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Tell me about Yourself
I am pursuing my masters in MIS i.e Management Information Systems at Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. I have close to one year experience as a marketing analyst, at a pioneer in the actuator industry. I have worked closely with a reputed client in the oil & gas industry and used Business Intelligence tools such as Tableau, Alteryx and Advanced Excel. What I am looking for is a company that values teamwork, offers a steep learning curve and challenges my problem-solving skills. Academics aside, I have advocated the cause of organ donation for a long time and currently, lead a team in the university's Red cross Organization.

What is JBS?
JBS is the world's largest meat processing company with revenues of over 50 billion dollars. It has an excellent mission of "feeding the entire world, which is heading towards food shortage. JBS has many subsidiaries such as Pilgrim's Pride, Swift, Five Rivers, 5 star, Showcase, Sampco, Clear River. Also, JBS will be having one of the biggest IPOs this year, with a placeholder value of $500M

CEO: Andre Nogueira
CEO JBS : Wesley Batista

Why JBS?

I first learned of JBS at the university's business career fair. I attended the information session where I was spellbound by the company's mission of feeding the entire world". After the session, I interacted with the interns who hosted the event. They spoke highly of the company and shared their experiences. Later, when I read the job description for the internship program on the company's website, I was convinced I could add value to the organization and build a career here. When I browsed through the JBS careers page, I found many roles such as I.T analyst, Business analyst, and the data visualization tool, Qlikview is being used. Thus, it was a right match with my skills. Lastly, my linkedin connections and friends, working at JBS, highly recommended it.

7 values
Humility, Availability, Determination, Discipline, Simplicity, Ownership, Sincerity

I am glad, these are ideals I can relate to.

Humility is something imbibed by my parents since childhood. Being kind and helpful to others, earns you respect and people are willing to help you when in need.

Ownership. There have been many projects when I stepped up and took the responsibility of being a leader. If something goes wrong, I take the onus and don't believe in blame game.

Determination and discipline are crucial. I've always been committed to a set task, realized deadlines, and gone the extra mile to ensure success.

One of my strengths is my strong work ethic. When I commit to a deadline, I do whatever it takes to deliver. For example, once we had a Tableau report due and got the data pretty late from our team in Houston. I pulled an all-nighter to finish the report because I knew that the client had to receive it on time.

Also, I get along with people easily. I had a great rapport with my clients. I have a knack for presentations, and I made the most of it at my workplace.

Lastly, I am self-motivated. Apart from my school projects, I honed my skills in analytics and completed some online courses, certifications and side projects. Thus, I believe I am quick learner, a quality that would help me in my internship.

Well, no one is perfect. At times, I tend to be too direct. Being straightforward by nature, I gave honest feedback to teammates. Although most people respected me for that, I realized that there are times on the job, when diplomacy is needed. I spoke to my mentor in the organization and worked on talking the right things as the situation demands.

Also, I am over-excited on a new project sometimes. With such bubbliness, I tend to overlook certain details and dive in right away in turn making mistakes. After a few instances, my manager advised me on the issue. With time, I learned to be more composed and focused on my requirement gathering skills.


“My goal right now is to find a position at a company where I can grow and take on new challenges over time. I'm not too particular about titles, but Ultimately, I’d like to assume more management responsibilities and lead a team, when given the opportunity. But most importantly, I want to work for an organization where I can build a career.”


Peer Shadowing
At JBS, the world’s largest protein company, we strive to be the best at what we do. Our challenge is to feed the world, and you can help us accomplish this mission. JBS is a global company founded from humble beginnings. Though we have grown, we still operate under the same values and goals our founder, Jose Batista Sobrinho, began with.

Challenging, hands-on work experience
Exposure to company management
Learn and experience the mission and values of a globally successful company
Experience in a wide variety of business functions throughout our 300+ locations

Akshatha Joshi, Leadership Program
Prathvi Suman, Trainee Program
Gaurav Jangid, I.T analyst

Questions to ask in the end

1. What do you like best working at JBS ?

2. I gather that JBS is currently a Business2 Business organization, working with companies such as Costco. Is there a possibility in the future, that JBS would become a Business 2 Consumer venture like Tyson Foods?

3. What are the next steps in the interview process?
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Regards; Team

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