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Shadowing Love (Laurance x Lovely Fanfic)
Demon Shadow Knight (Chapter 1)
Lovely was in the nether being chased by 2 Shadow Knights. "I. Can't. Stop. Running" Lovely said in her head. Lovely stopped running and fainted. "Let's take her to the Shadow Lord" A mysterious shadow knight said as they picked up Lovely. Lovely woke up and she saw the shadow lord in front of her. "Strong women, what brings you to the nether?" The Shadow Lord asked Lovely. "I have no idea. I was just put in jail and a mysterious portal came behind me and hands were pulled behind me. Then the next thing I know I woke up and two red armored gaurds were chasing me. After that things went Dark and Black, then suddenly came here" Lovely answered the Shadow Lord. "Well since you're the first women in forever to come by here and stayed longer I'll keep you in the nether until I let you turn into what you must turn into" The Shadow Lord replied. "What must I turn into, if I may ask?" Lovely asked. "A Demon Shadow Knight" The Shadow Lord said. Lovely was shocked. "And now. What is your name women" The Shadow Lord added. "Lovely, Lovely Ro'Meave" Lovely answered. "A Ro'Meave...Gaurds! Put Lovely Ro'Meave into the Prison" The Shadow Lord commanded. Lovely was slapped and everything went pitch black while Lovely was taken by two gaurds. Lovely woke up. "Huh? where am I?" Lovely asked in her head. "Hey..." Lovely said. "The guy with flaming hair" Lovely added. "What do you want?" The guy asked. "I was wondering where are we?" Lovely asked. "They put us into the Nether prison until they want us to turn into Shadow Knights" The guy answered. "Is their only the two of us?" Lovely asked again. "Yes, and no more questions please" The guy replied. "Well I have two more question" Lovely said. The guy moaned. "Which is?" The Guy asked. "What is your name? and what do you look like?" Lovely asked. "My name is Laurance, Laurance Zvahl" Laurance said as he turned to face Lovely. "What about your name?" Laurance asked. "Lovely, Lovely Ro'Meave" Lovely answered. "A RO'MEAVE!? Are Y-You Garroth's sister?" Laurance asked. "No, I'm his cousin. Our Dads are brothers, that's why I have the same last name as him and everyone usually gets confused" Lovely answered. "Oh...well here" Laurance said as he tossed a necklace that looks the same as his. "What is it?" Lovely asked. "A necklace. So if I see you wearing it, I could avoid you so I wouldn't have to answer your stupid questions. Plus if Garroth needs to find you it might be more easier" Laurance answered. "Wow...Thanks" Lovely said as she puts it on. In 2 weeks later Lovely and Laurance were talking alot and had a great far away time, and Lovely had a small crush on Laurance. Lovely and Laurance laughed. "Lovely Ro'Meave" A Guard said barging in. "Y-Yes" Lovely stuttered as the guard slapped her and took her to the guard. "WAIT! WHY NOT TAKE ME!? I'VE BEEN HERE FOR 2 MONTHS!! WHY DO YOU LET ME STRUGGLE MORE!!" Laurance yelled. The Guard put Lovely in a table, and Locked with chains, after she woke up. "Huh? What's going on? Laurance are you here?" Lovely said as her eyes turned white making her blind. The guard slapped her again, and did some surgery to turn her into a demon shadow knight. While Lovely was turned into a Shadow Knight she had a vision. A girl that looked almost like Laurance captured by a shadow knight. After making Lovely a demon shadow knight, the guard moved Lovely in front of the Shadow Lord as Lovely was still in her Demon Shadow Knight Form. "Huh? What happened? and why does my voice sound deeper?" Lovely asked herself as she woke up. "Lovely, You have now turned into a demon shadow knight. Now you have a choice to stay here or to go back into your homeland" the Shadow Lord said. "Before I go to homeland. May I see Laurance please" Lovely asked. "Guards! Guide Lovely to the Nether Prison" The Shadow Lord commanded. The Guards lead Lovely to Laurance. "L-LOVELY!?" Laurance stuttered. "Laurance, I need to tell you something" Lovely replied as she crouched down. "Step aside Lovely" A Guard said. "B-But she just got here" Laurance pointed out as the gaurd slapped Laurance and took him. Lovely stood up and went to the gaurds that lead her to Laurance. "Gaurds can you please take me to the portal" Lovely commaded, then the gaurds guided Lovely to the portal and she went back to her village O'kasis and took in her normal form. After awhile, her family was wanted so she escaped and lived in the forest.
Met Once Again
(Chapter 2)
15 Years has past, and Lovely and Laurance never saw each other in the time being. Lovely was climbing up in the trees, and saw a Guy with light brown hair. Lovely went down and attacked him with her Dual Amethyst Swords. He dodged it with his own emerald sword. Lovely looked and saw a necklace that looked the same as hers and Laurance's 15 years ago. "L-LAURANCE?!?" Lovely said shockingly. "How did you know my name?" Laurance questioned as both Lovely and Laurance let their guard down. "I think this will help you remember" Lovely said as she showed the necklace that Laurance gave her 15 years ago. "L-LOVELY?!?" Laurance said shockingly. They both hugged each other as they both laughed and teared for awhile. "So what have been doing here all by yourself?" Laurance asked Lovely. "I was wanted in O'khasis so I need to find a village where I can stay for awhile" Lovely replied. "Why are you also here by yourself" Lovely added. "Everything has been too hectic, and I feel stressed so I decided to take a little walk until you came along" Laurance answered. "Say, since you're looking for a place to stay. Why not come live with me in Pheonix Drop?" Laurance added. "Sure and I have a question" Lovely answered. "Still with the stupid questions" Laurance replied. "HEY!" Lovely yelled out. Laurance chuckled. "But anyway, I was wondering, Is Garroth in Phoenix Drop?" Lovely asked. "Um...Garroth is not in Phoenix Drop...He's in the Irene dimension with Zane" Laurance answered. "Oh...So is he gonna be trapped their for awhile?" Lovely asked as she started to tear out. "Not until Zoey tells Aphmau" Laurance answered as he wipped away Lovely's tears out. Lovely smiled. "Who's Zoey and Aphmau?" Lovely asked again. "More stupid question" Laurance said. Lovely flicked her fingers in Laurance's forehead. "I deserved it. Zoey is an Elf friend of mine and Aphmau is, I guess Lady Irene, or a fragment of Irene" Laurance replied. "Well are we going to Phoenix Drop or what?" Lovely asked. "Okay follow me" Laurance replied. Laurance guided Lovely to Phoenix Drop. As they got their and Black haired girl and Blue Haired girl stood in the gates. "Hey Laurance" The girl in black haired said. "Hey Guys" Laurance replied. "So...You got yourself a new girlfriend?" The girl with blue hair said. "N-N-NO!?" Laurance stutterd as both Laurance and Lovely blushed. "She's an old friend of mine..." Laurance added. "My name's Lovely Ro'Meave" Lovely said. "A-Are you Garroth's sister? he never told me he had a sister..." Aphmau replied. "No, I'm just his cousin a-" Lovely said as she was interrupted by Blue haired girl. "And your Dad and his dad are brothers so you and Garroth have the same last names" The blue haired girl finished off. "Oh! Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Aphmau the former lord of Phoenix Drop and this is one of my Guards Katelyn" Aphmau introduced. "Hey..." Katelyn replied. "Well Lovely here is wanted in O'khasis, so she needs a village to live for awhile" Laurance replied. "Well Lovely, You have two option, you can live with Laurance, or you can live with Laurance for awhile until your house gets built" Aphmau replied. "Living with Laurance because I don't want to waste anyone's time just to build a simple house" Lovely answered. "Great! Also you have to be at around 7:00 tonight for Kawaii~Chan's Truth or Dare thing" Aphmau said. "Also Cadenza's coming here to visit for couple of days, and why not we ask her for some clothes for you so you don't have to be with that rusty armor of yours" Katelyn replied. "Speaking of Cadenza, I'm right here" A girl said with Sun-Like hair. "Cadenza!" Laurance said as he hugged Cadenza. "Are you Cadenza?" Lovely asked. Lovely just remembered the flash back she had 15 years ago. "Yes, and I overheard that you need couple of clothes until I make your replacement armor?" Cadenza asked. "Yea..." Lovely replied. "Okay...Follow me" Cadenza said guiding Lovely and Laurance to the house she used to live in Phoenix Drop. Laurance stayed outside. "I still have some of my materials before I moved, but I think I could make it work...Lovely, take this bag and choose 3-5 outfits in the washroom, and make sure you wear one" Cadenza said as gave the bag to Lovely. Lovely chose a Pajama, Dress, and 3 she blindly chosed, with a pair of boots. "Cadenza I picked 5" Lovely said carrying the bag as she went out, with her White sleeve-less crop top and Blue skirt with leather brown boots. Lovely gave the bag to Cadenza and held her clothes. "Okay you can carry your clothes with this sling bag for awhile until you get to Laurance's house. Also Laurance is currently outside waiting for you" Cadenza said as she gave the Sling Bag to Lovely.
Love Awaits in the Docks
(Chapter 3)
Lovely puts her clothes in the bag and went outside. "Hey Laurance" Lovely said. Laurance started blushing. "Is something wrong Laurance...?" Lovely asked. "N-Nothing...But follow me I need talk to you about something" Laurance said as he guided Lovely to the docks. Lovely and Laurance sat in the docks and admired the sunset for 30 seconds. "So you wanted to talk to me about something?" Lovely asked Laurance as she gazed into his eyes. "She's looks cute in that outfit. Wait Laurance do you like Aphmau or Lovely?" Laurance said in his head. "Earth to Laurance, Earth to Laurance" Lovely said as she waved hand in front of Laurance. Laurance shooked his head. "I'm sorry, something just came up on my mind" Laurance replied. "It's okay but, you said that you have something to tell me?" Lovely asked. "Y-Yea. When you were picking your clothes from Cadenza. Aphmau went to look for you, so she asked me to ask to ask you if you want to join the Phoenix Alliance?" Laurance asked. "YESSS" Lovely said as she hugged Laurance and accidentally pinned him into the ground, Laurance caught her. "I-I-I'm SO SORRY LAURANCE" Lovely said as Laurance pulled on Lovely. "L-Laurance can you stop pulling...? I'm trying to get up" Lovely said as she tries to get up. Laurance pulled Lovely closer to him. Lovely and Laurance blushed. Laurance pulled over for a kiss. Walking by, Aphmau saw Lovely and Laurance kissing, and left after 5 seconds later. Lovely and Laurance stood up but they were still sitting and kissing. They kissed for 30 more seconds. Lovely blushed red. "Umm...Did you like it?" Laurance asked. "Y-Y-Yea" Lovely answered. "Lovely, Do you like Laurance, again? He was a hot cutie flamey boy 15 years ago. But then he looks like he would be a Casanova by now. I think he has a girlfriend by now, Or maybe a lover" Lovely said in her head. "Lovely, is something wrong?" Laurance asked. "Yea, weren't we suppose to go and meet this Kawaii~Chan girl to do the game she was going to tell us?" Lovely said as she was trying to make a good excuse. "Well we should be going" Laurance said as he passed his hand to Lovely to help her pick up herself. Lovely smiled and grabes Laurance's hands to pick herself up.
Truth or Dare Runaway
(Chapter 4)
When Lovely and Laurance got to the new plaza. The whole village was their and suprisingly, not much people lived in the village. "Hey! you must be the new villager living in Phoenix Drop. my name's Kawaii~Chan. What's your name Mystery~San" Kawaii~Chan introduced. "My name's Lovely Ro'Meave, and are you a meif'wa?" Lovely asked. "Kawaii~Chan is indeed a meif'wa" Kawaii~Chan replied. "So follow Kawaii~Chan, Lovely~Chan. She's going to introduce you to everyone. Laurance~Kun you can sit somewhere for now. Now come along Lovely~Chan" Kawaii~Chan said as she guided Lovely to Emmalyn. Meanwhile, when Kawaii~Chan was introducing Lovely to everyone, Aphmau went up to Laurance. "So...Did you ask her yet?" Aphmau asked. "About what?" Laurance asked. "About dating her?" Aphmau asked. "W-W-WHAT?!?!" Laurance said shockingly. "I'm just kidding. I mean about the Phoenix Alliance" Aphmau answered. "Oh!...She said yes" Laurance replied. "Great! make sure on sparring, you're gonna sparr her and take it easy" Aphmau replied as she went and sat next to Katelyn. Laurance smiled. After that Lovely met, Emmalyn, Kenmur, Dante, Nekoette~tan, Donna, Logan, Yaoi, Yuri, Yip, Yuvi, Levin the Lord of Phoenix Drop and Aphmau's son, Malachi Levin's brother, Zoey, and Aaron. When Lovely finished introducing herself to everyone, she sat next to Laurance. "Okay everyone today we are Truth or Dare. Aphmau~Senpai, you ask first" Kawaii~Chan said. "Okay then, Lovely, truth or dare" Aphmau said to Lovely. "Truth, I'm not a daring kind of person" Lovely answered. "Okay. Is it true that you kissed Laurance by the docks" Aphmau replied. "W-W-WHAT?!?" Lovely said as, she and Laurance started blushing. "Oo-ooh" Everybody yelled besides Aphmau, Lovely, and Laurance. Lovely sighed. "Y-Y-Yea...I-I-It's true" Lovely stuttered. "NEW SHIP! Hmm.. Kawaii~Chan's gonna call it, Laurly" Kawaii~Chan replied. "Okay, Lovely~Chan you ask someone else" Kawaii~Chan added. "Katelyn, truth or dare" Lovely asked. "Dare" Katelyn said boldly. "Try to spell antidesistablishmentarianism" Lovely asked. "Anti-WHAT?!?l" Katelyn replied. Everybody laughed. "Anti-des-is-tablishment-arinism" Lovely said slowly. "A-N-T-I-D-E-S-I-S-T-A-B-L-I-S-H-M-E-N-T-A-R-I-N-I-S-M" Katelyn spelled out. "Okay, Katelyn~Sama's Turn" Kawaii~Chan replied. "Kawaii~Chan, truth or dare" Katelyn asked Kawaii~Chan. "Dare" Kawaii~Chan replied. "Try to ask someone 'truth or dare' without talking in third person, and continue the game when your done" Katelyn replied. "O-Okay. Laurance, Truth or Dare" Kawaii~Chan asked. "Dare" Laurance replied. "I dare you to kiss Lovely" Kawaii~Chan replied. "A-A-AGAIN?!?" Laurance said shockingly as both Lovely and Laurance started blushing. "Yea! Kawaii~Chan just wants to see it in action" Kawaii~Chan replied. Lovely and Laurance looked in each other's eyes and almost and slightly when they were about to kiss. Laurance pulled away and stood up and ran. Lovely followed him to the waterfall, beneath the Statue of Lady Irene. Laurance sat next to the water fall. "LAURANCE!, YOU JUST KISSED LOVELY LIKE 20 MINUTES AGO AND YOU LIKED IT! THEN YOU HAD ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO DO IT AGAIN! AND YOU JUST RAN AWAY?!" Laurance said in his head as he started tearing up. "Laurance...?" Lovely said as she saw Laurance tearing up. Lovely sat next to Laurance. "What's wrong...?Why are you crying?" Lovely asked. "When I was about to kiss you I felt scared, my emotions were everywhere. I felt like we were already dating or something. Everyone's eyes were on us and my heart was beating fast. Then I feel scared so I ran" Laurance answered as he wipped his tears away. "Well then why did you kiss me in the docks?" Lovely asked. "Heh..More stupid questions" Laurance replied as he smiled. Lovely frowned and looked down. "Because suddenly had feelings for you" Laurance said as Lovely started blushing. "and I thought we were alone but I guess Aph was there, Plus you did look pretty cute in that outfit though" Laurance added. "Well we should head back" Lovely said as she stood up and turned to see the plaza. "Wait!" Laurance said as he also stood up. Lovely turned around, and Laurance instantly kissed Lovely. "Well I guess I did my dare" Laurance said as they finished kissing. "Hmph..." Lovely said as she smiled. Lovely and Laurance went and find a nice tree for then to lay on next to the ocean. "So are we going back?" Lovely asked. "Even more stupid questions..." Laurance replied. "HEY!..." Lovely said. "Heh, but it's cute. It's like you haven't change one bit since 8 months ago.." Laurance replied. "8 months ago...We didn't see each other 8 months ago" Lovely said as she was confused. "Oh I forgot... I went to the Irene Dimension" Laurance replied. "Wait! So...YOU TIME SKIPPED!!" Lovely said shockingly. "Yea...?" Laurance replied. "Woah!...So it is true..." Lovely answered. "What do you mean...?" Laurance asked. "They said that if you go in the irene dimension you time skip. I thought it was a myth at first but, I guess it's true" Lovely explained. Lovely yawned as she put her head in Laurance shoulder. "Are you tired?" Laurance asked. "Kinda..." Lovely answered. "Well let's get
going" Laurance said as he stood up. "Do you need any help?" Laurance added. "No thanks...I'm good" Lovely replied. "Are you sure...?" Laurance asked again. "Yes Dad, I'm fine" Lovely said sarcastically. They both smiled.
Lightning Sleep
(Chapter 5)
When Lovely and Laurance got to the Plaza. The game already ended. "I guess we're going straight to your house" Lovely said. Laurance smiled."Follow me" Laurance replied.
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