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Orlando: Heyy mate, how are ya?
Utah: How's it.
Orlando: Ey Evelyn.
Ron: Shit Orlando, got this place lookin' niice. Business boomin aye? *quiet laugh*
Evelyn: Reckon you could watch Utah for the day?
Utah VO: It was my old man's idea to call me Utah. He wanted to start a family tradition and name all his kids after American cities, like him. Except Utah's a state, not a city. And i'm his only kid. So he fucked that up.
Orlando: That's right. I found something for ya. Ya seen one of these? It's a wrist wallet. Someone was throwing it out the other day. Thought it might be something you're into. Get ya started.
Utah VO: When mates ask what my old man does, I just say he's on the dole. I get less shit for that.
Nigel (offscreen): Hey Orlando.
Orlando: How are ya?
Nigel: Good.
Orlando: Wooah!
Utah VO: Mum's boyfriend Ron used to be my old man's boss at the freezing works. He reckons they were always laughing at my old man. Like one time, he tried to be funny and wrote 'Ron's a penis brain' on Ron's gumboots, except he spelt it wrong. It ended up saying 'Ron is a penis brian'. Everyone called my old man Brian after that.
Orlando: Met the Undertaker?
Utah: That's its name?
Orlando: He still your favourite wrestler?
Utah: Nah, I stopped watching that ages ago.
Orlando: Hey Utah, come take the tour!
Orlando: What we have here, are three different bins for different types of glass. You've got your clear glass, You've got your green glass, and then you've got your brown glass. We sometimes get blue glass, that throws things out a bit.
Orlando: People can get confused with all the bins. Takes a while to get ya head around. These, are our three big bins. All non-recyclables. How many of these do ya think we'd go through in a month?
Utah: 10?
Orlando: No two.
Orlando: So you call Ron 'dad' now?
Utah: Mum says I should.
Utah VO: My olds broke up coz they had a threesome with Ron, and mum liked Ron more in the threesome. That's what this dickhead Eli told everyone at school. He said Ron told his dad all about it. I had a big as rumble with Eli after that. I reckon Ron was lying anyway. I hope he was lying. It's sick.
Orlando: Turn turn. Easy, yup, yup. Yup Utah, other foot other foot. Yup, ya got it? Yup. Stop! Stop! Ya ya oooh. That's pretty well done, mate.
Orlando: Here we go, Nige.
Nigel: Oh Orlando, cheers. Good looking bugger you got here mate.
Orlando: Yeah, he's not bad.
Nigel: Ya sure he's yours? Looks more like something i'd produce. Know what we used to call your old man at the freezing works?
Utah: Yeah, Brian.
Nigel: *chuckles* Bloody Ron. What was it he wrote? Orlando is a penis Brian
Utah: Aye? He told me that you wrote that.
Nigel: *laughs* [Bo he was, my money]? put three letters in his name. Any more he'd be fucked, I think.
Utah: Ooh ooh, one!
Th.. Thr.. rr
Orlando: Gaaahh. I usually do double that when I've warmed up.
Utah: Ooh, tough guy.
Orlando: You wanna have a go, big man? Lets see what you've got. Yeah?
One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six
Utah: Thanks for coming.
Orlando: Heh? Right.
Utah: Ooh put it away man, you've got tits.
Ron: Woahoho! Puttin on a strip show for us big fella!?
Evelyn: Oh please.
Ron: *chuckles*
Evelyn: You ok bub?
Utah: Yup
Orlando: We had a pretty good day actually.
Ron: *laughing* W.. What is that wearing?
Orlando: It's a wrist wallet.
Ron: It's a fucking what?! Is it yours?
Orlando: Nah I found it. I gave it to Utah.
Evelyn: So, you gave Utah a present you found at the dump? Nice.
Ron: Christmas presents must be easy for you mate.
Evelyn: *Laughing in background*
Utah: Thanks dad.
Orlando: See ya later mate.

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