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You are on the way to a One Direction meet and greet. Oh, your going out with the love of your life, Harry Styles.

Your sitting in the back with Paul and Josh as the boys sign the new albums for the over obsessed teen girls. You loved watching the girls try to flirt with Harry, you thought it was adorable. You and Harry have been best friends since the xfactor started. Your Simon Cowell's niece. Other than you and Harry being besties... you and Niall were very close too. After the xfactor season was over, Harry confessed his feelings for you and you too have been inseparable ever since.

You watched Harry sign the albums as the girl's faces turned red. "He's so cute..." You said to yourself. Moments later you found yourself getting more and more jealous from all the girls reactions. Which was unbelievable because you weren't the jealous type. "I'll be right back." You said walking over to the boys. "Harry, can I talk to you for a minute?" You asked. "Um... I' kinda in the middle of something (Y/N)." He said motioning to the teen girl in front of him. You walked away pissed off and to the bathroom. You didn't even have to go to the bath room, you just didn't want to see Harry flirt with another desperate fan girl. You hopped up on the counter and stared playing on your phone, all of a sudden... getting a text from Niall.

"Harry is being a man whore." the text said.

"How?!?" You replied.

"He has given 27... 28 girls his phone number."

You had enough... it might be his job to be a flirt to his fans but this wasn't fare to you! You stormed out of the bathroom and power walked up to the table again. "Here you go ,love. And there is a little surprise for you too." you heard Harry say as you walked up behind him. You snatched the album out of the girls hand and look closely at the digits in black sharpie. "Why are you giving out your number!?!" You yelled making him jump. "(Y/N), i think you should calm down..." Liam said trying to comfort you. Your right hand left a red streak on Harry's face. "It's my job to please my fans!" He yelled getting closer to you. You stood your ground with out making it look like you were scared of him. "Yeah Harry, it might be your job to make your fans happy, but not to give out your number to people you don't even know!" You spat. "They asked for it! what was I supposed to say (Y/N)?!?" yelled back. "What are you supposed to say?!? How about no! I have a girl friend! What if one of them asked you to have sex with them?!? Would you do that too?!?" You yelled. "If my job came to it then yes!" He shot back. You stared at him hurt... "I thought I meant something to you Harry..." You said on the verge of tears. "Well you thought wrong!" He yelled making you flinch. You ran for the door. "(Y/N)!" You heard Niall yell. "When you got outside you slid down the wall and cried into your hands... Why would he say that... Did he mean it... Did he ever even have feelings for me? "(Y/N)..." Niall said sitting on the ground next to you. "He didn't mean it... I promise." he said wrapping his warm arms around you. Niall had a way of making you feel safe. "He sure sounded like it..." You sobbed onto his chest. "He's angry... he's gonna say hurtful things." Niall said rubbing your back. "I'm not gonna be able to look at him the same." you said whipping the tears from you eyes. "Well, lets go home... the fans don't want me anyway..." Niall said standing up, then pulling you up after him.

After the long drive home, Niall took you to his Flat. You looked at your phone, which had 22 missed calls and 12 text messages... You looked at the first missed call...

"*Harry Styles*- Missed calls (22)." Your phone read out.

"Harry Styles*- New text messages (12)"

You looked at the first message.

(Y/N)... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it... I love you so much.

You threw down your phone and stared to cry again. Moments later the door bell rang. You were upstairs in Niall's room. "I've got it!" You yelled, since Niall was asleep on the couch. You slowly walked down the stairs and finely made it to the door. You opened it with out seeing who it is first. Harry's lips came crashing into yours. "I'm so sorry, babe... I love you so much." Harry said pulling away and hugging you tightly. He had a really go grip on you so there was no use in struggling. "Please... Please... Please...Please forgive me... I need you... please (Y/N)." He said crying onto your shoulder. "I didn't mean it I promise... I swear... I was mad to say something like that to you... please forgive me... I love you..." He added. "Harry, I love you too... but you have to promise me you wont ever do that again okay?" You asked looking him in his beautiful green eyes. "Thank you... promise... I just got my number changed." he said before kissing you again. He pulled away, kissing your neck. You guided him up the stairs. You made it to Niall's room and he kissed you more roughly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he carried you to the bed. He laid you down and kissed you passionately. You started to unbutton his shirt... "Uh... Hell no! Not on my bed!" You both turned to see Niall standing in the door way. You both laughed at his reaction.

The rest is up to you my dear :)
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