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Good evening, Sire.

I do hope the same for you too, I hope your day is full of blessing and happiness.

First, before you even told me, I'd known who you are, Caleb, or Balthazar. I know who you are, and I am not even surprised anymore.

At first, I am totally disappointed at the fact that you've lied to me and left me alone, ditambah kamu terus melihat sisi negatifku, meski aku sudah berapa kali minta maaf. Iya, aku kecewa dan marah sekali saat itu.

Again, I have reasons why I said no more Bayonetta and Caleb:
1. I tried to respect your decision, your wish to be alone, since you felt insecure with me.
2. Again, aku menghindari orang-orang untuk bertanya demi mencegah konflik yang lebih besar. Yes, call me coward to do that.
3. I was hurt dan aku nggak sadar apa yang aku lakukan mengecewakan kamu. Iya, aku emang nggak bisa kontrol emosi saat itu, from the first time we belonged to each other. Enough chaos.

But that doesn't mean I give no space for you to be with me.

I do give you chance, but... not now.

I don't know how to explain this, since you kept thinking like that and kept on looking at my flaws, which makes me angry.

And as you can see, I am Kitana, the one whom Tiara called as the cold-hearted and the most arrogant woman. Satisfied enough to see the fact?

I flipped this account from Bayonetta > Kitana (Until I cleansed all of Bayonetta roleplayers from my following list) to cure myself, and I forcefully erased your name from my bio.

Don't you think that I can do things easily. Aku nggak se-callous dan sebodoh itu, maaf.

Tapi rasa marah dan kecewa itu nggak berlangsung terlalu lama juga, lama-kelamaan I can accept the fact, or fate that we can't be together in such circumstances.

Sudahlah, masa lalu suram itu. Sampai situ aja bahasnya.

Oh ya, aku dan Jihoon masih dalam masa pendekatan/HTS, or whatever you named it. I never realized that I am still in love with him, even though... dia juga sering kecewain aku.
Membenci Aurora? Buat apa? She did nothing and I made her as my friend instead.

Yang penting sekarang bukan aku, tapi Aurora.

Tolong, selamatkan dia dan lindungi dari predator brengsek itu (Leonardo D'Cruz), aku dan Natasha sudah korbannya.

And I'll save myself.
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Regards; Team

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