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One talkative and funny person without even trying. His head is filled with random out of the box things. Suuuuuuuuper busy and rarely around. But once he is around no matter how short it is he will leave a big impact, in the group he will make everyone laugh, he will be able to have some quality time or talk with me too. Super duper great listener and adviser, I'm sure those who have talked closely to him can agree. A person with honesty and efforts. The most IC Minhyuk, from his tllness to his positive attitudes, sometimes I even thought Minhyuk is roleplaying Faudel and vice versa.

"Parah sih yang aku baru muncul netizen starship langsung ngakak."
"Acel acel acel."
*Gives random tebakan tll*
*Drops random jokes*
"Acel I miss you."
"Pacar kamu ganteng. Jadi pengen macarin juga."
"Sebenernya aku owner RCTI." (The most iconic)
*super long messages*
*marah marah kalau ada yang jahatin rere*

At first we were kind of awkward and gak nyambung with each other. Haha. We only talked ketika ada butuhnya aja. It's not a big deal, just we had different kind of humor or something but aparently our communication is getting better now? A person you will find scary or grumpy at first but is actually kind and reliable like a brother figure. In a way you resemble the real Kihyun too even to his petty side so I think you portray him correctly. (Ampun)
"Sleep, Meng."
K: I ship Minhyuk sama Bona.
M: Ga ah aku gamau jadi Bona
K: Kenapa? Pada ga suka?
M: Soalnya kamu ship
K: Tai
"Bgst gw di-tll-in."
"Ga, gw bgst in chatroom bukan km."
(He is kasar like this!)
"Ren tau g"
"Ren ren."
"Aduh ren. Kalo mau unfriend gw gapapa."
"Jangan terlalu dipikirin."
"Kalau ada apa-apa cerita."

Wone oppa who has been portraying his character for long to the point he got to show the sassy one liner comeback especially to his members. A superhero or movie addicts, he has wide range of knowledge about this. Just like some people, I thought he disliked me or rant about me sometimes in the past (when in fact, he probably just let a thought out). As we talked more I find him to be kind and sincere in some way, he is willing to help others honestly and you can prove it by yourself once you know him.
"Biasa emak2 lagi haid paling" (about his member)
"Iyaaa siap, kalau belom jelas tanya lagi aja atau browsing takut pusing aku jelasin mah."
"Don't say such a thing. Everyone deserves to be happy."
"<< sendirinya ditinggal desi aja gabisa tidur"
"I neva freeze."
"Kalau mau ada yang curhat pc aja ya, insyaAllah dibales kalau lagi gak occupied."
"Help aing ngakak baca "tukang galon" doang." << humor

My first impression to Dante is that he is a 5 years old Changkyun who had his birthday celebrated by all Officiol members. I didn't find him hard to approach because of that child-like image. But I talked to him a little more after I found out we have a mutual friend (Drew) and that we all like Riordan's books, same interests. He is witty and smart, very loyal to his hyungs, and a polite youngest (nurutan to them?)
*ngomongin ke IC an Faudel and relation of Minhyuk with Apollo*
"Hahahaha astaga gini doang ngakak. Ngelucunya bagus ini mah."
"Bener. I can imagine Udel saying that."
"Sengaja biar ditanyain. Dante namanya kenapa - doang."
"Alhamdulillah dah dichat dua orang satunya reine satunya kiki hyung."
"Jir cpt bener switchnya ga pusing tah?"
"Dante sibuk mau menyentuh buku yang lama tidak disentuh."
"Jase hyung juga namanya literally kanan!"
"Hamdallah ada yang ngerti joke Dante."

Everyone said Jase oppa is galak and I have to admit, I agree with that. Orangnya tegas dan sering ngomong to the point. He treasures his friends a lot and actually loyal to them, he won't even share anything without permission. In a way he looks like the opposite of Minhyuk oppa but they are like best friends from birth who can't be separated. (Just like the real Joohyuk too). He is kind and willing to offer some helps sometimes without having you ask at all.
"Re ntar malem kalo dimarahin Naya iya2 aja ya wkwkwk."
"Kalau mau behind the scene tanya Jooheon oppa aja."
"Re udel ngechat ga?"
"Rere di grup gini. Kalau dichat Udel langsung kayak putri solo."
"Mending lu ga usah punya hp kalo ga bisa dihubungin." < ke Faudel

The most famous one among the others. A big fan of LOONA especially Yves! I joined the group late and haven't really talked to him much so I can't say much :( But the others say he often drops riddles and I haven't witnessed this.

I haven't talked to this senior much too, he rarely appears in the group. All I know about him is that he was addicted to banana nugget just like how the real Wonho was so obsessed with Ramyeon. :D

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