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13:15] Mel Sharples: who smashed the airlocks ?
[13:16] BlackJacK (JB): come check his shit maze
[13:16] BlackJacK (JB): and not sure, there was something about it on discord i think
[13:17] Aurion: Jaro did. Took up too much space. Not on the plan.
[13:17] BlackJacK (JB): Q11 loom
[13:17] BlackJacK (JB): scoooore niggas
[13:17] Aurion: XD
[13:18] Mel Sharples: There's going to be another wall, later on down the roard. How it is taking up too much space ??????
[13:18] Mel Sharples: If niggers would mine this shit out, there's be tons of space
[13:19] Mel Sharples: I log in once like every three days and I've broke more boulders than all but like three other dudes.
[13:19] Paula Deen (Tina): I spent a full energy bar on my miner
[13:20] Aurion: I understand, man. I'm just letting you know.
[13:20] Aurion: Those were the reasons given.
[13:21] Mel Sharples: I'll give reasons too, after I kill a couple dudes
[13:21] We made a decision and had to act before soak set in
[13:21] There is no point in having airlocks there
[13:21] BlackJacK (JB): soak takes like 24 hours man
[13:22] Not when we have shit str
[13:22] BlackJacK (JB): no, really
[13:22] Mel Sharples: No point, like on the ground level gates too, right ?
[13:22] BlackJacK (JB): it has been changed
[13:22] BlackJacK (JB): full soak is like 2 days irl
[13:22] Yes i fail to see the point there aswell
[13:22] If an enemy gets in, oh no
[13:22] he will have visitor debuff and cant do shit
[13:22] Mel Sharples: One hostile archer can control each one of our gates .
[13:23] BlackJacK (JB): but
[13:23] BlackJacK (JB): wasn't reason behind that
[13:23] BlackJacK (JB): because we're having an outter wall?
[13:23] We are having an outer wall.
[13:23] Mel Sharples: If you open a gate, hostiles can agro you from outside THEN come inside and murder you
[13:25] Mel Sharples: with the locks, we can trade securely, stage items securely, and prevent one or two hostiles from camping our gate(s) .
[13:26] Take it up with Sabi. Afaik posts arent sealed so we could theoretically make locks at any point. I dont agree with you but sabi is the planner so its up to him
[13:26] Mel Sharples: I spent a couple hours on all of that. Fuck that. I'll spend that time elsewhere
[13:27] Mel Sharples: and fuck him
[13:27] Mel Sharples: This is not a dictatorship
[13:27] Well considering you did not ask or do any kind of discussion about it
[13:27] Before you decided to do it
[13:27] When we had a well known plan that had been up for ages
[13:27] You fucked up.
[13:28] Mel Sharples: You faggots were QQing abouit no one building the L-1 walls. So, I started making them. I even asked where the gates go !
[13:29] Mel Sharples: The only reply I got was "I think" from you, "Gate goes in middle"
[13:29] Yes
[13:29] Aurion: I don't think that was the case. I think, for the most part, I was reminding people that it was on our list of things to do.
[13:29] Nowhere in that reply did i said gate goes in middle and also build a giant airlock
[13:29] Mel Sharples: I seen the QQing a couple of times in chat about these walls
[13:29] BlackJacK (JB): why do you guys hate airlocks?
[13:29] BlackJacK (JB): it literally saves lives
[13:29] Aurion: Don't hate airlocks.
[13:29] BlackJacK (JB): without taking a master key out
[13:30] Aurion: Airlocks wasn't the issue.
[13:30] Mel Sharples: they are
[13:30] Mel Sharples: look
[13:30] Mark Savage: I have no idea what happened, musta slept through it
[13:30] Aurion: It was the size of the airlocks that was the issue.
[13:30] Mel Sharples: LOL , so we make more space later
[13:31] Or we could not waste 30 tiles on an airlock
[13:31] BlackJacK (JB): I can see where sinjin commin from
[13:31] BlackJacK (JB): i was gonna murder shroom for smashing claim
[13:31] Mel Sharples: LOL 30 tiles ..... omfg
[13:31] Mel Sharples: 30 fucking tiles
[13:31] Aurion: I can see where both sides are coming from.
[13:31] Aurion: SinJin did an awesome job with the wall, there is no questioning that.
[13:32] BlackJacK (JB): So
[13:32] BlackJacK (JB): we don't get to plan our shit or w.e now?
[13:33] Sure you do
[13:33] Aurion: But overall, there were concerns about the size and soak, so a decision was reached to take care of it now and build airlocks later.
[13:33] But it should be done under a discussion
[13:33] Not doing something without asking anyone
[13:33] BlackJacK (JB): Does that include
[13:33] BlackJacK (JB): posting on discord and getting ignored about it like Sin did?
[13:35] Mel Sharples: This is Shrug / Skooma 2.0 .
[13:35] Mel Sharples: lol
[13:35] Speaking of that you should have this discussion in discord not on here
[13:35] BlackJacK (JB): Why?
[13:35] Pointless to have any type of discussion on here where only the people that are online and reading chat right now can see it
[13:36] Mel Sharples: Soon AD will be here again with two guys, shutting down our village
[13:36] Aurion: Unrelated, whoever built this road to the west, great job. Looks sick.
[13:37] Marco Pierre White: Alright is there any disadvantages
[13:37] BlackJacK (JB): just got an artful evasion
[13:37] Marco Pierre White: What so ever
[13:37] BlackJacK (JB): hooly shit
[13:37] Marco Pierre White: To having an airlock?
[13:37] Marco Pierre White: If not, then I'm for it
[13:37] BlackJacK (JB): well space
[13:37] BlackJacK (JB): is the only argument, really
[13:37] Mel Sharples: Take Aim and Artful in under 24 Hours .
[13:37] Mel Sharples: :)
[13:37] Mel Sharples: nice
[13:37] BlackJacK (JB): lol 1 of each tho
[13:38] Marco Pierre White: Well don't be so sad about that
[13:38] Marco Pierre White: I've only got 2 artful
[13:38] Marco Pierre White: And I've killed hundreds of animals
[13:38] Aurion: I think we're all for it, the issues were that the ones he did took up too much space, that the size and creation of them was not mentioned nor discussed (from what I saw. I don't know if that ended up being the case)
[13:39] Aurion: , and less importantly, that it wasn't on the plan.
[13:39] Aurion: I know that concern was expressed over the soak being an issue if we had a discussion and decided to change them.
[13:40] Marco Pierre White: Sexy gear btw Sin
[13:40] Mel Sharples: :)
[13:40] BlackJacK (JB): Eh, this village isn't gonna last long
[13:40] Marco Pierre White: Did you buy them from someone on the forum or make them here?
[13:40] Mel Sharples: bought
[13:40] Mel Sharples: lol
[13:41] BlackJacK (JB): We have peep like wanderer and Shroom trying to shotcall
[13:41] Marco Pierre White: henry morgan?
[13:41] Mel Sharples: yea
[13:41] BlackJacK (JB): i like the guys but
[13:41] BlackJacK (JB): they aren't on our levels
[13:41] oh shut the fuck up dude
[13:41] jesus christ
[13:41] BlackJacK (JB): kek
[13:41] BlackJacK (JB): why?
[13:41] Mel Sharples: You shut the fuck up , bitch
[13:41] BlackJacK (JB): When did i say that?
[13:41] I will not accept that shit
[13:41] BlackJacK (JB): fyi i'm referring to the fact
[13:42] 13:41] BlackJacK (JB): they aren't on our levels
[13:42] Mel Sharples: It's fact
[13:42] BlackJacK (JB): that your main miner/smith guy didn't know steel resets
[13:42] BlackJacK (JB): infact
[13:42] BlackJacK (JB): i could fill a fucking book with the shit they don't know
[13:42] Who the fuck cares atleast he is doing it
[13:42] If you dislike it so much do it yourself
[13:42] Mel Sharples: I bet JB killed more dudes , as a goon/goon ally than any goon or any goon ally
[13:42] BlackJacK (JB): I fucking wanted to
[13:43] BlackJacK (JB): And Chloe has been
[13:43] BlackJacK (JB): So infact you can
[13:43] There is absolutely nothing stopping us from having more than one smith
[13:43] BlackJacK (JB): shut the fuck up, yourself included
[13:43] BlackJacK (JB): you dipshits calling shots
[13:43] BlackJacK (JB): you've been away too long, it's a different ball game
[13:44] Mel Sharples: Jaro, you and Sabi and your "great plans" are stopping us from jumping in and doing anything
[13:44] Yeah ok
[13:44] How am i hindering you
[13:44] BlackJacK (JB): They are though
[13:44] BlackJacK (JB): we weren't allowed to make pclaims (except rage)
[13:44] BlackJacK (JB): for how long? while shit was going missing from everyones desks
[13:45] Mel Sharples: There was so much thieving going on , I still have not made a desk .
[13:45] Look. Whatever. You decided to join us. If there are any issues we can fix them. But i am not going to have this discussion on here. If you want change and want to talk about it do it on discord
[13:45] I am going to stop responding here
[13:45] BlackJacK (JB): we decided to join you?
[13:46] BlackJacK (JB): we were playing last world after you
[13:46] Aurion: Yeah, that part shouldn't have happened. Had I known that thieving was still going on after the move, I'd have definitely done something about it.
[13:46] Mel Sharples: Jaro, JB and Chloe pretty much saved Skooma last world.
[13:46] BlackJacK (JB): He doesn't give a fuck about last world
[13:46] BlackJacK (JB): muh goons
[13:46] Mel Sharples: indeed
[13:47] BlackJacK (JB): huh goons goons goons
[13:47] Mel Sharples: He will never learn then
[13:47] BlackJacK (JB): nigger your fucking faction hasn't been relevant for like 6 worlds
[13:47] MadNomad: sup
[13:47] Marco Pierre White: Drama baby
[13:47] Marco Pierre White: Drama
[13:47] Aurion: You guys have definitely done a lot this world.
[13:47] MadNomad: what drama
[13:47] BlackJacK (JB): Jaro the cuck
[13:47] MadNomad: haha
[13:47] BlackJacK (JB): for some reason grew a set of balls
[13:47] Mel Sharples: lol
[13:48] BlackJacK (JB): and apparnetly isn't happy with this whole leet thing
[13:48] BlackJacK (JB): Because I said shroom and wanderer were on another level
[13:48] BlackJacK (JB): a lower one at that
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