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She is the only sister who is permitted to leave the main lot freely. Her primary role is to search out men, develop relationships with them and lure them back to the lot. Unlike, the ‘Four Immortal Sisters’, all sibling are allowed to bear children if certain ‘restrictions’ are lifted. (See Rule 9) The skills she is allowed to use and develop are mainly social skills such as Comedy, Mischief, and Charisma with the addition of Programming, Handiness and Logic for career purposes.
She is the caretaker of the young children, and of the house. Cooking, cleaning and repair duties fall to her, as well as the care of infants. The skills she is allowed to use and develop are Cooking, Baking, Gourmet Cooking, Mixology, and Handiness skills with the addition of Charisma, Logic for careers
She is the keeper of knowledge, and the worker of the family. Once children become old enough to learn, she is responsible for teaching them. As the children get older, she tutors them and helps them with homework as well. The skills she is allowed to practice are Logic, Writing, Instrument skills (Guitar, Violin, piano etc), Painting, Video Gaming, Programming with the addition of Charisma for career purposes.
She is the gardener, fitness master and collector. She is responsible for growing food and fishing to sell and eat, and training the children in athletics. She is allowed to leave the lot to fish, complete collections and search for cowplant seeds (for her aspirations)

5. The major twist for this challenge lies with the fact that pre-determine objectives must be completed before a sister can reproduce. Thus, each sister can have a possible four children; (one after the ‘divine’ restriction is lifted, one after the ‘ethereal’ restriction etc.), however because of lot restrictions, a second ‘child’ house can be created to move aged up children out of the main lot. As in Rule 3 there are no restrictions for the initial construction of the house (ie. Cheats are permitted), but once complete all other item must be purchased with earned funds. These are separated into categories of difficulty as seen below; divine objectives being the easiest and deific being the hardest.

DIVINE (easy)
“The Temptress”:
• Must WooHoo with10 different Sims
• Complete ‘Friend of the World’ aspiration
• Reach max level of one of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out one of her sister specific skills (ie. Comedy, Mischief, Charisma)
ETHEREAL (medium)
“The Seductress”
• Must wed 10 different Sims
• Complete ‘Joke Star’ aspiration
• Reach max level of another permitted careers/ branch
• Max out another one of her sister specific skills

“The Siren”
• Must kill a husband (ie. Using cowplant)
• Complete ‘Serial Romantic’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another one of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out the last sister specific skill

DEIFIC (very hard)
“The Succubus”
• Must kill 3 husbands (ie. Using cowplant)
• Must WooHoo with 30 different sims
• Homewreck 3 households (get a Sim to leave spouse)
• Complete ‘Public Enemy’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another one of her permitted careers/ branch

DIVINE (easy)
“The Unselfish”:
• Become good friends with a child
• Complete ‘Master Chef’ aspiration
• Reach max level of one of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out one of her sister specific skills (ie. Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Mixology, Handiness)

ETHEREAL (medium)
“The Altruistic”
• Have a child complete their childhood aspiration
• Complete ‘Master Mixologist’ aspiration
• Reach max level of another permitted careers/ branch
• Max out another one of her sister specific skills

“The Saint”
• Have a child age up into a teen (see requirements)
• Become BFFs with two children
• Complete ‘Successful Lineage’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another one of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out the last sister specific skill

DEIFIC (very hard)
“The Martyr”
• Have a child age up into a YA (see requirements)
• Have a child get married
• Have a grandchild
• Complete ‘Soul Mate’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another one of her permitted careers/ branch

DIVINE (easy)
“The Academic”:
• Complete ‘Computer Whiz’ aspiration
• Reach max level in two of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out two of her sister specific skills (ie. Logic, Programming, Video Gaming, Writing, Painting, Instrumental Skills (eg. Guitar)
ETHEREAL (medium)
“The Scholar”
• Complete ‘Best-Selling Author’ aspiration
• Reach max level of another two permitted careers/ branch
• Max out another two of her sister specific skills

“The Philosopher”
• Complete ‘Painter Extraordinaire’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another two of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out another two of her sister specific skills

DEIFIC (very hard)
“The Sage”
• Reach Level 10 Skill in all Instruments
• Have a child (teen or YA) achieve Level 5 in all her sister specific skills
• Complete ‘Renaissance Sim’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another one of her permitted careers/ branch

DIVINE (easy)
“The Traveller”:
• Catch a cowberry
• Complete ‘Bodybuilder’ aspiration
• Reach max level of one of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out one of her sister specific skills (ie. Fitness, Rocket Science, Fishing, Gardening)
ETHEREAL (medium)
“The Rover”
• Grow a cow plant into adult form
• Complete ‘Angling Ace’ aspiration
• Reach max level of another permitted careers/ branch
• Max out another one of her sister specific skills

“The Wanderer”
• Have all plants on the lot at the most evolved form
• Complete ‘Freelance Botanist’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another one of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out another one of her sister specific skill

DEIFIC (very hard)
“The Nomad”
• Grow 4 cowplants into adult form
• Have a child complete the ‘Rambunctious Scamp’ aspiration
• Complete ‘The Curator’ Aspiration
• Reach max level of another one of her permitted careers/ branch
• Max out another one of her sister specific skill
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