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Argonian-this reptilian race, well-suited for the treacherous swamps of their black marsh homeland,they have developed a resistance to diseases and the ability to breath underwater. they can call upon the 'histskin' to regenerate health quickly.

Breton-in addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spell-craft,even the humblest of high rock's breton can boast a resistance to magic Bretons can call upon Dragonskin power to absorb spells.

Dark Elf-also known as "Dunmer" in their homeland of Morrowind,Dark Elves are noted for their stealth and magic skills.they are naturally resistance to fire and call upon their ancestors wrath to surround themselves in fire.

High Elf-also known as "Altmer" in their homeland of Summerset Isle, the High Elves are most strongly gifted in the arcane arts of all the races. They can call upon their Highborn power to regenerate Magicka quickly.

Imperial-natives of Cyrodiil, they have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders.They are skilled with combat and magic.Anywhere gold coins might be found,Imperials always seem to find a few more.They can call upon the voice of the Emperor to calm an enemy

Khajiit-Hailing from the province of Elsweyr, they are intelligent,quick and agile.They make excellent thieves due to their natural stealthiness.All Khajiit can see in the dark at will and have unarmed claw attacks.

Nord-Citizens of skyrim,they are a tall and fair-haired people.strong and hardy,nords are famous for their resistance to cold and their talent as warriors.They can use a Battlecry to make opponents flee.

Orc-The people of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains, orcish smiths are prized for their craftsmanship.Orc troop in Heavy Armor are amoung the finest in the empire and are fearsome when using their beserker rage

Reguard-The most talented warriors in Tamriel,the Redguards of hammerfell have a hardy constitution and a natural resistance to poison.They can call upon 'Adrenaline Rush' in combat

Wood Elf- The clanfolk of the western Vallenwood forests, also know as "Bosmer". Wood Elves make good scouts and thieves, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel. They have natural resistances to both poisons and diseases.They can 'command Animals' to help fight for them


a girl named Athena lived in a small remote farming village in vallenwood but on night a group of bandits came to Athena's village and started to raid the building and murder everybody in view then suddenly Athena saw a bandit kill her farther scared and shaken , Athena took her recently deceased farther's horse and rode to the nearest place of sanctuary the border from vallenwood to cyrodiil when she got to the border she saw five stormcloak soldiers escorting a man who she assumed was ulfric stormcloak then imperial guards ambushed ulfric and his men Athena start to panic the imperial solider knock her out map of tamriel

chapter 1 "sovengaurd awaits"

Athena woke many hours later from her whack to the head, she was in a carriage with 3 men ulfric stormcloak,one of his lackeys and a man whom she had never seen before. Athena looked beside the carriage there was the imperial solider who knocked her out, Athena grunted then the stormcloak noticed she was awake and began to talk "hey, you are finally awake. you were trying to cross the border right? walked right into that imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there" the other man began to talk as well "damn you stormcloaks .skyrim was fine before you came along ,empire was were nice and lazy. if they had not been looking for you i could of stolen that horse and be half way to hammerfell" Athena noticed as the man was talking there had been an old tree wick of the look of it had fallen down many years ago "you there" said the man " me and you should not be here its the stormcloaks the empire wants*" "were all brothers and sisters in binds now thief" said the stormcloak solider, the imperial solider who was riding the carriage was starting to get annoyed Athena pointed out they started to speak in a lower tone "whats wrong with him huh" said the man, the stormcloak solider agrovatedly said "watch your tongue your speaking to ulfric stormcloak the true high king"
the man said with disbelieve" ulfric? the jarl of windhelm, leader of the rebellion. but if they have captured you... oh god where they taking us" the stormcloak solider said sadly"i do not know but sovenguard awaits" there was a gap of eerie silence for a minute "hey, what village are you from horse theif" "why do you care" replied theman, the stormcloak solider said "an nords last thought should be of home" "roricksted i'm from roricksted " said the man Athena noticed they were getting close at what she thought would be her 'last stop' an imperil solider said "general tullius the heads man it waiting" tullius replied with" good lets get this over with"
the man started to have a break down "shor,mara,diebella,akatosh,divines please help me" Athena had a cold shiver go down her spin as they went through the main gate then Athena looked at a daunting watch tower then the stormcloak began to speak again "look at him, general tullius the military governor and it look like the thalmor are with him, damn elves i bet they had something to do with this" athena looked around her and muttered "so this is the end i hoped i would of died in battle not this " everyone was silent and waited for the evnevatabele.

chapter 2 "fabulae non ardebit in villas" welcome to helgan

a young boy sitting on his porch said "who are they dad" his father relied with"you need to go inside little cub" "why? i want to watch the soilders" said the boy, his father replied with "inside the house now" athena looked around at the towns people who were going to watch her death they all had angry faces on. The man started to say "why are we stopping?" "why do you think. end of the line.....lets go lets not keep the gods waiting for us" said the stormcloak. the man outbursts with "were not rebels Please you have to tell then we was not with you, this is a mistake" the imperial captain started to talk "step toward the block, one at a time" the imperial soilder whom knocked her out bagan to speak "ulfric storm cloak jarl of windhelm" the stormcloak said boldly "it has been a honuer jarl ulfic" the imperial solider began the speak again "ralof of river-wood" athena thought to her self so the stormcloak solider's name is ralof huh "lokir of roricksted" continued the soilder "no i am not a rebel you cant do this" the man began the run "halt" yelled the imperial captain " archers" continued the captain, the archers shot at lokir the first arrow when into his leg the next into his head 'he died a coward' athena thought to herself. the imperial solider was talking to Athena "you there step forward who are you" Athena was a female wood elf her skin was lighter than most wood elves; she had three big scars across her face, the scars were from a bear, over her left eye she had some white war paint at the bottom there were two long strokes and on the top only one;her nose was at a sharp angle and it was darker than the rest of her face; her eye were a emerald green colour similar to a blooming tree ;her eye brows were pretty thick for a female elf ; her lips were small and delicate also they were a nice pinkish colour and last her hair it was a beautiful strawberry blonde.
The imperial solider said "not many wood elves would come to skyrim alone... captain what should we do her name isn't on the list" the captain replied with"forget the list she goes to the block" "by your orders captain"said the imperial "i am sorry we will make sure your remains return to vallenwood" Athena thought to her self no point my family is probably all dead, Athena followed the captain to where she was going to beheaded.General tullius began to speak "ulfric stormcloak some here call you a hero but a hero dose not use a power like
the voice to murder his king... you started this war put skyrim into chaos and now the empire is going to put you down and restore the peace" Athena as well as others hered a strange raaaaa noise, the imperial guard says what was that?" tulius replied with "nothing lets carry on, the priestess give the prisoners there last writes " as we commend your souls to atherius, blessing of the eight divines upon yo-" she was interrupted by a stormcloak solider "for the love of talos shut up and get this other with" the priestess replays with "as you wish" the imperial captain stood be hide the solider and put him to the ground were he will beheaded "My ancestors are smiling at me imperials can you say the same" the heads man brought up his axe and with one quick swing the solider's life was taken the mans body fell to the ground "you imperial bastards" yelled an stormcloak followed by "justice" said an imperial "death to the stoemcloaks" "Next the wood elf"said the captain,again they heard the raaa sound "i said next prisoner" Athena started to tremble a tears rolled down her face

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