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Mira’s Nightmare

Let me introduce you to a guy named Mira. He was a really good person. As he grew up he was always interested in ghosts. He thought they were really cool. When he was 32 years old, to his surprise, he got the job of his dreams, but it involved moving far, far away from his hometown. His whole family moved with him, except for his parents. They had to move to a city called “Hauntedsburg”. Once Mira and his family arrived to “Hauntedsburg” people acted very strangely and different. Every single house looked like it was older than World War I. Most of the twon seemed to have been built out of dark wood and there were spider webs everywhere, every single house was covered with them. There was also a soldier helmet crowning the roof of every single house, which gave the impression that they were being watched constantly, it was very creepy indeed. Their own house also had a soldier’s helmet, but at the top of the door. Mira did not like it on top of his door so he threw it away in the garbage. Mira’s first day at work was extremely weird. He got a phone call from home that had a bunch of staticy noises and gunshots. Mira quickly got in the car and sped back home.
He came back to a dead family!
Each person in the family was wearing a dark green helmet. Mira took off his jacket and started to cry. He fell to his knees in grief. Suddenly, he felt the floor cove in underneath him. He found himself in the basement! In the corner of the room, he saw something shuffle in the dark. As his eyes got used to the light, he realized, it was a soldier, or at least, the shadow of a soldier. He held a shotgun that looked extremely old. The shotgun was pointed towards Mira, and the shadow rasped, “So son, you think you can disrespect the army? Not in my town!” Mira heard gunshots, he clutched his stomach in agony and screamed. He found himself being shaken by a familiar hand. “Honey, honey,” he heard his wife’s voice. “Honey, you’ve been dreaming again. How many times have I told you not to fall asleep late at night, while watching TV on the couch?” As Mira’s eyes opened, he looked at the screen. A war movie was playing, bullets flying. He rubbed his eyes, and began the slow ascent up the stairs to his room. That was when he heard a shuffling sound coming from the basement...

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