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Homestuck Fansession
SBURB/SGRUB Gamma and Delta

(coral) Rommie Kratos - dormantNemesis
(lilac) Sebekk Taneum - audaciousCaiman
(aster) Pieria Belero - corporealQuartzite
(iris) Azulin Caelis - grandioseGallavant
(cerulean) Lyraza Orphus - arborealKilljoy
(turquoise) Crymea Ashina - pavidEmbargo
(peridot) Corvus Muninn - virulentRectrix
(sage) Zhebub Midgen - metallurgistsAnalepsis
(gold) Ostara Pernix - fleetfootFanatic
(crimson) Cygnus Amarae - waywardCicatrix
(garnet) Ankhaa Rentus - kismetInferno
(mutant yellow) Lynxar Caecus - ocularRepose
Osiris Rentus - illustriousBraggadocio
Tiamat Kratos -
Ahmmut Taneum - equipoiseWisteria
Chrysa Belero -
*Altair Caelis - sovereignTosspot
Eratos Orphus -
Therim Ashina - mordantSatire
*Corona Muninn -
Beelze Midgen - ardentImpetus
Arnebe Pernix - oddballEquinox
Denneb Amarae -
Alscio Caecus -

(silver) Wren Radford - perceptionDeception
(mint) Cody Walker - pernicketyPirate
(lavender) Juno Mangal - stormbornSuperior
(periwinkle) Theo Nguyen - quantumPerseus
(indigo) Lark Radford - quasiQuiddity
(auburn) Alex Ellison - debonairWendigo
Zeke -
Jude Mangal -

(ben. M) - copaceticCosmos
(mal. F) - celestialCaviler

Rommie - Thief of Life
Sebekk - Witch of Mind
Pieria - Maid of Hope
Azulin - Sylph of Blood
Lyraza - Heir of Rage
Crymea - Knight of Void
Corvus - Prince of Space
Zhebub - Seer of Time
Ostara - Page of Heart
Cygnus - Mage of Breath
Ankhaa - Bard of Doom
Lynxar - Rogue of Light
Wren - Witch of Void
Cody - Seer of Space
Juno - Knight of Light
Theo - Heir of Time
Lark - Rogue of Time
Alex - Mage of Life
Zeke - Prince of Blood
Jude - Seer of Heart
Osiris - Heir of Doom
Tiamat - of Life
Ahmmut - Thief of Mind
Chrysa - of Hope
Altair - Knight of Blood
Eratos - of Rage
Therim - Sylph of Void
Corona - of Space
Beelze - Prince of Time
Arnebe - Maid of Heart
Denneb - of Breath
Alscio - of Light

Rommie - Wrath and Rust (LOWAR)
Sebekk - Blankets and Rot (LOBAR)
Pieria - Caverns and Tide (LOCAT)
Azulin - Rime and Reason (LORAR)
Lyraza - Ice and Melody (LOIAM)
Crymea - Night and Trenches (LONAT)
Corvus - Slate and Frogs (LOSAF)
Zhebub - Plains and Pathways (LOPAP)
Ostara - Hail and Blaze (LOHAB)
Cygnus - Abyss and Gale (LOAAG)
Ankhaa - Mist and Mirrors (LOMAM)
Lynxar - Truth and Echoes (LOTEA)
Wren - Rhythm and Zen (LORAZ)
Cody - Tech and Frogs (LOTAF)
Juno - Lore and Labyrinth (LOLAL)
Theo - Paper and Dawn (LOPAD)
Lark - Tempo and Spirals (LOTAS)
Alex - Arbor and Asbestos (LOAAA)

Rommie - 3dentKind & netKind
Sebekk - pikeKind
Pieria - saiKind
Azulin - rifleKind
Lyraza - xbowKind
Crymea -
Corvus - bladeKind
Zhebub - chainKind
Ostara - bttlaxeKind
Cygnus - fistKind
Ankhaa - crookKind, flailKind
Lynxar -
Wren - staffKind
Cody - keyKind
Juno -
Theo - panKind
Lark - slngshtKind
Alex - batKind

Rentus - His Extravagant Oppression
Kratos - Silencer
Taneum - Devourer Widegrin
Belero - The Revenant
Caelis - The Redeemer
Orphus - Sunderer
Ashina - Carnifex Wildclaw
Muninn - The Faceless
Midgen - The Faux Lord
Pernix - The Chaunter
Amarae - The
Caecus - The Altruist

Juno - Rommie > Sebekk
Wren - Corvus
Cody - Lynxar
Theo - Ostara

Wren > Juno > Cody > Theo

Rommie > Sebekk > Ostara > Corvus > Lyraza > Ankhaa > Zhebub > Lynxar > Azulin > Cygnus > Crymea > Pieria

Ostara <> Crymea
Rommie <> Sebekk
Lyraza <> Ankhaa
Azulin <> Lynxar
Theo <> Cody
Eratos <> Corona
Osiris <> Ahmmut

Ostara <3 Corvus
Cygnus <3 Pieria
Therim <3 Arnebe

Azulin <3< Sebekk
Chrysa <3< Corona
Altair <3< Denneb

Lynxar c3< Sebekk/Azulin
Eratos c3< Altair/Denneb

Lynxar, Pieria, Cygnus, Corvus, Rommie, Lyraza
6'1", 5'10", 5'8", 5'7", 5'5", 4'11"

Ostara, Sebekk, Ankhaa, Zhebub, Azulin, Crymea
6'8", 6'2", 6'0", 5'6", 5'3", 4'9"

1. lynxar. tall + gangly + awkward. like hes not sure why hes this tall and what to do about it. noodle
2. pieria. willowy. you know what i mean? thats all i got so far
3. cygnus. idk actually? im giving him the mediocre label of Average™ until further notice
4. corvus. god knows what he really looks like under his fucking huge eternity-hoodie, but judging by the skinny jeans hes got on hes not a real bulky guy at all
5. rommie. buff lil shit. very good posture. how does she do it
6. lyraza. kinda round, a bit of chub. should probably draw her again with fuller cheeks now that i think about it?
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