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On a road full of dust, he was walking slowly in disappointment.
The sun light was not really comfortable. Instead, it was unbearable. Missing the bus has made him quite upset, and having forgotten the hat wore him out even more. The previous bus had sadly passed him while he hopelessly waved for its attention. That’s how buses work here. And he’d have to wait for another 30 minutes before catching the next.
‘ Why ?! ‘ – he groaned in annoyance and kept blaming himself for not bringing the hat with him that day. Well, it’s rather understandable: waiting for the bus under the sun light for a straight 30 minutes at 12 p.m is one serious task. To make matters worse, being stranded on a dusty highway with giant trucks and containers passing through repeatedly just urges him to get away as soon as possible.
‘What should I do? ‘ – he wondered as he decided to walk further, hoping to find a place. What kind of place? A store? He didn’t think about it much, he just wanted somewhere to have a seat, to rest his backs or something. Before going on, he plugged in his earphones and started his favorite playlist in hope of the music would somehow energize him. But it was short-lived as he soon grew wearier. He then opened his backpack to grab his soda bottle. There was merely half of it. But it wasn’t as cold as before.
‘ Forget it. ‘ – said him as he put the bottle back in. ‘ Drinking soda while thirsty won’t make things any better. ’ - he thought. And somehow, he has found the place he needed. A convenience store, magically appeared before him.
‘ How great, hope there’s an air conditioner inside. ‘. He walked inside, took a seat beside the window. But then he thought about the bus. ‘ Where to catch the next bus? ’ He looked outside at the thought, but nothing could be found. He put his backpack on the table and went out in search for a bus station. Luckily, there was one, right on the other side of the road. ‘That’s it! ‘ – he smiled cheerfully. He then contently returned to his seat inside. As all he had to do was to take a break on that chair, and wait for the next bus to come. However, entering a store without buying anything is kinda awkward, so he decided to get something.
‘ Yeah, it’s about lunch time. How about a small sandwich? That would be fine ‘ – he nodded as the thought crossed his mind. He opened his backpack to find his wallet.
‘Ten, eleven … ‘ – he counted. He had to make sure there was enough money left to buy a bus ticket. Then he walked to the counter. There was no one. Quite surprised, he looked around to find someone else. But it was 12:15 , there was no customer in the store. No one would enter a convenience store at lunch time, obviously. He asked a bit loudly to attract some attention:
‘ Hello, is anyone here? I would like to buy this sandwich, please. ‘
*Sound of an opening door*
‘ My apology, I was busy with some stuffs in here.. ‘ – a girl came out of the staff door replied.
‘ You work here? ‘ – he asked.
‘ Yes, it’s my shift. I’m sorry for having you waiting, really sorry. So you’d like to buy this sandwich? ‘
‘ Yeah… How much is it? ‘ he asked.
‘ Twenty thousand, please. ‘
He looked at her without paying any attention to her words. She was wearing the staff uniform with a small name badge pinned on the left side. She has black hair with a pink hair band with a cute tiny bow on it. Also, red glasses. That was what she was wearing. Somehow, he thought they seemed cute together. The girl seemed lovely. Every girl he has met was like that to him, actually. That’s how nerdy guys thinks about girls, right? Well, not every guys, but probably most of them, including him. He never had a girlfriend before, all these feelings of his barely stopped at threshold known as “a crush”. And here was another “crush” he’s got. His thought then wandered on...
‘ Twenty, please. ‘ repeated the girl.
‘ Oh, sorry, sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to you. Here’s the money. ‘ - he said. ‘ Did she notice how I looked at her? ’ He was thinking, again. He was rather worried that the girl knew he was suddenly looking at her in such strange manner. But the girl didn’t seem to mind. She thanked him with a sweet smile. That might be what she always do to please customers. But for him? He loved that smile. That smile has relieved his worries greatly. Suddenly, he looked at the clock on the wall as he snapped out of it.
‘ It’s twelve twenty! Have the bus arrived yet? ‘
He looked outside the window, and the bus was there already. He rushed to the door and crossed the road with haste, hoping the bus won’t make a sudden leave like the last one. Luckily it was still there. He got on the bus, catching his breath heavily.
*Phew* ‘ That was close! ‘ – he sighed in relief. After paying for the ticket, he took a seat, and planned to take a nap, since it takes about 1 hour to get back home.
He seemed to have forgotten about the sandwich he bought, also about that staff girl he’s just met. He fell asleep, with earphones plugged in still, even though the song was paused.
At least it wasn’t a boring day as anticipated. At least something happened.
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