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Frank Victoria Anderson vs D-H
- Former champion FVA looks for a win here, but his opponent is tough, DH just came off challenging The Starfield, is that too much for FVA to handle?
- Brand vs Brand!

The Circle vs. Truthless Heroes - Vindication Tag Team championship
- Alex Graves and Michael Young are the Truthless Heroes tackling the circle here. What's this mean for Connor Gates?
- Kazama and Merchant have seemed strong so far, and have come out successful in their run ins with the Heroes in the past.

Scout MacKenzie vs. Clarke Lance
- We have another debut in Scout MacKenzie! For Vindication.
- A relative rookie, Scout is looking to make her name and leave her mark.
- Clarke Lance is not an easy opponent though, and it would be very easy for Scout to slip up and fall to Lance, just like Carolyn Hale has in the past.

Isaac vs. Myles Miles - Discord Championship
- Isaac fancies himself as the best Discord Champ in history, but Myles seems to disagree with that, we'll have ot see who can prove who wrong.
- If Isaac wins here, this will be his 3rd retain, meaning he'll earn that precious title rematch.

Chris Princess, Everett Duncan, Justin King, Brandon Michael Smith vs. SGT Hunter, Raymondo, Spartacus, Taurus Fire
- Vindication vs Nemesis! the battle lines have been drawn and the field is set to go.
- The stakes are huge, the winning team will win the #30 spot for their brand, the losers getting the #1 spot.
- Elimination rules
- BMS is looking for redemption here; if he is eliminated, he will be indefinitely suspended without pay.
- Spartacus is undefeated so far in CWL
- Everett Duncan was the first ever Internet Champion

Davina Rose vs. Luna Morales - Vindication Womens Championship
- Rose is 8-5
- Luna is 4-1
- This match is huge for Luna Morales especially, after her title win wasn't aired to the world, she felt defeated, as if it didn't even happen in a way. She's battle through adversity in her life to get to this position, and she needs to prove herself on our biggest stage yet in CWL, in the SEMI MAIN EVENT!
- Rose has beat Luna before, they are 1-1 against each other, will this be another Vallen situation with Rose picking up the win? OR can Luna topple the star that is Davina Rose.

Logan Gray vs. The Starfield - Champion vs. Champion
- Champ vs Champ, Vindication vs Nemesis!
- Logan Gray may be Starfield's toughest challenge yet, and in being a champion himself, he has to be coming into this match-up with some confidence.
- Logan is 12-7
- The Starfield is 16-2
- The Starfield no-showed the press conference

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