) -Raster (Surface) -CAD -3D -Tabular
- Data Sources: Earth Observation Satellite / Aerial, GPS
- GIS data analysis can be more complex: spatial analysis, 3d analysis, Network Analysis, Health Care, Emergency 911, Real Estate, Cartography, Reporting and GIS on the web
Lecture 2: (GIS Data Types)
- GIS Data types: Vector, Raster and TIN
- Vector Representation: Polygon, Line or a Point
- Roads, Rivers, trees, are great examples.
- Small scale vector is less accurate than large.
- Raster Representation: A raster is represented as a series of cells/pixels arranged in rows and columns.
- "Discrete Raster" --> cells have categorical values, ex. Blue = Lake, Green = Forest
- "Continuous Raster" --> cell colors blend between features creating a 3d like image
- commonly used as a "background" to plot vector types.
- Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN): A TIN is represented as a network of linked triangles drawn between irregularly spaced points with x, y, and values.
- Efficient way to store and analyze 3d data.
Lecture 3: (Data Classification Methods & SQL)
- Manual, Equal Interval, Defined Interval, Quantile, Natural breaks, Geometric interval, and Standard deviation
- Equal Interval: Each class has the same data range (Max data value - minimum data value / # of classes)
- Quantile: Is defined as having the same number of observations in each class. (total number of observations / # of classes)
- Natural Breaks: uses an algorithm for grouping based on distribution of values which: Minimize variation within each class and Maximize variation between
-SQL --> structured query language
Lecture 4 (Types of Maps)
- Planimetric, Choropleth, Dot, Proportional Symbol, Isopleth, Dasymetric, Bivariate, Temporal, 3D
- Planimetric --> showing a variety of basic features (base map)
- Choropleth --> thematic map, illustrating quantitative values, based on area polygons shaded by value (color or texture fill)
- Proportional Symbol --> illustrating quantitative values, based on symbols that change size to show quantitative differences.
- Dot --> Quantity represented by a number of same size dots, dots placed where phenomena is to occur.
- Isopleth --> Depicting a continuously variable phenomena (rainfall, elevation, air pressure)
- Interpolation: a mathematical process of using known point values to estimate values of new, unknown points.
- Isarithmic --> Isarithmic mapping involves representing a real or conceptual three-dimensional.
- Dasymetric --> The locations where quantities are symbolized don’t match the areas where quantities were measured, (crime maps, population)
- Brivate --> Representing more than one quantitative theme in one map (pop vs. gnp per capita)
- Temporal --> showing changes over time (map of hurricane paths)
- 3D --> created using a planimetric map as a base layer and extruding the height of the buildings based on a corresponding attribute.
Lecture 5: (Map Projections)
- 3D Globes to 2D Maps
- Distortion is inevitable
- Every 2d map is inaccurate due to Area, Shape, Direction and Distance
- Projection: a two dimensional representation, using a plane coordinate system, of the earth’s three dimensional spheroid
- location on the 3-D earth is measured by Latitude and Longitude (corresponding roughly to y, x);
- location on the 2-D map is measured by X,Y Cartesian coordinates
- Different projections will have different effects on the shape of the graticule
- The Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection is sometimes used to map large ocean areas, A straight line drawn through the center point is on a great
- Cylindrical Projections: Mercator is most famous cylindrical projection; equator is its line of tangency (Standard Parallel).

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