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US Gov chapters 1 and 2---
democracy- a government for the people by the people
referenda- voting directly through popular vote
autrhoritarian regime- the govt and people stand alone

Free System-
-a govt elected through free and fair election
-ppl have the right to organize into political parties and groups
-legitimate opposition is given the opprutunity to express itself as well as gain enough support to become the majority
-govt is accountable tom the electorate between elections and operates with openness and transperacy
-free and independent media and forms of culture are allowed
-freedom of assembly, demostaration and open public dissucions
-independent judiciary, the rule of law prevails in civil and criminal matters and police and military are under direct civilian control
- citizens have the right to own property and private buisnesses
- personal affairs stay personal

Direct Democracy- assumes ppl can govern themselves
Representive Democracy- voters vote for the ppl to represent their choices..


town meetings are an essential part of the process.
Equality is wide spread- everyone is in on the decisions
it is a majority rules system


as countries grow, direct turns into rep. slowly.

Farmers made a REPUBLIC(a governing structure that places political decisions one step away from the pppl they rep.

Freedom, equality and order and stability
majority rules but protection of minorities is essential so they do not get taken advantage of or killed for their beliefs
the majority will soon be the minority, therefore, giving the now minority the same privilages as the majority protects the soon to be minority group
Universal suffrage means that everyone gets to vote, regardless of anything

Chapter two----

look at notes in notebook for the roads to democracy

compact- a type of agreement that legaly binds two or more parties to enforce rules

social contract therorists- the individual existed in a state of nature before the creation of society or organized govt.
limited govt. - the less the governing body is involved, the better
Confederation- league of states that delegates laws for the common govt
first contenetial congress- wanted to reestablish communication between Britain and the US but instead issued the
declaration of American Rights
2nd C.C.- wanted to decide whether or not to break from England- Olive Branch Petition- cordial greeivenace to the king
common Sense by Paine- a backhanded slap to the King about the rights that are given to every human the second they are born

Articles of Confed - 1781-1789

the articles were awful---needed changed--Congress
Virginia plan - three branches, checks and balances, separation of powers, proportanal rep. congress= 2 houses

New Jersey Plan- opposite of the Virginia

ended up being a compromise between the two
Three fifths compromise

Feds and Antifeds

bill of rights '

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