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Favourite gemstone: Amazonite
Favourite colour: Mint green, teal, light blue, white, silver, gray, blue-gray
Favourite flower: White rose
Favourite country: Iceland
Favourite time: Night
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite month: September
Favourite weather: Rain
Favourite town: Helsinki, Reykjavik
Favourite musical genre: Classic, Classic rock
Favourite instrument: Piano, flute
Favourite band: Metallica
Favourite string instrument: Harp
Favourite candle scent: Lime
Favourite scent: Vanilla
Favourite artist: Claude Monet
Favourite composer: Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky
Favourite film: A Tale Of Two Sisters

The Virtue Levels 1-10
Adventurousness: 7
Caring: 9
Confidence: 6
Cooperation: 7
Courage: 6
Creativity: 7
Flexibility: 7
Generosity: 8
Honesty: 8
Loyalty: 9
Patience: 9
Perseverance: 6
Respect: 8
Responsibility: 6
Reliability: 7
Sociability: 6
Trust: 10

Immediate Family
Did the parents raise this character? Yes
Are the parents still alive? Yes
-If not, why not, and/or what happened?
-At what age was the character when this happened?

Mother: Elina Eriksson
-Mother’s Age: 44
-Birthdate: August 14, 1969
-Mother’s ethnicity: Swedish
-Relationship with her: Good
-What did they do for a living? Alternative practitioner, land agent

Father: Nils Eriksson
-Father’s Age: 45
-Birthdate: August 28, 1968
-Father’s ethnicity: Swedish
-Relationship with him: Good
-What did they do for a living? Salesman, has a company, architect

Extended Family
Name: Anders Eriksson
-Relation: Uncle (paternal)
-Age: 45
-Birthdate: August, 1968
-Occupation: System analyst

Religion: Agnostic
Philosophy/Beliefes: Reincarnation
Superstitions: Breaking mirrors

Main Goal: Find purpose, destination
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Practice witchcraft
Career: (What would be your character's dream job?) Journalist
Desires: Love
Wishlist: (What material items does your character want?) Spellbook
Accomplishments: Finding out about supernatural powers
Greatest Achievement: First spell, art works
Biggest Failure: Regrets
Secrets: Lost a friend
Regrets: Not having been there enough
Worries: Sleepwalking
Best Dream: Finding love
Worst Nightmare: Seeing a ghost..
Best Memories: 2002, getting drawn by a street artist in Warsaw, Poland. 2009, Iceland, laying in a field, watching the Northern lights.
Worst Memories: Losing her friend

Hobbies/Interests: Writing, reading poems, play flute, listen to music, go on walks, read, paint, photography
Skills/Talents: Painting, writing, playing flute
Likes: Night skies, lucid dreams, good music
Dreams/Nightmares: (What do they dream about? [at night]) Ghosts

Languages: Swedish (native), English (C1), Russian (B1/B2), Latin
Accent: Swedish
Voice: High-medium pitch
Speech Impediments: (Stutters, slurs, or whistles)
Greetings and Farewells: (How does your character say hello and goodbye?)
State of Mind: (Ask your character "how are you" and see how they respond)

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Regards; Team

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