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I felt this was better than your RIP talk, you made it simpler and drove home the biological significance of it
You spelled kidney failure wrong in your GQT section ("failture")
Maybe for your CS version (since I can't make that talk) explain how Google Genomics came up algorithmically short compared to your algo
Also for the CS version maybe explain how the bins are generated in hierarchical binning
I like that you labeled the different files B,P,T in your Giggle explanation. Made a big difference understanding it.
For the Monte Carlo simulation, I think it would be helpful to (and don't worry, you don't need to re-render the animation) draw a dotted line on top of the histogram to show where your "observed" intersections lie, so the 0.75 enrichment calculation is clearer
When you're on the p-value v. odds ratio slide, sometimes you forget that you're calling a small p-value bad when it is in fact good.
You need to refine your spiel for the "GQ" slide a bit. You don't seem to have it down as well as the rest of your talk.
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