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- It was the day of the bull fight and the Marco family was in the "plaza de toros de la Maestranza"
- The "Maestranza" was elegant, round, and very big with many seats (+ no grass like football field)
- Ana's stomach hurts like when one is in a dentist; she doesn't like to visit the dentist
- Pedro yells that he wants to sit next to Ana, and he does
- Pedro is happy because he is going to see Juan Cortez (matador)
- Ana heard the sound of a trumpet (trumpet plays before matadors enter into the field)
+ "Todos los hombres de la corrida son toreros. Hay matadores, picadores y banderilleros."
*** TOREROS WEAR "trajes de luces"
= matadores (killer) -> kills the bulls ->> red & gold suit w/ black hat w/ ballet dancing shoes
= picadores (choppers) -> horseback, on horses
= banderilleros -> helps the matadors
- When Juan Cortez entered the arena, Peter got up and jumped because he was excited.
+ This was like when the best player of a basketball team enters the stadium and everyone screams
- Ana heard a trumpet sound & then a big, black bull entered the arena
- One of the banderillos had a yellow and purple cape; there were 6 banderillos
- entrance order -> parade, banderillos, picadores, play with bull, kill
- Anna thought that it wasn't so bad; everyone was excited about t=jkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll9lpp
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Regards; Team

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