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DEMON Viktor 28
HUMAN Yuuri 20


Prologue (once a demon fell for a human)


Every mother sees the angel in us, because a angel is there no matter who you are and what you've done or who you will become.

Even why she is gone, the angel lives On. Yuuri, left alone as his mother was taken from him as a child, his father having never seen his face, nor maybe even knowing of his existence.

That never mattered, he was raised by a woman that was thought to be an angel, her gentle heart warming everyone she met. When you loose someone you love, someone you cherish you gain an angel you know.

Demons and angels did not exist in this world, as god was just a myth or so it seemed to the eyes of the child.


Yuuri let a soft sigh escape his lips, eye glistening under the light of the moon, his body held close sitting on a large rock listening to soothing beats of the oceans waves colliding in the midst of night.

Closing his eyes, listening to the beautiful sounds of nature not a presences around him, he was alone.

The moon's light kissed the beauty of the ocean like a painting canvas, creating a captivating sight that treasured any human's eyes. Such beauty in such a simplistic thing.

Yuuri's breath seen clear in the nights cool air, the boy finally escaping his home in Hasetsu, finally taking the chance to travel around the world and see all its beauty. The boy was in Saint Petersburg a beautiful place, but came some disadvantages for Yuuri not being able to speak the mother's tongue.

Resting his head back as a cool wind rushed past, threading through Yuuri’s
long raven locks as they danced in the wind, lips parted as he enjoyed the bliss of the winds kiss.

All was taken away as the harrowing sound of his smart phone began to blare, rolling his eyes recognizing the ringtone, Phichit. It was true that he was a dear friend and Yuuri cherished their friendship more than anything but it was the tenth time the Thai man had called him in the past six hours or so.

Clicking “answer” placing the phone to his ear to be greeted by the cheerful voice of his friend.

“Yuuri!” He practically yelled, Yuuri pulling the phone away from his ear as his friend yelling his name into the speaker.

“Hey Phichit, what's up?” the giggling of the man made Yuuri smile, “Nothing much, bored without you”.

Yuuri laughed softly at Phichits comment, “Really? Is it that boring?” Yuuri could hear Phichit Pout making him laugh softly bring a smile to the Thai writers face.

“Hey, what are you even doing up? Isn't it like three am in Russia?” Yuuri nodded before feeling like a complete idiot, how could Phichit see him nod? He was talking to him over the phone.

The thought made Yuuri laugh, Phichit soon following “You nodded didn't you” Yuuri only nodded again making the two laugh harder as he could hear the sound of Yuuri's phone moving as he nodded.

“Phichit I'm gonna head home, talk later?”

“Fine” groaned Phichit jokingly drawing out the “n” sound, “See ya”

“Bye Yuuri!”

Turning off his phone, Yuuri gave one more quick glance at the beautiful ocean, before climbing off the rock his bare feet falling onto the cool sand, Yuuri smiled playfully wiggling his toes in the sand enjoying the feeling.

Playing around in the pear sand make Yuuri smile, it has been years since he had taken a trip and witnessed such things even if they are so simple.

Walking over to the small log bench where he had placed his sneakers and hoodie, pulling on the thin runners jacket before dusting off his feet and slipping into his shoes not caring about socks as he shoved them into his pocket before taking his leave.

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