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The First Day of Holiday at Grandparents’ Home in the Village
I was so happy because last semester, I got good scores. My pleasure increased because during a week, I spent the holiday at grandparents’ home in Wlingi.
I arrived at their home Sunday morning at around 10.00. My grandmother is the best; she had finished preparing my favorite food when I just arrived at her home. Noticing my favorite food which was already on the table, of course I was immediately fascinated. Yes, my grandmother usually cooks my favorite food (chicken rendang) when I take a visit to her home, there is a large family reunion and lebaran. Perhaps, my grandmother cooked the chicken rendang for se felt so pleased knowing my plan to spend the holiday here, because we had not seen nearly 8 months at that time.
Having finished eating, I told him my experiences at school. They were very happy to know that my semester report’s scores were good. Next, I decided to move towards my favorite place in the grandmother's house which was in the porch. In front of grandma's house there are a wide football field and a tall banyan tree. Around this field, there are still so many paddy fields, which looked so green at that time. It was in contrast to the area in which I live where its field is getting narrower from year to year because it is closed to build housing.
The beautiful scenery accompanied by the breezes that blow caused me sleepy. I didn’t know since what time I had fallen asleep in the porch until Ashar praying time was coming.
After praying Ashar, I went to my family's rice field together with my grandparents which is located about 400 meters from the house. I was so amazed to see the rice terraces getting yellow which was so beautiful. Grandpa said that it was likely that our paddy could be harvested the day after”. He promised that he would take me to see the harvesting of paddy. Of course I approved the promise, and I couldn’t bear for two days after that day. I had already imagined how fun this activity would be. Even I had estimated how many sacks of rice we would get after harvesting.
Days seemed to run very fast there. I didn’t feel that it had already been night. We just stayed at home because of the heavy rain outside. The ambiance was so warm when my grandmother prepared us STMJ (Susu = Milk, Telur= Egg, Madu= Honey, Jahe= Ginger) which is my and my grandfather’s favorite beverage.
We ended the funny day with drowsiness coming suddenly and then sleep
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