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My nightmare last night.
I went to MK8DX school on my dream.
My teacher was Mr. SuperFX and he has 20 students total in his class.
My assignment for today then was 150cc 3DS Music Park.
During that assignment GIRORO was chewing gum in the class.
Then Mr. SuperFX told Anna to stop GIRORO from chewing gum in the class because Anna was the student that was in charge of the class.
So Anna told GIRORO to stop chewing gum in class.
And GIRORO stopped.
After that Hobbie and I were talking bad things about Anna in charge and wanted Jazzy to be the student in charge instead of Anna, because he's the creator and Moderator of MK8 Players Page and MKLeaderboards.
Then the teacher told us to go to the principal's office.
My principal was Mr. SpearMick.
Hobbie and I told him that we were saying mean things about Anna being in charge.
And then he told Hobbie and I that we were both suspended for two days.
He called both of our parents.
Then our parents came to pick us up.
When I was I home, I was forced to do chores during my suspension.
I did a lots of chores then.
One day I had a phone call with Hobbie, and he said he was also forced to do chores too.
Those suspension days were bad.
After Hobbie and I got suspended, we came to school again.
One our way to school, Brandon laughed at me because I was suspended.
And GIRORO and Damian talked to me about what I did when I was suspended.
When I came to school Mr. SuperFX told Hobbie and I rules about what to do in class.
He put not saying bad things about other students as one of the rules.
Then he told us the assignment.
Our assignment was to do 150cc Tick Tock Clock then.
He told us what to do during that assignment.
Also, during that assignment, Resumi was picking his nose.
Anna was still in charge of the class, so she told Resumi to stop picking his nose.
And Resumi stopped.
And right after that I finally woke up from my nightmare.
The End
Written by William
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