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“What steps led to American participation in World War II?”
Good Neighbor Program: US cant interfere with Latin American internal affairs (withdrew troops)
However, as German influence took over Latin America US expanded trade with it
Japan invades Manchuria, into China
Rape of Nanjing
Hitler: rearmament, try to take over all of Europe --> no one tried to stop him initially, making him cocky
US convinced involvement in WWI mistake--- want to STAY out
Isolationism: desire to avoid foreign entanglements
Neutrality Acts: ban travel on belligerent ships and sales of arms to war countries
Britain and france used germany as block to communism of SU
FDR: third term
helped pay britain and china
fight for freedom

December 7, 1941: bombing of pearl harbor
-first attack on us land since war of 1812
US realizes they are surrounded by war (japan on west, europe on east)
then germany declares war on us
WWII: gross national product war (outproduce the other side)
initially US suffered many battle losses
D-Day: June 6, 1944 (200000 Allied soldiers attacked in Normandy, pushing Germany out)
German surrender in Stalingrad
After serious losses, Hitler takes out his anger thru mass extermination
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