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Special for Lyth ( @_wushixun_ )
I hope you like it


"....I'm leaving, Jongin"

Those words.. keep wandering inside my mind, like a whirlpool.
Your face when you were telling me you're leaving
Your face when some drops of your tears were rolling down on your flushed cheeks.
I hate it
I hate the way I remember it
I hate the way you cried
I hate what I say to you that night
The cause of your bright face becomes gloomy


"Hey, wake up sleepy head" he whispered on your ear with his honey sweet morning voice. I opened my eyes and saw his beautiful smile on his bright face hovered on mine. Light kisses presses on my own lips. Please tell me it's not a dream. Please tell me if this is real.
"You're here?"
"I'm always here. What do you mean, Jongin?"
"Please.." I whispered softly while pulling him into an embrace. Tight one. I don't want to lose him ever again. Never. I will never say those words again. I'll always here, for you. Don't worry sweetheart.

"Hey.. Are you okay, Jongin? You look dazed."
Ahh.. It was a dream. Brain, how cruel you are.
"No. I'm fine, Lu. I'm very fine, thanks. Just tired." I snapped from my daydream. The dream that I hate the most.
"You can tell me what's going on,Jongin. We're friend. Friend shares stories."
I felt Luhan's soft squeeze on my shoulder, looking up at his face, sighed heavily like I have a heavy weight on my shoulder. Yes, I have.
"I dreamed of him-"
"Yes, who else"
"He was waking me up, like that morning. With kisses and whisper. And I wished it was real, not a dream. I hugged him tight, I won't let him go again. And.. it disappeared."
".....I wish I wake up with amnesia... Not remember about him, about our secret places, our stupid little things. I don't want remember it all. I want it all never happened before. No stupid spilling coffee on my pants moment, no hanging out in rain without coat memories and there's no him sleeping beside me every night. I want to escape this but I can't"
"I wish I have amnesia. And forget about everything I do with a man named Oh Sehun"

"So you really want to forget me,Jongin? Why?"

" 'Cause I'm not fine at all.."

Based on 5SOS - Amnesia

Kazekawa Kazuto
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Regards; Team

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