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Oh my goodness! She bowed frantically, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were a concubine. My apologies once again, My Princess.”

Princess Gilukhipa shook her head, “It’s alright,” She assured. “There is not a reason why you should apologize, It was my clumsiness that dropped the fruits.”

Holding the basket in her hands, she tilted her head confused, “But aren’t these offerings for the Pharaoh, why not come with me and give it to him in person?”

“Little girl, I am a concubine, I am not allowed to display myself around the Queen. It is not place to show myself during the departing. All I can do is send my offerings and pray for his safety.”

She frowned. “Would you like me to go with you?”

Princess Gilukhipa smiled. “No need, I am fine on my own.”

Once she left for the princess to tend on her own. She pushed through to get into their assigned spots, she found herself searching for the prince, he wasn't around the forest area where she first met him, and he wasn't with the mix of Pharaoh's children that were standing in a line beside the Nefertiti who was holding hands with the Pharaoh.

Once she spotted his cane peaking out from the legs of the Vizier and senators, she stood on her tippy toes, looking over people's shoulders, and studied his features. His eyes were lined with kohl, and he could see everyone but not her plain self out of the crowd.

Tutankhaten could hear the smacks of his father's joined lips with Nefertiti's, and rolled his eyes. How much longer did he have to be here? It's not like he was needed here anyways.

Asherah could only see the cane and the top of his head from over the other maid's shoulders. Ever since yesterday, she found herself searching for him everywhere she went. It wasn't her intention to disrespect the prince but solemnly become friends with him.

The chariot stirred, it was almost time for the Pharaoh to depart. Golden rays flashed from the gritty sands, hues of vibrant reds and orange spread throughout the brilliant sky. Everyone was mesmerized by the astounding sight, and bathed in the warmth the rising sun emitted equally upon them.

She rose from her spot and bowed before Pharaoh. Lady Valencia attempted a shout of disrespect, but before she could, Pharaoh raised his hand in halt. Queen Nefertiti followed into her husband's attention and swallowed at the sight. She bobbed her head to one of her maids which stood a few feet away and motioned her to bring her the tablet.

Asherah lifted her head, and stumbled slightly. "Allow me to give the tablet to the Pharaoh."
She almost gave the tablet to the girl who nodded in reassurance but thought otherwise and took it back.

She shook her head and put on a sweet smile. “No need,” she walked around the girl leaving her stunned then pursued to the Pharaoh. As her eyes met his she placed on a serious exterior. “Please give this to my master,” her voice withered. “It would give him reassurance.”

Pharaoh Akhenaten a hand on his shoulder. Nefertiti nodded, then he reached for the tablet. “Worry not. General Zet will receive the tablet safe and sound.”

The afternoon came and everyone went back to their work as though nothing happened. But there was one thing she noticed, everyone seemed relieved.

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