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Graffiti is in fact art Not all graffiti is VANDALISM! People get inspired everyday by art, sculptures, music, and etc. In fact graffiti now is showing up more and more on Trains, Building's, Alley ways, sign’s and etc. Graffiti is art because it inspires people to become better artists and later they might use there skills for good. Also graffiti inspires young people to be good artist. Although graffiti is bad it is still beautiful but no matter what it is vandalism unless you are given permission. Graffiti has it’s up’s and down’s and it also has famous people that have a career to paint and do vandalism on certain walls and buildings there are quite a few of famous graffiti artist such as MEEK, BANSKY, LADY PINK and etc. 
Graffiti is a way off expressing feeling for some people, they have no other way to express how they feel unless they are making remarkable pictures. People who do make these masterpieces have some serious art skills and a really creative mind set. Why is it illegal it’s amazing what people can do with 2-3 cans of spray paint. 
I can understand where some people can draw the line at whether Graffiti should be considered art or not, considering not all Graffiti has the prettiest words/symbols in the world. But you have to remember about that people that chose to take the time to draw these things. Yes, they may be offensive, but that doesn't mean it isn't art. It would be like someone going up to you drawing a dog on your paper and saying, "That is offensive! You call that art?" Think about it.. Anything could be art. Art is something people make to express something. Graffiti is a creative way of art by expressing colors, names, pictures, and many other things. So graffiti is art. It is simple as that and art by definition is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form. No matter what Graffiti is art. 
Just because graffiti expresses its message in different ways than traditional art and uses a different medium, doesn't make it less than art or ugly. Calling an illustration “ugly” is an opinion. People may have the right to think that way, but it is not a fact. In the same way, if someone says they dislike the Mona Lisa it doesn’t make it any less than art. Art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. Who are we to judge someone’s expression of imagination as art or not art?
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