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Hey Asiah,This is going to be a long ass ride letter so prepare yourself.

Please baca sampai habes.

Aku pun pening nak kasik apa kat kau ni aduh susah btol because this is probably the last year we are spending time together as a high school teenagers (Gosh aku emo)
So,Aku decide and wracking otak aku cane nak explain how I really really feel about you.
Then,aku rasa cam,how about this time.I really,really honest about ape aku rasa pasal kau.
(Jangan benci aku lepasni dahlaaaaaaaa)

So first,Sometimes aku annoyed ngan kau (biasalah tu kau pun mesti sama jgak) aku x suka kau bila kau stress.Paling BENCI bila kau stress.AH and bile kau ignore aku.I hate it,seriously I meant it (childish gila ya Allah).Aku x suka bila kau sedih,especially pasal Azie.It sends a hard pang dlm hati aku bila kau sedih sbb dia,because you are really hurting,your face shows so much pain sampai aku rasa macam nak campak semua kerusi or katil yg ada kat dorm sumay tu kat dia (LOL).Maybe kau x tau but aku dah fikir BANYAK kali pasal if,IF one day,kau betul2 confess kat dia,and if dia betul2 rasa kau kawan biasa jer,Then aku decide maybe hari tu jugak hari tarikh meninggal dia.Sebab aku betul2 rasa kau deserve more than her.Tapi aku x cakap ngan kau sebab aku tau,kau sayang dia sangat2,aku x nak tgok kau backup dia dan x benarkan apa yang aku cakap.But on this important day,I shall reveal important secrets so tuh dia,my inner self(Dark right?I'm not that nice).And to be honest,in most HONESTY aku cakap,aku rasa dia tak sayang kau macam mana kau sayang dia (Please jangan benci aku please).And macam mana aku tau ni?sbbnya kau tuh memang lovable.And aku x leh nak blame kau sbb tuh ape yg Allah bagi kat kau tuk kau rasa.(LOL panjang pulak pasal ni,nanti lebih2 kang betul2 putus hubungan KABAT nanti)

So..yeah,aku jugak sebenarnya,sememangnya x nak kau involve ngn diri aku yg minat anime or kpop ni.Aku x nak kau tau pasal benda2 x penting ni(okay maybe dalam bahasa kasar dia aku overprotective pasal kau)seboleh-bolehnya aku nak kau fokus ngan iman kau.Aku nak kau stay put ngan diri kau walaupun actually kau memang x kanlah nak buat or tengok bende2 lagha ni hehe.

Aku x suka bila kau simpan masalah kau.Aku tau I'm not the best decider at things,aku sendiri pun x terurus.Aku just..nak kau share a bit to aku.This is what I am for.Aku x lahir kat dunia ni tuk jumpa kau sesaja,there's a reason okay so yeah,what use am I if kalau aku x boleh keep some of your burden?Tell me,bagitau aku everything that makes you down.It's good when kau luah,seriously.Like how aku luah kat kau.

Nak bagitau ni,so here's come the cheesy part,Bersedialah.
Jangan terkejut aku sedikit (banyak) creepy bile bercliche'
So, How do I feel about you?
Maybe aku gila or emo or overthinking or whatever yg berkenaan dgn tuh but,
Are u even my friend?If you are just a friend.
Then how come when aku luah things kat kau,everything that weight me down just disappear like that?Kau bukan buat ape pon (okay sometimes kau pujuk aku jgklah but RARELY okay) all you did was listen and give your opinion,that's all.
But maybe that small gestures and how willing kau dengar masalah aku(walaupun x besar manelah) amaze me somehow.Aku x tau kau rasa apa bila kau luah kat aku pasal family kau,maybe x sama macam apa yg aku rasa but nvmind aku nak cakap jgk I don't care.This is not a joke,aku x main2 aku ses cakap sumpah bila aku burst kat kau,and kau bagi pesanan kat aku how to deal with it,after that memang tup tup,Hilang.Masalah tu hilang Asiah can u believe it?you don't???aku pun. hahaha but tuhla nak buat cane memang tu apa yg berlaku.

aku tak taulah kau ni memang fun to hang out with or aku jer rase camtuh.Sebab till sekarang,aku x lupa okay masa kita jln2 time kawad tu.Or whenever kau stay rumah aku,or that EXP hahaha.Aku rasa when aku ngn kau,it feels unbelievably comfortable as if aku dah kenal kau since lahir.Kengkadang tuh things goes really weird mcm time air gedegang tuh (Cis,someday bila aku dah jadik Pengetua SMKAJB,aku tukar jugak mesin tu,JUST WATCH ME!!!!) but all those memories are truly nice.

If kau tanye aku
Then the answer is,
Aku nak kau bahagia.
like really content and delightful,not just small smile.But
Aku suka bila kau happy especially when it is sebab aku (LOL WTH LOL IGNORE THIS OKAY WHAT LOL OKAY OKAY)If akulah the reason kau ketawa then I feel like I am the greatest joker in the world fight me all maharaja lawak mega winner candidates HAHA.

If you ever feel like kau ni ntah pape and not deserve anything special then let me tell u that don't feel that way because :

1)Kau kawan ngan aku eventhough aku x pandai

2)Kau kawan ngn aku eventhough aku x lawa and x kurus macam dorng haha(aku insecure ngn your kindness,are u even a human?)

3)Kau kawan ngan aku eventhough kengkadang (selalu) aku tinggalkan kau (It must hurt tetibe aku jauhkan diri gosh aku benci diri aku)despite nak tau kenapa,kau just layan aku the same,as lovely as always.

4)Kau selalu bagi nasihat kat aku (aku boleh dengar kau bebel sampai bila2.Aku sanggup as long as kau puas).

5)Your laugh is beautiful(ada ke? hahaha whatever) aku suka dengar kau gelak,sebab bila kau gelak,kau gelak macam....macam cantiklah aku pun x tau nak terang camne haha no kidding man,maybe aku boleh rakam jadik ringtone?hahahaha mepek aku tau)

6)Kau ni kan,innocent sangat sampai aku x tau nak simpan or sorok kau kat mana asalkan orng x amek kesempatan kat kau.

7)Kau still layan aku eventhough ada ramai lagi kawan kau yang lain yang lebih menyeronokkan dari aku (okay,that's a lot of 'yang' but nvmind)

8)Kau,as if aku x tau.Yang kau ni sebenarnya are the strongest girl.Despite bdn kau yg saiz x seberapa nak besar tuh,lies a monstrous of pain and sorrow but you choose to not show it(lol walhal kau fail tuk hide those from aku but nvmind) which is very amusing because how can a person be this strong when kau dah hilang banyak precious thing in your life (kau x hilang aku tho hahahhaha okay)

9)Kau brings light to others(me) in their (my) life from Allah.(Aku might end up jadik hideously jahat if kau x kawan ngan aku lepas apa yg jadik ngn 'izzah)

10)Kau sangat,amat,gila-gila the luckiest girl in this world.Hidup kau diblessed dengan ujian2 yg berat as if attention Allah always kat kau(beruntung kan?aku pun x pernah dapat benda2 cam apa yg kau dpt)

11)Kau.....berharap ada lagi ehhhhh hahahahahhahaha nope dah dah aku dah tulis ni dalam berapa jam dh aku x leh nak kira.

Lagipun dah kol 10:14 p.m. dah nak birthday kau (sorry aku tulis lambat,aku baru sampai JB kol 5-6 ptg tadih and aku tulis ni dalam keadaan mabuk sbb penat baru balek dari melaka so maybe aku ter-emo sorry)
Kau mesti tertanye2 camnelah nak layan aku naik skolah ni sbb cam ackward sbb aku tetibe confess camni.
Meh sini aku ajar kau.

Just be yourself and treat me the same.
No need to panic nak balas balek apa yg aku bagi kat kau hehehhe (Jangan nak mengada belikan aku barang mahal2 ke,nak cheesy2 aku ke,puji aku tetibe ehhh) Just layan aku cam biasa jer,asalkan please please please please x 100000 jgn brings up bende aku puji pasal kau.Kat sini senanglah skit nak luah,kalau depan2 tuh cam....erm.malu?? hAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ah! and jangan tetibe uncomfortable ngn aku as if aku ni one of those yg berharap kat kau(Aku bunuh kau kalau kau tetibe x layan aku naik skolah ni,tgoklah)Hahaha tgoklah ni,byknya aku mepek weh
Kat sini dah bunyi dah bunga api ni,dorng sambut bday kau la kot haha.

To put it in a nutshell,The conclusion why I wrote this letter is because

Aku sayang kau , more than just a friend .

(Not lesb pleaselah jgn takut ngn aku,I'm safe)
Sayang aku tu like, I really treasure you a lot.Cam aku x nak kau lupa aku lepas spm,macam aku seriously kengkadang rasa maybe aku ni kembar x seiras kau,macam..aku dah pernah jumpa kau sebelum ni? macam kalau aku lepaskan kau,kau hilang camtuh je and that is very horrifying,macam..ADUH MACAM-MACAM AKU PUN PENING DAHLA AKU SAYANG KAU DAH. TITIK.

Dah .Senanye tuh jer nak ckp,Aku sayang kau jer and

Happy 17,GILA.

It's your day,enjoy while it still last and may Allah place you in his jannah with your beloved mother and all people that precious to you.
May you become what you want to be-a great daughter,sister,mum or maybe grandmother till the very end.
And I wish that our friendship last till we become great great grandmother (lol lama sangat tuh but oh well insyAllah~)

Selamat hari lahir Asiah , aku sayang kau .

From : Asiah's jerk that is 1 day older than her and the creepiest when she honest,The amazing Kak Anisah Ashari.
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