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*Unit 3 & 4*
A *ComboBox Contol* used to present list of choices.

A *DropDown List Box* used to present several discrete text choices.

If...then...else structure is a *Nested Structure*

Label Control has *6* Properties.
→ Size-Width
→ Size-Height
→ Location: X
→ Location: Y
→ TextAlign
→ Text

*ComboBox DropDown* Property Values
→ Simple
→ DropDown
→ DropDownList

*ComboBox Control Properties*
→ DropDownStyle
→ Text
→ DropDown Width
→ IntegralHeight
→ ItemHeight
→ MaxDropDownItems
→ MaxLength
→ Sorted

The *String Collection Editor* Window allows you to enter and set initial values in ComboBox List.

*TabIndex* property is used to maintain *Tabbing Order*

In ComboBox each item has an *Index* assigned.

*SelectedIndex* property shows which value is selected.

*DecisionMaking* is process of determining which of one or more paths to take.

The flowchart representation of a decision is *DiamondShaped* symbol.

*Focus()* method is used to set the focus to controls during runtime.

A condition is sometimes called a *Rational Expression*

There are *6 Relational Operators*

When variables are limited to a particular block it is known as *Block Level Scoping*

To ensure that no further processing occurs, the *Exit Sub Statement* is used.

The *Parameter InfoWindow* is displayed by *Intellisense™*

Each *If* Statement must have corresponding *End If*

There are *4 Logical Operators*
→ And
→ Or
→ Not

When two or more conditions are combined by logical operators , the expression is called a *Compound Condition*

The *Not Logical Operator* allows you to write a condition in which the true value is *Complemented* or reversed.

The *And Logical Operator* is used to combine two or more conditions in an expression.

The *Or Logical Operator* requires only one of the two or more conditions to be true.

The *XOR Logical Operator* requires one of the two conditions to be true.

Two Additional logical operators *AndAlso Logical Operator, OrElse Logical Operator*

The order of evaluation of a series of logical operators is a part of what are called the *Rules Of Precedence*

Arithmetic,Relational,Not,And/AndAlso,Or/OrElse or XOR

The *Concatenation (&) operator* joins two strings in one.

A *Startup Object* can be any form or class that you want to have control when application begins.

A *ListView Control* is used to arrange and display a list of items into single or Multiple Columns , with or without column headings.

*Terminating Condition* is used to let the program know when the data entry is complete.

*ICON Property* allows you to set the form icon.

The *View Property* is used to set display option for the ListView control.

Properties of *ListView Control*
→ CheckBoxes
→ FullRowSelect
→ GridLines
→ View
→ Activation
→ Alignment
→ AllowColumnReOrder
→ AutoArrange
→ Columns
→ HeaderStyle
→ Items
→ MultiSelect
→ Scrollable

A *Collection* is a group of one or more objects that can be accessed and operated as a single entity.

The *Anchor Property* specifies the sides of a form to which control is anchored.

*CheckBox* Control Properties*
→ Appearance
→ CheckAlign
→ Checked
→ CheckState
→ FlatStyle
→ Image
→ ImageAlign
→ Text
→ AutoCheck
→ ThreeState

** and *Form.showDialog()* are two different things.

The process of repeating a set of instructions is known as *Looping* or *Repetition*

*Do While*, *Do Until* and *While...End While*

The *SubItems* collection is a property of a *ListViewItem Object*

*For...Next* is a counter Controlled loop.

When the statements of one loop lie within the range of another loop, the loops are said to be *Nested* or *Embedded*

The *Count Property* of a collection is used to represent the total number of items in a collection.

The *For Each...Next* loops through a group of statements for each element in a collection , doesnt require a counter.

*Common String Class Methods*

Concatenation Operators For Assignment Statements

The *ReSize()* event occurs when a form or control first displays or when the size changes because the user resizes the form.

The *Me Keyword* allows you to reference the current instance of a form or any other class within the form or class.

A *ContextMenu* control is used to add the shortcut menu to form.

A *PictureBox* Control is used to display image on form.

A *StatusBar* control allows you to place several panels containing status information in window.

The *FontDialog* Control is used to provide interface for font dialog box.

An *AccessKey* is an assigned letter key that allows the user to display a menu at runtime by pressing the alt key and assigned letter key

A *Shortcut Key* is used to execute command when a user presses the key while menu is displayed during runtime.

*Separators* are especially useful on large menus

*StatusBar control* Properties

*PictureBox control* Properties

*CommonDialog* Controls
→PrintPreview Dialog

The elements in array are distinguished from one another by *Index* or *Subscript*

A *Line Continuation Character* allows you to write long lines of code over several lines in code window!

*Array Methods* (*8*)

A *Sub Procedure* is a unit of code that executes when called from code in other procedures and event procedures.

There are two methods of passing arguments. By Value and By Reference

A *Control Collection* allows you to treat one or more controls as members of a collection.

You can also use the *Call keyword* to call the sub procedure or function procedure.
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