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My name is Nicole Sutherland and i have a ream. My dream is somehing most girls would never want. I want to be a 1 superstar. Currenly i race Kars at Dunkeswell an clay pigon kart clubs. I have been into motor sport since i was 2 or 3 Because of my Dad. he used to drike kart and otorbikes and has always wanted me to get involved n it. so at the hgeor 10 and a half i did. i remeer coming home one day and there was a kar on the foor, i asked if it was my uncle chrises (becaue we are a karting family) and he said no it is our, i remember screaming ith joy and i gave him the bigget hug ever. since then we have been racing and pracicing and i have improved a lot. i am always being praised by myfellow competitors and there familys as well as marshalls, officials, club runners and onlookers. Unfortuanatly i am the only girl in my class and i do get teased or it, yet i also ge a lot of respet. i have many many friends up here and enjoy more than anything racing and socialiing a the track, i lve it up at the tracks and thats the only hing i think about. My younger cousin is 8 and is now staring the sport he is realy exited and i cant wait for our family to bond even more and spend a lot of ime togeher. in the fter i hope i have someting to do in F1 but the dream is to race. My idols are Aron senna. suezie Wolf and Niki luada. they are my role odles not just because of there amazing driving skil but also thier persistance, determination, will to work and even though in some poin in their career they have ben knock down and told they are no good enough, the all still careed on achieving their dreams. Kartng has done a lot for me the past cople of years as i was diagnosed with an anxiety dissorder. My confidnce and Myslef drifted away and has left a lasting affet on me as a person bu i sill work through t, karting ha sgiven me th confidence i never thought i could gain back and i am now no loger scared to socials and be me. My cousin, who is also my best friend, liv, is like my rock who unerstands verything i go through and she supports me on and off of the track. My dad whom is like my bestfriend (might sound a bit cring but i dont care) has suported me throgh everything too, bad race, ill, absaloutl everything and there is not enough words in the world that i can use to ay thank you even thouh he might not have the money to get me heere i am going to try my hardes to get sn acheive my dream and push and work myself a hard as possibe.. so, this is me, karing,tomboy Nicole Sutherland
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