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lol i personally feel adaptation is key... but just to clarify, in general, i don't think there's much of a point in a "survival game" when people are taming 100 dinos a day and not worried about anything. it turns into a fancy looking pokemon house building simulation game more than survival. of course, not that anything is wrong with any of that stuff, but that's just not this server. the server is already fairly heavily modded and adjusted to the point to where it's super easy to do a lot of things as long as you know what you want to do.

the plan wasn't exactly to make things "harder" with the map extension, however... it just was a side effect of adding extra elements to the game. like how vanilla ark added devil ass fucking troodons. we curse, we rage, we adapt lol.

if you need help with the mods, ask. if you need an explanation of a setting i changed, ask... i'll explain the reasoning or i'll adjust it if something is off... if you want something added, ask and i'll either tell you why i don't like it or i'll chunk it on with the other stuff eventually. i'm not some crazy psychopath that just wants to ruin everyone's fun or something. if you have issues, i'm right here and i try to adjust accordingly or i can give you tips on how to adjust your gameplay. i don't plan on my server being vanilla or vanillaish x20. i'm looking for more of a balance between the actual game and the mods and i am trying to evolve the server into a somewhat more unique experience than a copy and paste experience you can pretty much just get on any random server out of the thousands already available. especially since it's not an "open" server, nor is it an RP server and we don't really have any pvp or competition going at the moment. it was made as a sort of "team" server, but i see everyone pretty much going around doing their own thing, which is fine. but now there's slightly a bit more incentive to work together, yes? (well until everyone's flyring around with level 500 wyverns, but that's a different story).

anyways, noobington was never really "safe" to begin with. i mean it was fairly uneventful, but there was always the chance of random theris, troodons, and (alpha) raptors in the area... hence the reason the walls went up in the first place after the first experience with unexpected danger... now there are flying balls of death in the sky... all i can say is you keep on adapting... i had already set turrets to work more effectively than vanilla turrets (which are already pretty effective against wyverns)... or you can plant a lot of plant species x/y around.... or move away from them... or raise one of the death balls as your own or just use another flyer with decent speed and dmg (like i have been doing on my pteradon and going up for some aerial dogfights every now and then)...
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