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Web development is definitely a fruitful skill set for freelancing. Unless you're super interested in android development specifically, and given that it sounds like your main goal is freelancing, I wouldn't recommend Java as the first language you learn. Not to say it isn't an excellent language, I just think it isn't the best fit to your stated goals. Java isn't a super common back end language these days, and where it is used is in places where you would be less likely to be able to find entry level freelance jobs.

My two cents is to go with Node JS. Node is just javascript on the backend, so basically you can write your entire application (front end and back end) in javascript. When you're first learning web development there will be a lot of new topics you wrap your mind around, so the benefit of being able to use the same language on the front end and back end is pretty huge IMO. It removes the cognitive overhead of learning a second language, including its unique syntax, libraries/packages, and idiosyncrasies so you can focus on learning the new concepts specific to backend development such as structuring API's, back end architectures, database types and data structuring, etc. Node is also one of the fastest growing languages in terms of usage. You can definitely always goes back and learn Java later. Learning the first language is always hardest.

So the learning path will usually go something like this: learn basic javascript, then learn to make basic front ends in HTML/CSS/JS, then learn how to consume 3rd party API's with that front end, then learn how to build your own basic API with Node. For step 1, learning javascript, I highly recommend this course: It's a free course and it teaches you strictly vanilla javascript without muddying the waters with any other topics. A lot of classes try to teach javascript at the same time as other web concepts and IMO that makes it a lot more confusing. This course does not do that, and it's actually taught by a guy who is super accessible; he runs a facebook group for it where you can post questions and he'll respond, it's pretty great. He also has a paid class that you can take after finishing the free one, and while it looks very solid, I haven't taken it so I can't comment on it for sure.

I hope this was at least a little helpful. Please let me know if anything I said needs clarification. Also, feel free to reach out to me any time if you get stuck or run into trouble along the way and need someone to help you sort things out.
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