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Notes -

Bankalara Hammadde Satışı

İron - 1k / 100 Bat
Oil - 1k / 100 Bat
Taş - 1k / 100 Bat
Clay - 1k 300 Bat
Dirt - 1k 50 Bat
Wood - 1k / 75 Bat
Lumber - 1k 20 Bat
Flax - 1k 300 Bat
Charcoal(Kömür) - 1k 150 Bat

Bankadan Hammadde Alımı

İron - 1k / 300 Bat
Oil - 1k / 300 Bat
Taş - 1k / 300 Bat
Clay - 1k 550 Bat
Dirt - 1k 250 Bat
Wood - 1k / 250 Bat
Lumber - 1k 100 Bat
Flax - 1k 550 Bat
Charcoal(Kömür) - 1k 350 Bat

Meslekler İçin Uygun Fiyat Satış Listesi

İron Set (Toptan alımlarda minimum sınır 950)
İron Kafalık: 140 Bat
İron Gövde: 120 Bat
İron Pantalon:100 Bat
İron Eldiven:80 Bat
İron Ayakkabı:80 Bat
İron Silahlar
İron Tek Elli Silahlar : 120 Bat - 250 Bat (Silahına Göre Ve Demircinin İndirimine Göre Ayrıcalıklı Bir Değişkendir
İron Çift Elli Silahlar : 300 Bat - 500 Bat (Silahına Göre Ve Demircinin İndirimine Göre Ayrıcalıklı Bir Değişkendir)
İron Kalkanlar : 120 Bat - 250 Bat (Kalkanına Göre Ve Demircinin İndirimine Göre Ayrıcalıklı Bir Değişkendir)
İron Fırlatmalı Silahlar : 3 Tanesi 45 Bat - 130 Bat Arası
İron Kazma : 1000 Bat - 1100 Bat Arası
İron Balta : 1000 Bat - 1100 Bat Arası

Steel Set (Toptan alımlarda minimum sınır 1100)
Steel Kafalık: 280 Bat
Steel Gövde: 240 Bat
Steel Pantalon:200 Bat
Steel Eldiven:160 Bat
Steel Ayakkabı:160 Bat
Steel Silahlar
Steel Tek Elli Silahlar : 240 Bat - 500 Bat (Silahına Göre Ve Demircinin İndirimine Göre Ayrıcalıklı Bir Değişkendir)
Steel Çift Elli Silahlar : 600 Bat - 1000 Bat (Silahına Göre Ve Demircinin İndirimine Göre Ayrıcalıklı Bir Değişkendir)
Steel Kalkanlar : 250 Bat - 500 Bat (Kalkanına Göre Ve Demircinin İndirimine Göre Ayrıcalıklı Bir Değişkendir)
Steel Fırlatmalı Silahlar : 3 Tanesi 100 Bat - 200 Bat
Steel Kazma : 2000 Bat - 2200 Bat Arası
Steel Balta : 2000 Bat - 2200 Bat

Kitaplık : 120 Bat - 150 Bat Arası
Yataklar : 500 Bat - 1500 Bat Arası
Banklar : 100 Bat - 250 Bat Arası
Sandalyeler : 50 Bat - 150 Bat
Gazebo : 1500 Bat - 2000 Bat
Masalar : 100 Bat - 1000 Bat
Chestler : 60 Bat - 100 Bat
Tablo : 40 Bat - 150 Bat
Çit : 75 - 100 Bat

Maskeler : 50 Bat - 100 Bat
Doktor Maskesi : 50 Bat - 100 Bat
Tabard : 1000 Bat - 1500 Bat
Deri Set : 150 Bat - 200 Bat
Çiçekli Böcekli Şeyler : Kendisine Kalmış

Işıklandırma : 50 Bat - 150 Bat Arası
Köprüler : 2000 Bat - 2500 Bat Arası

Elma : 25 Tanesi 50 Bat - 75 Bat Arası
Ekmek : 25 Tanesi 100 Bat - 150 Bat Arası
Lahana : 25 Tanesi 25 Bat - 50 Bat Arası
Havuç : 25 Tanesi 25 Bat - 50 Bat Arası
Pancar : 25 Tanesi 50 Bat - 75 Bat Arası
Soğan : 25 Tanesi 50 Bat - 75 Bat
Pişmiş Fasulye : 25 Tanesi 100 Bat - 150 Bat Arası
Ayı Postu : 1 Tanesi 100 Bat - 200 Bat
Kemik : 100 Tanesi 25 Bat - 50 Bat Arası
Yün : 100 Tanesi 25 Bat - 50 Bat Arası
Deri : 50 Tanesi 25 Bat - 50 Bat Arası
Ördek Ayağı : 10 Tanesi 100 Bat - 150 Bat Arası
Tüy : 100 Tanesi : 25 Bat - 50 Bat Arası
Fat : 25 Tanesi 25 Bat - 50 Bat Arası
Pişmiş Et : 25 Tanesi 100 Bat - 150 Bat Arası
Pişmiş Tavuk : 25 Tanesi 100 Bat - 150 Bat Arası
Yaylar : 1200 Bat - 1500 Bat Arası
Kundaklı Yay : 1500 Bat - 2000 Bat Arası
Oklar : 10 Tanesi 100 Bat
Hedef Tahtaları : 150 Bat - 200 Bat
Charcoal(Kömür): Kendisine kalmış
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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