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[21:12:32] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: hey soren
[21:12:34] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: u here?
[21:19:54] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: yo
[21:20:00] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: hey rabbitt welcome on serepha
[21:20:15] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: how can i help u?
[21:20:17] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: ty nice server you got here ^^
[21:20:36] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: had no other way of contacting you so just made a char
[21:20:51] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: how many ppl you have ready for hm?
[21:21:47] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: acutally 4 8/8
[21:22:15] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: oh wow, did your prioritize ppl or roll?
[21:23:33] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: any legendaries?
[21:23:49] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: i think for the next 10 runs i will prioritze
[21:24:43] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: yes 1 leg
[21:24:51] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: for our sg
[21:24:58] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: nice
[21:25:06] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: we still on 0 as usuall ^^
[21:25:20] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: we wasnt even the first with a leg
[21:25:22] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: anyway, there is gonna be SM for nm and hm in 2 days in case u d
[21:25:30] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: the leg drop is just total retarded
[21:25:36] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: in normal mode
[21:25:37] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: yes it is
[21:25:43] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: this game isnt ready yet for a leg...
[21:25:51] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: u could need to spend 600€ for upgrade it ~
[21:25:54] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: most ppl wont even survive in HM
[21:25:57] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: who looted it
[21:26:19] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: anyway ill be honoust with you
[21:27:20] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: I wanted to ask if you are planning doing the raid in SM
[21:27:33] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: since last time u carried 2 guys of our server for their title
[21:27:38] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: i wont
[21:27:40] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: this guys
[21:27:58] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: do u know gsde_kukki?
[21:28:18] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: yeah I saw him running
[21:28:35] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: bobs and some others merged into 1 guild the core
[21:28:38] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: anyway i wont take someone of that ppl with us i broke the connection
[21:28:51] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: alright thanks for the answer
[21:29:04] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: I investyed alot in getting my raid ready and I think wednessday
[21:29:08] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: we will be 10 8/8
[21:29:21] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: would be a shame if they get boosted again via SM
[21:29:25] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: I want to kepe it in the guild
[21:30:07] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: sounds great. no don worry im cool with that
[21:30:11] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: I mean, I dont want to SM myself because were fored to ^^
[21:30:35] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: do you have any competition on this guild btw?
[21:30:46] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: server
[21:31:15] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: yes 1 other rlly big guilde
[21:31:41] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: i cleaned few weaks here in xtenZ in kicked ppl cause they jsut ... toxice not our style
[21:32:02] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: they joined them and "qq soren so evil carried my ass for 5 months"
[21:32:17] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: lol
[21:32:21] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: blaa the acutally hate is unreal
[21:32:24] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: but are they close to you in progress?
[21:32:36] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: getting those tokens man o0
[21:32:37] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: i have so many trouble and banntime cause of all this issus with gsde_kukki
[21:32:50] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: aeria didnt crease the token % drop compared to class items,
[21:32:51] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: such a fail
[21:33:09] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: we missing 7 meele armor's
[21:33:10] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: dude tell me whats the deal with this kukki, I heard alot
[21:33:11] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: lately
[21:36:28] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: nahh not ingame thats bannable^^
[21:37:20] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: damn alrighty
[21:37:29] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: I go play some league thanks for the chat
[21:37:33] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: ohh
[21:37:44] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: we will see us i will go stream some noob games now :D
[21:37:56] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: haha ok man
[21:37:59] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: good luck on your drops
[21:38:04] Von [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: well talk
[21:38:06] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: thanks
[21:38:08] An [RunRabbitt] geflüstert: u2
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Regards; Team

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