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-- NaVi vs Astralis -- NaVi wins 2-1

If Navi chooses to be team A:
NaVi ban cache, Astralis ban cbble, NaVi pick dust2, Astralis pick train, Astralis ban nuke, NaVi pick mirage

If NaVi chooses to be team B:
Astralis ban cbble, NaVi ban cache, Astralis pick train, NaVi pick dust2, NaVi ban overpass, Astralis pick mirage

If train: Astralis definitely showed a lot of potential on this map but still kinda sloppy, they lost to a good team on the map (godsent), struggled to beat OpTic on it and won comfortably vs G2, so when
it comes to playing against a high caliber team on the map again, I think that NaVi chances here are insanely good especially cause of the fact NaVi are the type of team that likes to study and make
use of their opponents weaknesses and they have 3 matches to watch and make a good plan on it - NaVi always been really good on both sides on this map, they will start CT which gives them a big advantage
considering how good they always been on it and when it comes to T side they have strong executions and a very methodical style letting GuardiaN work on his peeks, so I dont think GodSent played against
a team with that amount of quality on this map so NaVi wins here pretty comfy.

If mirage: Once again, NaVi havent played this map in a while and have the surprise factor as key for them to succeed, their CT side always been kinda sloppy but when it comes to T side they are really
good on their executions and the way that they develop map control, but the thing is, Astralis experience and playbook on this map is way bigger, this is probably one of their best maps after train
which is the main reason why they dont play on it that much, Liquid gave them a late xmas present leaving it open and they proved how good they can be on it, so if Astralis plays the same way they did
against Liquid and manage to break NaVi's style on T side, I really dont see them having a chance here, but you know, Astralis tends to panic when things does go their way which is the scary part of it
so its gonna come down to momentum early game, if they start strong I see this being a massacre in their favour and if they start a bit slow, navi stands a chance but I still see Astralis winning here
in a veeeery close match

If dust2: Now this is very scary, both teams showed a lot of potential on it, NaVi's way of playing CT side completely shut down SK, they showed a lot of teamplay and a good amount of setups to
different situations, so imo they are heavy favourites on CT side, in the other hand Astralis CT side didnt impress me that much, it always been a strong map but they respect their opponents too much
and this can be very dangerous when you play against players like s1mple, GuardiaN and flamie who NEEDS to have freedom to be the play makers, now when it comes to T side, we havent seen much from NaVi
but we definitely saw Astralis playing on it with a lot of quality, really good development of map control and a lot of strenghts when it comes to adapting to their opponents, so this is gonna be for sure
a close match but I still see NaVi being kinda unbreakable on their CT side, so NaVi wins here once again in a close match.


-- Fnatic vs Gambit -- Gambit wins 2-1 if third map is train - Fnatic wins 2-1 if third map is dust2

If Fnatic chooses to be Team A:
Fnatic ban overpass, Gambit ban cache, Fnatic pick mirage, Gambit pick cbblestone, Gambit ban dust2, Fnatic pick train

If Fnatic chooses to be Team B:
Gambit ban cache, Fnatic ban overpass, Gambit pick cbblestone, Fnatic pick mirage, Fnatic ban train, Gambit pick dust2

If mirage: Both teams doesnt play nuke so imo none of them is gonna ban it, gambit is forced to ban cache cos its their 2nd veto after nuke so that leaves mirage open to fnatic so heres the thing, gambit
barely played this map recently and when they did they struggled to beat way weaker opponents, their methodical and slow style kinda doesnt match with this map, and in the other hand fnatic always been
pretty good on it but sloppy at the same time, their style favours them here, it always been a very good map for lekr0 and krimz and they have a ton of oportunities to do plays and break Gambit's way of
playing, the scariest part here is their T side, I dont see them being very strong on this side of the map with crazy executions or anything, so if Gambit finds a way to shut their aggro style down this
can be scary, but still, I see fnatic being the favourites here cause of their experience on the map but its not gonna be easy, so close match with victory in the end for fnatic.

If cbblestone: Very scary matchup but not much to say here, this is by far the best map for Gambit, they are extremely consistent on both sides of the map, their style favours them a lot here and they
perfectly know how to develop map control, work on their opponents weaknesses (we saw it vs North them abusing of drop on rubino) so they are for sure heavy favourites here. In the other hand, fnatic
showed a lot of potential before the playoffs but nothing that has really impressed me, they rely on their individual skills too much and if Gambit analyse those matches and find a way to shut them down
I really dont see Fnatic having what it takes to beat a really prepared team on this map, so Gambit wins here pretty comfortable.

If train: Interesting map for both of them, this used to be one of the best maps for fnatic back in the days, a very good map for lekro, disco and olofmeister, their CT side always been very annoying
to play against cos their aggressive style so you never know what kind of approach they gonna have on the map and the surprise factor here could be a key for their sucess, in the other hand, their T side
once again is kinda sloppy, they are not the type of team that will have crazy executions or anything and by watching Gambit playing I really think they are way more prepared on this map, with a good CT side
and a very strong T side, so Gambit beats fnatic here in a close match.

If dust2: Bad map for Gambit and they can be punished and forced to pick the map if the vetoes goes as I expected, fnatic is by far way more experienced on the map and this would be perfect for fnatic
their loosy style favours them a lot here and this is where it could be a massacre, fnatic beat one of the best dust2 teams (mousesports) in a pretty convincingly way and I just dont think Gambit's style
stands a chance vs the amount of firepower that Fnatic has on a random map like this that anything can happen at any time. The ONLY chance gambit has on this map, is if fnatic is having an off day and they
manage to shut down their aggro style and find a weaknesses and abuse it, cause fnatic is not the type of team that adapts that good when they're put under pressure. So imo fnatic wins here pretty comfy


-- vs North -- VP wins 2-0

If VP chooses to be Team A:
VP ban dust2, North ban train, VP pick cbble, North pick overpass, North ban cache, VP pick mirage

If VP chooses to be Team B:
North ban train, VP ban dust2, North pick overpass, VP pick cbble, VP ban cache, North pick mirage

If cbble: VP's playbook on this map is huge, by far one of their most comfortable maps now days, Snax and TAZ always stepping up their game on it, very good mix of aggressive style together with strong
executions and fakes out of it, they definitely know how to develop map control on it and work on their opponents weaknesses, in the other hand North is pretty good on it but veeery unstable, their CT side
doesnt impress me at all, cajunb and k0nfig seems to be very comfortable on it but still nothing unbeatable, they lost for way weaker opponents and I dont see them having the composure and adapting enough
to be able to beat a team of VP's caliber on this map. So, VP wins here pretty comfy

If overpass: Very strong map for North, they seem to be pretty consistent on it, with good mix of strats and aggressive stuff on their T side and their CT side seems to be very consistent aswell
but the thing is, a lot of people think VP is weak on this map, but their style favours them a lot on it and they are gonna be for sure very prepared on it, they know how to perfectly develop map
control on it, it used to be a very strong map for snax and pasha and their dbl awp setup can be super scary on it cause of the range, so I think VP has the surprise factor here, they are more experienced
as a team and will FOR SURE study North find a weakness on this map and abuse on it, mark my words. So VP wins here in a close match and make it to the semis.


-- SK vs FaZe -- SK wins 2-1

If SK chooses to be Team A:
SK ban nuke, FaZe ban cbblestone, SK pick train, FaZe pick mirage, FaZe ban dust2, SK pick overpass

If SK chooses to be Team B:
FaZe ban cbblestone, SK ban nuke, FaZe pick mirage, SK pick train, SK ban cache, FaZe pick overpass

If train: By far most consistent map from SK in a while, they are really good on both sides, very stable on their CT side especially because of FalleN and TACO shutting down their bomb sites, as T they
perfectly know how to mix map development, agressive stuff, strong executions and a lot of fakes on it. Faze in the other hand are not the type of team with strong executions and all that, they are good
on train but by far not good enough to beat a team of SK's caliber on this map, imo they dont even stand a chance here, so SK wins here pretty comfortable

If mirage: This is by far the smartest choice FaZe should do, they lost last time on mirage right? yes but in my opnion they were pretty dominant, they had the match in their hands and threw it away, obviously
im not taking the credits out of SK, they are for sure very strong here and definitely knows how to adapt according to their opponents but If FaZe study that match and find out the mistakes they did, I still
think they have been very strong on this map in a while and they shouldnt be afraid of trying to beat SK again on it. SK`s CT side looked very strong in my opnion but their T side is kinda predictable and a bit
unstable. So in my opnion if faze has the balls here, study and learn from their mistakes, they are the favourites here and should win. But you know, never count SK out! :p

If overpass: This is been SK`s second best map for a long time, now with fox we dont really know what to expect but this is the kinda map that favours their style, SK is not that type of team on this map
that will do crazy executions or anything but they are VERY good on developing map control, this used to be one of the best maps for the duo taco/cold and also favours FalleN style as an awper, in the
other hand FaZe looked pretty good on it based on their recent performances, the addition of Karrigan on the team gave them a lot of strenghts on this map but still, the lack of experience on the rest
of the players in this map will punish them, SK is way more prepared and experienced on it as a Team and should get the victory here, a close one, but a win is a win right?
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